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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Mundos Paralelos. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, octubre 12, 2023

Alcyon Pleiades 162: Stellar portals-stargates, cosmonauts, cases of time travellers-parallel worlds

With this newly released video documentary, we are launching a new series on the intriguing topic ‘Stargates and Time Travellers’, featuring a variety of different episodes, in which we strive to explore and explain elements associated with inter-dimensional portals, space-time gaps and parallel universes. In a way that is entertaining as well as scientific and objective, we look at real cases that have been documented over time and focus on myriad incidents, many of which continue to be unexplained to this very day.
In this first episode, we explore a number of mysterious cases, like the teleportation of a soldier from the Philippines who appeared in Mexico, and the time-portal incident of Versailles, near Paris. We discuss the mysteries surrounding these and other incidents, which have yet to be resolved, including the mysterious disappearance of Jarrold L. and Carrie Potter, or the story of Owen Parfitt. On a related note, this video spotlights events occurring beyond the confines of time, including visions of the future, as seen through a gap in space-time on a train in Florida, or in the case of Yussupov’s train – a real incident that took place in the Silver Forest.
Additionally, this episode explores other cases that have been recorded in literature worldwide, through the ages. By going beyond the laws of time and space – which form part of the multiverse in which we find ourselves – we shall reach beyond the material realm, to where quantum physics opens up enormous possibilities for us, so that we can understand the world that surrounds us, from both a ‘visible’ and ‘invisible’ perspective.

Video by Alcyon Pleiades


Con este nuevo video documental, iniciamos una nueva serie sobre el intrigante tema de los Portales Estelares y Viajeros en el Tiempo, con diversos y variados episodios donde trataremos de profundizar y explicar de forma amena pero científica y objetiva sobre todo lo relacionado con Portales interdimensionales, Agujeros espacio-tiempo, Universos Paralelos, acompañado con casos reales que han sido documentados a lo largo del tiempo, sucesos que hasta la fecha muchos no tienen explicación.

En este primer episodio veremos casos misteriosos como la teletransportación de un soldado que estaba en Filipinas y apareció en México, o el caso del portal del tiempo en Versalles, Paris, lo mismo otros sucesos como la misteriosa desaparición de Jarrold L. y Carrie Potter, o la de Owen Parfitt, y otras muchas que nunca se pudieron resolver.

Lo mismo sobre sucesos que ocurren fuera del tiempo, visiones el futuro, en una fisura del espacio-tiempo, como es el caso del tren de Yussupov, caso real ocurrido en el bosque de plata, o el avión de Florida, y muchos otros casos que han quedado reflejados en la literatura mundial de diferentes épocas.

Ir más allá de las leyes del tiempo y del espacio, del multiverso donde nos desenvolvemos, más allá de la materia, donde la física cuántica nos abre unas posibilidades enormes para llegar a comprender el mundo que nos envuelve, tanto visible como invisible.

Video realizado por Alcyon Pléyades

sábado, julio 24, 2021





As the Sun is rising this moment, I am immersed in parallel worlds and the current now Full Moon frequencies flowing through me.

What we choose to focus upon becomes real for us in the moment.

It is in the capturing of the eternal moment, that lingers on into infinity, that the desire overcomes itself, as it.

sábado, julio 17, 2021

L’Aura Pleiadian - THE EXPANSION OF ASCENSION ITSELF - July 17, 2021

Deep In Parallel Worlds I am shown the constant connection and alignment throughout all of the dimensions, to the here and now, throughout all worlds, throughout the Universe.

This constant connection and alignment is constantly changing and shifting.

Just like the stars are not the same in the sky as they were 2000 years ago, so too, the new model of Ascension has also shifted along with everything else.

Consciousness is constantly advancing its perception of itself.

martes, septiembre 22, 2020

L’Aura Pleiadian - SHIFTING Into One of a Multitude of Parallel Worlds - Sep 22, 2020

And so it is, like so many other awarenesses in the now. It is just now. Yet, there exists a multitude of optional world/consciousness existence choices, in this now moment.

The energy frequency that is made of consciousness is NEUTRAL. It does not care if you live this one existence or another. AS the frequencies are available to all without preference. The sun rises on ALL the same.

martes, diciembre 03, 2019

L’Aura Pleiadian - Alternate Parallel Worlds ~ Now - Dec 2, 2019

Alternate Parallel Worlds ~ Now

Moving in and out of parallel worlds, the transitioning in the moment through the heart opens you up to what you are.

The connectivity of all that you are seeds itself through your heart flame as your choices expand the relative parallel worlds you enter consciously.

viernes, julio 20, 2018

L’Aura Pleiadian - Timeline Shifts ~ Entering A Parallel World - July 20, 2018

Your Reality ~ Your consciousness ~ Your Light.

Entering now an awareness that allows all to shift, in ways beyond your imagination. Receive this activation now.

The Pleiadian are present. The Elohim are present. The Divine Council of Overseers are present. It is all united, in this the sacred plan of Divinity. All Now.

lunes, junio 19, 2017

Laura Pleiadian - New Moon in Cancer, June 23rd, 2017 ~ A Parallel World - June 19, 2017

The New Moon/Super Moon arrives after the powerful June 21st Summer Solstice, on June 23rd, at 11:30pm ADT.

New Moons are New Beginnings and play out in consciousness till the Following New Moon in July.

With the Presence of the Magician through the Sun and New Moon conjunct Mercury and Mercury in the Gemini Constellation, we have a powerful consciousness thrust towards a New Ways of Being.

A New Way ~ that already exists as YOU in an expanded state of consciousness ~ A Parallel World.

lunes, diciembre 12, 2016

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING 12:12 - December 12, 2016

***From your Hostess of Light

***All of your choices Echo throughout time without any resistance at all
*** The fear fields

From Your Hostess Of Light

As we move forward in the dimensional fields of inquiry and out of the 2016 flux zone we come to a place of reckoning. Reckoning is defined as the time when one is called to account for ones actions, to pay debts or to fulfill ones promises or obligations and settle accounts. This is not a one lifetime accumulation, but eons of time has come to a head and stops at your feet. The end of this year is a perfect time to clear out what no longer fits who you are in this time and place. Clear out the skeletons, the armor, the loves, and the hates.

Dimensional flux can be pretty nasty stuff pushing us into the gutter of self-asking how did I get here? Like Alice in not-so-wonderland you will not feel as if you do not belong in some circumstances that choose to clear. Feeling Like you are a stranger in a strange land becomes stronger in scent, as you make your way thru your life like a time traveler on a booze excursion. Of course you feel like you have jet lag, of course you are dizzy and disoriented, you dear ones are surfing thru time without even knowing you are at the airport.

sábado, agosto 06, 2016

Death Is Just An Illusion: We Continue To Live In A Parallel Universe

MessageToEagle November 23, 2014 – For as long as anyone can remember philosophers, scientists and religious men have pondered what happens after death.

Is there life after death, or do we just vanish into the great unknown?

There is also a possibility there is no such thing as what we usually define as death.

A new scientific theory suggests that death is not the terminal event we think.

A while ago, scientists reported they found the first evidence of parallel universe.

This discovery lead us to a thought-provoking subject called “Biocentrism”

Robert Lanza, M.D, scientist, theoretician and author of “Biocentrism” – How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe thinks there are many reasons why we won’t die.

martes, noviembre 03, 2015

Trish LeSage - "Experiencing The Phenomenon of Parallel Universes"

"Experiencing The Phenomenon of Parallel Universes"
As a result of the shift to higher consciousness that is currently taking place, many people are beginning to experience their true multidimensional nature, and they are beginning to realize that there is more to life than the physical world that we live in. As a result of this, more and more people are experiencing reality shifts such as objects disappearing and reappearing, teleportation, bilocation, and even the phenomenon of crossing over into alternate realities (parallel universes).
However, many people do not notice that they have crossed over into a parallel universe, as they are often too busy with the hectic pace of modern life.  Furthermore, the differences between the universes are often very minute and therefore, are often not noticeable unless one pays close attention to the small details of everything. 
When one does cross over into a parallel universe, they often do so for only a short period of time such as minutes or hours. However, on rarer occasions, some experience extended stays in parallel universes that last days, weeks, months, or even longer. 
There are many reasons why one may experience the phenomenon of parallel universes.  One such reason is that they may cross over into a parallel universe in order to avoid danger in their current universe.
As an example of this, when I awoke one morning, I got out of bed, and once I got into the hallway and headed to the bathroom, I smelled smoke. The smell was more faint than what smoke normally smells like on the 3rd dimension Earth, however, it was distinct enough for me to smell it and for it to cause my allergies to start to bother me. My throat started to itch, and I began to cough. I also noticed that there was a cloud of smoke in the hallway between the bathroom and my bedroom door. Again, it was more faint than what smoke usually looks like on the 3rd dimension Earth, but yet it was distinct enough for me to see it. Oddly, the smoke stopped right at my bedroom door. It was as if there was a wall of smoke there, and something invisible was stopping it from entering the bedroom. Then I remembered that when I awoke that morning, I had not smelled smoke in the bedroom at all. I never smelled smoke until I was in the hallway. So, it made sense that the smoke stopped at the bedroom door.
Concerned about our home being on fire, I walked through the rest of the house, and I smelled smoke everywhere. However, I could not find a fire anywhere. When I returned to the hallway and bathroom, the smell of smoke and the smoke that I had seen was completely gone. It had vanished without a trace. Again, I walked through the rest of the house, and the smell of smoke was completely gone in the rest of the house also.
When my energy vibration is in the process of being adjusted so that I am able to travel to a parallel universe, I am often able to perceive both, the universe that I am leaving and the universe that I am traveling to. Therefore, as I was straddling the two universes, I was still smelling the smoke of the previous universe that I was leaving although I was also safe in the new parallel universe that I was taken to in which there was not a fire.  In the universe that I left, my home was on fire, and I was in danger of perishing in it. However, in the parallel universe that I was taken to by spirit, there was not a fire in my home, and I was safe from harm.
Although sometimes it is very difficult to notice that we are in a parallel universe unless we take the time to look at the small details of everything, in the case of the experience that I had with the fire, the experience was so profound that I know without a doubt that I had definitely crossed over into a parallel universe and that divine intervention was there in my time of need to make sure that I was safe from harm.
According to the article, “Living in a Quantum World”, by Vlatko Vedral in the June 2011 issue of the magazine, "Scientific American", vol. 304, issue 6, pp. 38-43, Quantum Entanglement, Quantum Teleportation, and Quantum Tunneling are phenomena that suggest that parallel universes exist. Scientists had proven in past experiments in which particles existed simultaneously in more than one location and disappeared and then reappeared in other locations that such phenomena do already exist at a micro level. Scientists have now proven that Quantum Entanglement, Quantum Teleporation, and Quantum Tunneling also exist at a macro level through their experiments with plants, birds, and crystals which suggests the possibility of travel to parallel universes on a macro level.  As a result of these experiments, science is now beginning to prove that parallel universes do exist and that travel to them is possible. 
It is interesting to now see a bridge being created between the gap that has existed between science and Metaphysics for so long.  With the shift to higher consciousness that humanity is experiencing, we may begin to see more and more of these types of gaps being filled as people begin to experience their true multidimensional nature. 
About The Author:
Trish LeSage is a best selling author of books on metaphysics, parallel universes (alternate realities), ascension to higher consciousness, and body-mind-spirit topics.  She has written four books:  "Meditations For Past Lives, Starseeds, Soul Mates and Beyond"; "Manifesting Success In Relationships, Career, and Business Via Numerology"; "Traveling To Parallel Universes"; and "How To Achieve Fifth Dimension Consciousness".  More information about her work is available on her website at 
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As a result of the shift to higher consciousness that is currently taking place, many people are beginning to experience their true multidimensional nature, and they are beginning to realize that there is more to life than the physical world that we live in. As a result of this, more and more people are experiencing reality shifts such as objects disappearing and reappearing, teleportation, bilocation, and even the phenomenon of crossing over into alternate realities (parallel universes).

jueves, marzo 12, 2015

Parallel Worlds Exist And Will Soon Be Testable, Expert Says


Is there another you reading this article at this exact moment in a parallel universe? Dr. Brian Greene, author of The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos, believes that this freakish quirk of nature may exist; and he discusses its amazing possibilities in this 3-minute TV interview.
A growing number of cosmologists agree with Greene that we are but one of many universes and at least one of these other worlds lies close to ours, maybe only a millimeter away. We can’t see this world, because it exists in a type of space different from the four dimensions of our everyday reality.
MIT’s Max Tegmark believes this multiverse model of ‘many universes’ is grounded in modern physics and will eventually be testable, predictive and disprovable.