I’m ready to start living a spiritually rooted lifestyle. I’m ready to welcome and integrate a higher vibration in every single moment, and when I look at the life I’ve lived so far, I see that there’s a lot of room for improvement.
What can we do to live the kind of lives we advocate living? What can we do to find and keep ourselves on a constant higher vibration? I’ve written before about the divine qualities and the immense personal changes we’ll experience by rooting ourselves in them, but what can we do to start expressing them and transforming our lives?
It’s actually much easier than most seekers think. Living divinely inspired lives is one of the simplest, yet most difficult, things we’ll ever do. It’s only difficult because of the extent to which the mind will fight us in our quest to root ourselves unflinchingly in the heart, but we don’t have to let the mind or ego stop us from living the way we truly want to live.
We can live an enjoyable and spiritually nourishing life if we make an effort to, and I’m starting to realize that a lot of things out there will hold us back from such a life if we let them. Gluttony is one of many things that’ll hold us back from being the divine beings we have the potential to be, and it, like everything else, is intended to be transcended if we want to root ourselves in spirit.
There are a lot of things we can do to welcome a higher vibration and enjoy a much more loving and free-flowing existence, and I can say from experience so far that getting out of the mind is among the best things. The mind is happy to consume; indulge; judge; find comfort; hate; fear; express anger.
It’ll basically do anything and everything it can to hold us back.
The great news is that we don’t have to let it any longer. We don’t have to let the mind stop us from being the exalted spiritual beings we have the potential to be, and personally, I’m examining every aspect of my life to see if it’s helpful or hurtful to my growth as a soul.
Indulgence in lower-vibrational foods and habit patterns? Move beyond it. Unhealthy and animalistic lust? Bye. Greed, selfishness, and self-martyrdom, which is the polar opposite of selfishness? See ‘em off.
I recognize that all of these things hold me back from living the true, divinely inspired life I want to live. Lust has halted my soul growth plenty of times, along with the other aforementioned qualities, and I’m ready to adopt a loving, spiritually balanced lifestyle instead of feeding the literal and metaphorical beast.
I’m ready to invite the divine into every facet of my life – to live this life for spirit instead of simply talking about it. It’s easy to write about living a spiritually inspired life, but actually doing it takes real and solid effort to move beyond the things that could effortlessly hold us back if we let them.
I’m ready for a life of simplicity – a life where I don’t need to strive to achieve certain things. Instead of striving, I’m ready to let the divine gifts flow from a simple, balanced place and see beyond the mind’s attempts to trap me back in a lower, selfish state of consciousness.
I’d say that I’m ready for all of humanity to adopt such a lifestyle, but who am I to dictate how others should act or behave? Your existence is yours to live how you choose, but personally, I’m ready to live for the divine like never before instead of complacently indulging in materiality and myriad other qualities that nearly halt the growth of the soul.
We have far more potential to live our lives for spirit than we realize, and there are plenty of ways we can start doing so. It really only takes moving beyond the mind and letting the brimming heart space become more influential, and when we do, our heart-centered discernment will kick in and remind us when we aren’t acting in alignment with the divine.
I can discern every single time I’m acting out of alignment with spirit. When my vibration dips, willingly or unwillingly, I’m always able to realize it. It’s simply that taking the steps to repair such a vibrational dip can be difficult, but I recognize that if I didn’t let it happen in the first place, those steps wouldn’t need to be taken.
My primary obstacle is indulgence. It doesn’t matter if I indulge in food or anything else – taking myself off of a higher vibration for the purpose of indulgence holds me back and makes it harder to reach a clear and pure space again.
Since I understand this, I’m ready to change my ways and start living for the divine like never before. I’m ready to fashion my entire existence around the greater states of consciousness I want to reenter, and if I don’t start this work now, it’ll never get done.
There is no more waiting; no more complacency; no more letting myself think these personal changes will be made at some undetermined point in the future. It’s time to get to work – not only to repair this planet, but to make the personal changes I need to make so I can be the clearest and purest vessel for spiritual expression possible.
I’m used to telling myself that big changes like this will be difficult, but honestly, they don’t have to be. They can be as easy as anything else if I simply let them come about, and the only thing that stops them from happening is my mind-centered focus on gluttony and indulgence. No more.
No more do I want to remove myself from a clear state of consciousness to consume something lower-vibrational (and, in the case of food, probably genetically modified). I, like all of you, am here on a mission to raise consciousness – mine and the rest of humanity’s – and continuing to hold myself back for the purpose of accruing physical pleasure just doesn’t make sense.
Let overindulgence be a thing of the past in this new era. Let every sacred godspark who realizes their potential act on their inner drive to build their lives around spirit, because we have far too much work to do to keep holding ourselves back.
I don’t want to feel my clearest and purest only when I’m doing this work – I want to feel that way all the time. I want to break out of my shell and adopt the discipline that’s necessary to root myself in the unfolding higher vibration we’re all beginning to feel and access, and I certainly require some discipline.
I think discipline is an underrated divine quality, and I think it’s more important than a lot of seekers realize. It’s more than easy to let ourselves falter in our discipline, but far too difficult to climb back up to a higher vibration once we do. For me especially, discipline is an essential tool that can be used to live for spirit and away from everything lower-vibrational.
Discipline and balance are two of the greatest and most important tools in our cultivation of a higher state of consciousness, and when we understand this, we’ll be able to use them to root ourselves in the open heart and live constant, divinely inspired lives.
I think this can especially be said for those of us who are here to anchor a higher vibration. We’re the examples, and as much as I hate to say it, I haven’t been the example I’d like to start being.
I’m not proud of my mistakes, but I recognize that they’re stepping stones in my ultimate growth and development. There’ll come a time when everything everyone’s ever done – good and bad – will have light shone on it, and we’ll all be able to see each other’s previous higher and lower-vibrational actions.
Those among us with skeletons in their closets will seek love, forgiveness, and understanding, and hopefully, humanity will be able to offer such understanding by the time this happens. I know what mistakes I’ve made, and I know of the damage they’ve caused to my soul growth.
What I’m saying here is that I’m ready to stop making those mistakes – to stop eating things I know hurt my body and keep me from a greater perception; to stop letting lust impede love; to stop being selfish and angry when love doesn’t seem present.
I’m ready to move beyond everything that’s held me back, and I’m ready to use discipline and balance to do it. It’ll certainly be a process, but it doesn’t have to be difficult and, in fact, it can be enjoyable. Why not enjoy a lower-vibrational purge that helps one feel spirit like never before?
I think a huge personal change is about to take place, and maybe this article will inspire some of you out there to make similar changes yourselves. I’m ready to move beyond words and start taking action to be the responsible spiritual adult I and we all are destined to be, and I can see a potent personal revolution on the horizon.
We’re here to change this planet, and to do so, we have to be the change we want to see. Again, I don’t have any interest in telling any of you how you should live your lives, but it’s pretty clear what helps and hurts our soul growth. It really isn’t difficult to determine, and we only need to discern things by their vibration.
If the vibration of something is low or dense, you can discern it as being unhelpful to your soul growth. If its vibration is expansive, loving, and supportive, then you can discern it as being helpful. It’s really that simple, but the actions we take from the point of discernment determine how difficult the whole process is.
If we’re truly ready and willing to live for spirit, changing our lower ways should be relatively simple.
I’m not going to say it won’t be difficult for some of you, but this journey’s meant to be challenging. We’re here to move beyond the lower vibrations in every sense, and now’s the best time to start letting the brimming heart influence us more than the striving mind.
Wes Annac – Inspired to create change by being change in action.
www.wesannac.com / link to original article