Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Judith Dagley. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Judith Dagley. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, noviembre 01, 2020

Judith Dagley - Guidance Through The Storm; #6 - Nov 1, 2020

Guidance Through The Storm; #6

A warm and loving hello to You from the celestial team!

Perhaps You have begun to become familiar with what the FREQUENCIES of our greetings feel like.

If so, You could not thrill us more.

If so, then You may also have noticed a subtle difference in them today– an intensity in our desire to awaken You into remembering who You are, perhaps, and why You are on planet earth during this particular segment of your linear time construct.

domingo, octubre 25, 2020

Judith Dagley - Guidance Through The Storm; #5 -

It is us, the celestial team, and we reach out to You now with frequencies of great love, support, and care!

We can do this because we feel your frequencies reaching out to US quite powerfully at this time. This is how it works, You see. We wait for your vibrational invitations, and then we rush eagerly to accept them most gratefully.

martes, noviembre 17, 2015

Judith Dagley - About Fear and Violence- From the Frequency Technicians of Sirius - 11.17.2015

Greetings. We are the Frequency Technicians of Sirius, transmitting our message in one collective voice from within the vast orchestra of the celestial team through the consciousness of the embodied earth member you know as Judith.

Did you get all that?

If not, we suggest you go back and take it in again.

martes, noviembre 10, 2015

Judith Dagley - BIG (REALLY BIG) Clues To Follow Into YOUR OWN MAGIC DOORWAY! - 11.10.2015

Warm Greetings to You, Beloved!

On the eve of your Scorpio New Moon within your powerful 11 11 doorway, we wish to draw your attention to the magic doorways that are not “major events.” Indeed, You live in a magical world, and we wish to confirm that our Judith speaks truth when she tells You, as a member of her earthly family, “WE ARE ALL MAGICIANS.”

martes, septiembre 08, 2015

Judith Dagley - The “SHIFT” Begins When There Is Nowhere to Hide From the LIGHT… Do You FEEL It? - 9.8.2015


This is Judith. I feel magic in the air! There is a NEW Light-ness beginning to filter through the sunlight, a NEW luminous incandescence within the moonlight. I feel a transformation, a shattering of divisions– like tiny hairline cracks in a hardened heart– beginning to spread over the planet on an energetic level. If you feel it, too, amplify the Light with me! A single candle can light another, and then another… and then 7 billion!

domingo, agosto 23, 2015

Judith Dagley - More ANSWER to GOOD QUESTION # 2– Getting OUT of Enslavement Programming! - 8.23.15


Finally feels like “right timing” to continue answering GOOD QUESTION #2 in the Master’s Class of Being the Sovereign Reality Creator You Truly Are and Creating the Life You Truly Want Because It’s NOW or Never!

How do I get OUT of my own enslavement program?

“Right timing” is one of the first concepts I learned in my shamanic apprenticeship. It basically means “in alignment on an energetic level with readiness to be received and used in the most expedient and impactful way.”

martes, agosto 04, 2015

Judith Dagley - Becoming SOVEREIGN Again - 8.4.15

The Master’s Class continues. In between the lessons, I’m finding out that there are “sub-lessons,” you might say, rather like stepping stones from one to the next. Tonight, such a stone appeared, and so here it is.

Venus and Uranus retrograde… astrology talk, but what does it MEAN? You are LIVING what it means right NOW. Everything important that we “think” we’ve already learned but never REALLY learned is back again (thank you, Venus!) to learn through very unexpected LIFE EXPERIENCE (thank you, Uranus!). The BIG lessons right NOW don’t come from me or anyone else and I don’t care HOW wise they are.

domingo, julio 26, 2015

Judith Dagley - GOOD QUESTIONS… The Many Petals Of One Perfect Rose - 7.26.15

Well, my last post on July 16th, “NEW Moon… Don’t Make it OLD!” created quite a stir– questions began flurrying in like snowflakes only minutes after I hit “publish!” And that is a very, very good thing, I’ve come to realize. Beyond good, actually. More like PERFECT. As in divine timing.

In fact, I’m realizing, seeing, intuiting, just plain knowing without knowing how, so much about why that is– all at once and then over and over again with even more reasons– that I’ve started to write this post about twenty times over the last three days. Every time, there was just too much information flowing through me to fit into a single linear thread… and every time, it came through with a different focus altogether.

lunes, junio 15, 2015

Judith Dagley - Make Your Cake the Way YOU Want It– and EAT It! - 6.15.15

Yikes. It’s been a whole month since my last post … how did THAT happen? It feels like a second ago– no, it feels like a lifetime ago– NO it feels like both. How could THAT be?
This may sound crazy, but I’m wondering if any of YOU are aware of experiencing this sort of confusion about locating yourself within linear time? I’m sure hoping that at least SOME of you are and will say so in a comment so at least those who aren’t will know I’m not the ONLY crazy one on this website, lol!
Actually, we’re NOT crazy… far from it. And that doesn’t mean that anyone who thinks we’re crazy is crazy, either, of course. Experience is a matter of perception. What we perceive is always a match to our own frequencies, and so ALL perceptions are valid.

viernes, mayo 15, 2015

Judith Dagley - We’re IN it NOW… Tips From Within the Midst of NEW - 5.15.15

This is Judith. About two weeks ago, I managed to catapult myself  into a very heightened and intense experience of “Paradigm Shift.” I’m in the middle of it NOW, and I know this only because I’m very aware of how I got here (which actually isn’t a “here,” but we don’t have words for these multidimensional experiences… yet). The catalyst is/was the NEW ENERGY Tele-Gatherings the celestial team and I are presenting this month.
At first, I had no idea what I was in for. I’d presented six Energy Tele-Gatherings monthly through the second half of 2014, and although they each sent my frequencies soaring for days afterward, I didn’t end up somewhere else entirely as a result. But that was because they were spaced farther apart, for one thing. And that was then, for another.

miércoles, mayo 13, 2015

Judith Dagley - WE Are IN It NOW! Up Close and Personal #1 - 5.13.15

I know I often focus on speaking beyond my personal experience. I have very determinedly  done so, because my purpose in writing these posts is not “all about me,” but about what is relevant to ALL of us. This week, however, I’ve discovered that the only way I can express what feels true about ALL of us IS “all about ME!” Very paradoxical, it seems… or did seem, until I decided to stop trying to figure it out and just do it, anyway.
The very minute I made that choice, there was nothing more to figure out. I got it. 
From NOW on (at least as far as the topics I cover here are concerned), expressing what is true for ALL of us is going to have to be an “INSIDE JOB.” That is because we truly are in a NEW Paradigm, and getting up to speed with it requires not only the mastery of our own energetic technology as creator beings, but acquiring a radically NEW shift of perspective.
And considering what I’ve been going through, feeling, and experiencing internally in order to describe how to use this technology– I can tell you that there is a LOT to the process of aquiring that NEW perspective! Hmmm… what I also just got is that it’s the PROCESS I go through as I intuit and test this NEW information before offering it to you that creates the shift of perspective required to USE the end results.”

domingo, abril 26, 2015

Judith Dagley – How SEPARATE From One Another ARE We? – 26 April 2015

How SEPARATE are we all from one another? There was a major earthquake in Nepal on Saturday. That is almost 8,000 miles from where I live. Yet I am feeling that earthquake. Aren’t you?
The frequencies of shock are still rippling around the entire GLOBE. Not only through our earth, but through our hearts. We are a major part of the earth’s ecological sytem, after all, and scientists have “proven” that our hearts beat in time with the frequencies of our earth, so how could it be otherwise?
Just as the force of energy that can no longer be contained within our Gaia breaks through its crust in order to be released, so that same force breaks through the crust around our hearts and releases what can no longer be contained. Have you NOTICED what was in your heart? Do you FEEL what is flooding through you, out of YOU, as a result?

viernes, marzo 20, 2015

Judith Dagley – In Preparation For Vernal Equinox, 2015: Understanding The Illusion Of NOW – 20 March 2015

Judith here. You have heard it all, I’m sure… what a powerful week we are in… that we’re actually planting seeds that will become our future for the next several years… that only after six months or so will they have germinated enough for us to even SEE what we have sown.
Sounds like an enormous responsibility, doesn’t it, having such total sovereign authority over our lives (even if it’s what we thought we wanted, lol)– especially for those who’ve been feeling pretty crappy about some things that are going on in their lives these days. If you, by any chance, might be one of them…
First of all you’re not alone. There are about five billion others who feel pretty crappy about something or other, just like you do. (Some even feel a whole lot crappier than you do, btw.) Second of all, whatever is manifesting NOW has nothing to do with whether or not you’re going to screw up the next next seven years or so of your life!

domingo, marzo 15, 2015

Judith Dagley – Finding The One Person Who Can Change Your Life – 15 March 2015

judith3.10.15 A Message for NOW from Judith and the celestial team—
If You are searching for that one person who will change your life–
look in the mirror. 

 Beloved, the truth stated above is SO BIG and SO PROFOUNDLY TRUE that one can miss it entirely. Quite literally, it boggles the 3rd dimensional brain, so either gets tossed out entirely or conceptualized– usually as one of those cliches that sound nice but mean nothing (as far as the brain is concerned, that is). If that is what the quote we began our message with seems like to You– hang on to it because it means You’ve struck gold.
Pan for it until You find it, and PERSIST! Say the words aloud. Shout them, sing them, dance them. Write them on your mirror, or better yet, on your face. Paint your wall with them. Meditate into them, let your mind wander around in them.

domingo, marzo 08, 2015

Judith Dagley - CHANGE - 3.7.15


Do not be afraid of CHANGE.
Do not fear the NEW because you assume it will NOT be NEW.
The NEW can never be OLD.
It can only appear to be old if one is afraid of CHANGE.

martes, febrero 24, 2015

Judith Dagley – Light BE-Ing – 24 February 2015

judithGreetings Beloved, from our light being collectives to your own!
We hope our greeting got your attention, for You are a light being, indeed. As we have previously pointed out, it is not only from OUR dimensions that your light is perceived. Your own scientists have seen the biophotons that beam through your eyes and radiate from your physical body with their own light being eyes. With their newly refined instruments, they have ALSO seen that You are not only a light being, but the center of an entire collective. The biophotons that radiate from every cell of your physical body makes the light WITHIN You even more concentrated.
You see, Beloved, your body is literally an entire universe, and it is your own consciousness that brought it into BE-ing. Your consciousness is also the central sun that continues to spark it into BE-ing, over and over, many times per one of your seconds. (Your quantum physicists can verify THAT as well!)

jueves, febrero 12, 2015

Judith Dagley – YOU Are The Chooser – 12 February 2015

Hello through the warmest of frequencies to You as always, Beloved!
We whoosh in briefly because we feel a convergence of energy in these last 24 of your hours. A NEW awareness is ready to emerge more strongly within You. This NEW awareness is akin to the beginning of a “paradigm shift,” as You call a leap of perspective into a more expanded perception of who You are. It has the potential to be such a powerful leap that we feel compelled to add our frequencies of confirmation to it, as well:
You are free and sovereign to choose your own way in every moment.

jueves, enero 29, 2015

Judith Dagley – “My Life In Reality: The Movie” – 29 January 2015

judithBeloved, if You do not yet believe that You create your own reality, do You believe your own eyes? We laugh… “Of course I do!” You say. Well then, believe them by all means, because your eyes KNOW You create your own reality!
What You see with your eyes are actually frequencies translated into images based on your collective belief system of what “reality” looks like. Of course, each of You “sees” the images in subtly different ways, based on the frequencies of your own individual variations of the belief, which then becomes your personal version of “living in reality.”
Thus, what You see is like a movie called “My Life in Reality.”
The projector is YOU, Beloved!

miércoles, enero 28, 2015

Judith Dagley – Future Relationships Are Woven In The NOW! – 28 January 2015

judithEnergy update!
The “big picture” is reflected in the smallest interactions, the most minor routine chores, the way we relate to everything and anything in every minute (many times a minute, actually).
No detail is NOT part of the fabric of your life.  The future is woven stitch by stitch in every current moment. NOTHING is “inconsequential.”
During the next 3 weeks, notice if the way you are IN RELATIONSHIP with your life is “all of a piece”… in INTEGRITY.

martes, diciembre 02, 2014

Judith Dagley – Pandora’s Box – 2 December 2014

“What we have been going through in this unsettling phase of personal transformation is the ‘reconciling of opposites’ on a very grand transpersonal scale. Opposites exist not separately, but at once. Each defines the other, and each is part of the other. Look at a coin. One side is heads, the other is tails, yet both are the coin. YOU are the coin.
All that You see around You is reflected from within You.
The inner and outer battles will never cease until You claim them.