My dear friends, we love you so very much,
"Expect the unexpected," is a common phrase upon your earth. We would say, "Embrace the now, Anticipate the Best!" for in truth dear ones, if you anticipate the best you tend to draw yourselves towards it! If you understand that all things are truly possible with God, then rather than bracing for disappointment, you will joyfully look forward to the surprises and assistance on the path ahead.
God loves you! We love you! We celebrate your presence upon the earth. We celebrate your eternal being. We celebrate when you ask us for assistance because you are using your free will to love yourselves and ask for help. We want to give you the present of Presence over the holidays... the presence of love, the presence of joy, the presence of grace. Allow us please to help you!
We know you are busy during the holidays but everything would go so much more smoothly if you would start and end your day with the Divine. Take a few minutes each morning. "Dear God, Dear Angels, this is what I would like to accomplish this day. Please help me. If you have other plans, dear God, help me trust that you really do know what you're doing with my life and the universe, and that you love me. Help me trust that my desires will be fulfilled in the most perfect way at the most perfect time. Thank you." And then dear friends you go about your day, trusting that you will receive all the help you need and that when something does not look as you think it "should" there is always a greater reason.
You are SO very loved in the heavens. You are celebrated. We see you as gifts upon the earth dear ones. Ask for help. Allow us to assist you, even in finding the simplest things - the perfect present for a loved one, the ingredients for your cookies, the energy to write your holiday cards...and if you do not have these things, trust, trust, trust, that we are loving you in ways you cannot yet understand.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels
Message From Ann
Years ago I prayed for a job that would allow me to wake up happy, go to bed grateful and help people while making a living. Doing readings was the last thing I ever expected to be guided to do, and yet I love it.
While I was doing readings, I heard so much wisdom I prayed for a way to share the angels tips for living a happier life online for those would couldn't come to my classes... and the guys showed up! Livestreaming didn't exist when I started praying that prayer.
Because I witness so much pain in readings, I've prayed for years for God to grant me a way to help people shift into joy more easily, and to experience how much they are loved. I never expected gazing to be the answer to that prayer. I didn't even know what it was when I started praying.
Those are big things, but God and the angels will help you even with the small stuff. I needed a pair of jeans that fit, so I asked for help. Within a few days I got the urge to go to a local thrift store and there were the jeans in my size, brand new, and costing barely more than a cup of coffee!
I take the angels' advice daily, and ask for help with everything... even my schedule! I have no idea how I pack in everything I do and love, but it somehow works. I get up each morning... "Dear God I need to do four newsletters, queue up a months' worth of Facebook posts, and get some work done on my next series." That was the prayer a few months ago. Suddenly I remembered, I needed groceries, a birthday gift for a friend, and there were various other errands. My to do list seemed impossible. Instead of rushing, I sat and got peaceful and prayed again, knowing I'd get done whatever God thought was important. Ideas as to how to combine errands, groceries, and the gift arrived swiftly. I was able to focus in a very concentrated way to get the newsletters and Facebook posts queued. I even had a little time before bed to work on the next series. God knows...literally... how all this gets managed.
So when you have a prayer – great or small – try to be open to all sorts of ways it might be answered. Being in control is highly overrated. Having to have everything look the way we think it "should" limits the good that can occur in our lives. Whether the prayer is for healing, help with a tough life situation or attitude, or simply for the smallest of treats, know that the Divine cares. The angels care. Pray, anticipate the best, and let the Divine take care of the reset. Surrender the "how." And then trust, trust, trust... Rest in the arms of the Divine until you receive inspired guidance, and then spring into action.
I love you all! Have a blessed week.
Please feel free to share any of my messages or posts. The only thing I ask is a small note: ©Ann Albers,