Beloved Ones,
Our Heart Flame is being activated after months of soul and monadic reconnection. We are now reaching the peak of what we have been receiving and working with, during this eight universal year. The energies from the triple 888 portal, guarded by the White Elohim, are now anchored on our earth plane, expanding into all the locations where this integration can take place, and expanding into all who have chosen to hold and surrender to this Illumined Frequency.
Our White Elohim Guardians have never let go of our hand, they have been waiting for the moment, when we were ready to recognize our divinity, choosing to do the arduous work that this path involves. A path that is too filled with joy, and many abundant blessings, when we finally let go of the initial stages, in which healing is a constant.
As we heal and clear ourselves with the emerald, and aquamarine frequencies received, and choose from our free will to surrender to ascension, the process of soul and monadic reconnection starts, and with the inner work required, the liquid Gold emanating from our monad stars flowing through us, anchoring it in our thymus, heart, and activating the Blue Falme in our soul portal, reconnecting our human self to our Divine one.
You have been reconnecting yourselves, healing, and clearing your galactic monads. It is now time as the White Elohim shared, for those who are prepared, for this is not a race and there is no rush in our ascension process, to activate your Hear Christic Seed and decree the activation of your Ankh solar bodies, an exercise I recently shared as well.
The solar transmissions received at this time, together with the Gold eight dimensional ones from the triple 888 portal, will help us achieve the next step towards self-synthesis. However, the energies will not do the work for us, and it is through our Will, devotion, and inner work that we can accomplish our personal mission of becoming more unified.
I have been sharing for more than a month all I received about this portal. Today, I wanted to simply wish you a healing and loving integration. Some of you are starting on this conscious path. Others are already in more stabilizing phases of your ascension journey.
There is no end to our evolution, as there is no end to the love we are here to embody, for Love has a beginning but never an end.
Today, and always may you remain in your Higher Hears, open to the love of God in the ways it comes to you, for when we hold expectations, we restrict the infinite Divine Flow of Love, and hence wisdom and power, within us.
As an abundant sovereign free being, you are always in complete alignment with God's Source, on a never-ending path of manifestation, for all is always in a constant flow of giving and receiving.
Our White Elohim Guardians have never let go of our hand, they have been waiting for the moment, when we were ready to recognize our divinity, choosing to do the arduous work that this path involves. A path that is too filled with joy, and many abundant blessings, when we finally let go of the initial stages, in which healing is a constant.
As we heal and clear ourselves with the emerald, and aquamarine frequencies received, and choose from our free will to surrender to ascension, the process of soul and monadic reconnection starts, and with the inner work required, the liquid Gold emanating from our monad stars flowing through us, anchoring it in our thymus, heart, and activating the Blue Falme in our soul portal, reconnecting our human self to our Divine one.
You have been reconnecting yourselves, healing, and clearing your galactic monads. It is now time as the White Elohim shared, for those who are prepared, for this is not a race and there is no rush in our ascension process, to activate your Hear Christic Seed and decree the activation of your Ankh solar bodies, an exercise I recently shared as well.
The solar transmissions received at this time, together with the Gold eight dimensional ones from the triple 888 portal, will help us achieve the next step towards self-synthesis. However, the energies will not do the work for us, and it is through our Will, devotion, and inner work that we can accomplish our personal mission of becoming more unified.
I have been sharing for more than a month all I received about this portal. Today, I wanted to simply wish you a healing and loving integration. Some of you are starting on this conscious path. Others are already in more stabilizing phases of your ascension journey.
There is no end to our evolution, as there is no end to the love we are here to embody, for Love has a beginning but never an end.
Today, and always may you remain in your Higher Hears, open to the love of God in the ways it comes to you, for when we hold expectations, we restrict the infinite Divine Flow of Love, and hence wisdom and power, within us.
As an abundant sovereign free being, you are always in complete alignment with God's Source, on a never-ending path of manifestation, for all is always in a constant flow of giving and receiving.
Our mission is to align to this God Stream to seed this Love for All, in our unique and precious way.
Today and always, for we are always surrounded by magnificent Light Forces, we just have to know where to look, I wish that you recognize the limitless God Sovereign being that you are, beloveds.
Have a blessed 888 passage!
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Art by: Gabriella Goedert