martes, noviembre 17, 2015

Judith Dagley - About Fear and Violence- From the Frequency Technicians of Sirius - 11.17.2015

Greetings. We are the Frequency Technicians of Sirius, transmitting our message in one collective voice from within the vast orchestra of the celestial team through the consciousness of the embodied earth member you know as Judith.

Did you get all that?

If not, we suggest you go back and take it in again.

If you believe it sounds “too complicated,” we strongly suggest you scrutinize that belief very carefully. It is no more “complicated” than the way you transmit and receive (ie, perceive) communications many times in a single second of your linear time.

We suggest you get up to speed with yourSelf, in other words.

We suggest that more strongly than ever NOW, given the energetic climate of what you call “external reality.”

We remind you of how easy it is for a very few of you to light an entire city when aligned within yourselves and with one another in the intention to do so.

That is not a metaphor.

We mean light up the dark just as the electricity you focus into circuits from your universe does. You did just that in Atlantis.

Many of you have done it in your current lifetime without even knowing.

We suggest that you get up to speed with your own POWER, in other words.

There is no need for a being who is capable of generating Love/Light to fear darkness. Since light is love, we prefer to call it Love/Light, as it is more accurate and thus covers the expression of fear, as well… which is violence.

We remind you that your frequencies generate “reality!”

There is no such thing as external expressions of fear or violence unless created by frequencies generated from within.

Do not believe otherwise, nor submit to being coerced into fear.

We tell you this–

The only purpose of fearmongering is to create violence. The only purpose of violence is division. The only purpose of division is destruction.

We are the Frequency Technicians of Sirius, reminding you through these written words of the power of your Love/Light.

On behalf of the orchestra of the celestial team, we remind you of how much you are loved.

ALWAYS and in All WAYS.


This is Judith. If you received from this post, know that your reciprocation via the “donate” tab in the right sidebar is what keeps the energy circulating among us. I thank you for that from my heart. As you know, no amount offered is to small when is shared from the heart… it only multiplies and comes back to you a thousandfold. <3 span="">


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