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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Familia de Luz. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, agosto 15, 2024

Natalia Alba - As our planet continues its transition into a new harmonic timeline - Aug 15, 2024

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Beloved Ones,

As our planet continues its transition into a new harmonic timeline, bifurcating from the old 3D Earth, many of you will feel the call by the White Elohim and your personal God Source to sustain the new Earth's illumined essence by acting as frequency holders and stabilizers. We are now entering into a phase of profound stabilization and amplification of the new Heart transmissions received. Through your essence, all of you participate in this expansion by holding unconditional love and peace for All.

martes, agosto 22, 2023

Aurora Ray - Manifesting the Extraordinary: Harnessing the Power Within with the Family of Light - Aug 22, 2023

Manifesting the Extraordinary: Harnessing the Power Within with the Family of Light

In our amazing universe, different groups of consciousness come together, shaped by their development, intentions, and unique purposes. One of these groups is the Family of Light, and we are part of it, connected to a special lineage of consciousness.

Now, what exactly is this "light"? Who does it belong to? Take a moment to think about it. We, as humans, tend to create stories or myths to understand the vastness of the cosmos. But our understanding is just a small piece of the puzzle. We need to think bigger and imagine a greater reality.

domingo, agosto 20, 2023

Aurora Ray - Echoes of Ancient Cosmic Events: How Cosmic Conflicts Shaped Humanity's Story on Earth - Aug 21, 2023

Echoes of Ancient Cosmic Events: How Cosmic Conflicts Shaped Humanity's Story on Earth

In a time long, long ago, almost beyond our wildest imagination, something incredible happened in a distant corner of the universe. And you know what? Those incredible happenings left their fingerprints on Earth, and those fingerprints are still visible today. They shaped how things are now like a hidden hand guiding the way.

Picture Earth as a valuable treasure, something truly precious. But way back then, Earth seemed to lose control over itself. It was like a new group arrived and said, "Hey, we're taking charge now." Think of it as if a new owner moved into a house, bringing in new rules. But here's the twist – these new rulers weren't always the nicest. They didn't always treat Earth well, which adds a layer of complexity to our story.

miércoles, agosto 16, 2023

Aurora Ray - Shaping New Realities: The Frequency of Awakening Carried by the Family of Light - Aug 16, 2023

Shaping New Realities: The Frequency of Awakening Carried by the Family of Light

Imagine a world where everything is swirling and changing like colorful leaves in the wind. In this world, there's a group that stands out—like a group of friends with a secret. They call themselves the Family of Light.