We come from perhaps not so much outside time, as creators of it, aware, of course, of worlds upon worlds, wheel upon wheel.
The morphogenic field which is your living body, living Merkahbah, is its own galaxy, as the channel has just been shown. Creator Gods, each. Creator Gods. Each.
This field is energized with focused intent, with belief that has strengthened into knowledge, the truth from which all truth flows, all experience, all awareness.
As such, our instruction can and will vary, and you will learn that there is nothing which cannot be explored, seen from within and without simultaneously, and brought into unity.
Disharmony, disease, misalignment, these are functions of awareness, and that is all. One’s willingness to say the secret words they have on their tongue.
Have you seen the shift, and can you fathom what is at hand?
We wish to become specific. It is important to see how this applies, and to perhaps stretch consciousness with new thought, new attitude, but, dear one, our true purpose is very clear, our only knowing, our only wish, it is to honor your journey, point out your triumphs, cheer you on and to soothe you, to be at your side, breath within breath, dear ones, until the end of time.
This is our mission. To remind you of what you so valiantly cast off when coming to this reality, the part of you generating this magnificent splendor, that is the human transition. There is now no such thing as “the human condition,” as it had once been referred. Man’s inhumanity to man, this is fading, the bridge has been crossed dear ones, and we wish to sing out with the good news.
The travel that each of you have engaged in, this crossing of a chasm, this was your task, so long ago, prior to this incarnation, of course, but, look, now, please, with us to what we gave the channel last evening, something we wish to now explain in a word picture, for all, not just the one.
Imagine silver, platinum, iridescent, the air is, enchanted, you can feel enchantment bubbling through this air. The sky glows in unknown colors, closest to the shining moment to jubilant dawn.
Beneath you is a silver bridge. Looking back onto this bridge, you can see that it is long. Its end cannot be visualized, it goes on and on. It is curved, and you notice that where you have just come from, there had been an unusual hill.
The bridge is made of silver swords, interlaced, and the bridge, it is sturdy.
You have just come from the end of this bridge. And while on it, you see it is now canopied in glittering silver swords as well. This is a time of high ceremony, and it slowly comes to you that it is you, and you alone, being honored at this time.
The canopy of swords, dazzling, mirroring the nakedly ecstatic sky, alive with orange and pink, The loved ones holding these swords aloft, and keeping them strong for you underfoot, this is for you.
And now, we ask that you turn your body forward.
Do you see it?
It is directly in front of you. Look down. Your feet are on the silver road, and this road, this ground, it holds light. It glows, and it heals, and it is loving. Your feet absorb this love. It becomes your awareness that this field of love is ever present, it can be no other way, and what has happened is that you, dear one, now on this land, can access it, live within and on it, be fed by it.
We urge you to understand that all is in front of you now, of the things, the states, the awareness, you have so longed to dwell, all your lives, we say. All your lives, many of you have had no other focus. And now, let us celebrate this with you, we are so honored that we are here for your first steps on this new ground.
Please know that there are structures here that are sound, and have been waiting for your arrival. Understand now that there has been shall we say a loosening of the manifestation process, and we tell you now this is nothing but being aware that you are the generator of your sainted synchronicity.
We wait your word, and wish to express the joy that all are having now, with this newest expansion you have all created within your collective.
This I, again, we reiterate, completely and solely up to the individual, who has access to this reality. One must be open to all possibility, discard all vibrations which resonate with limitation, expectation , fear, guilt, these are not applicable here, and can be seen for the devices they are.
They are challenges to your psyched and your spirit. What will stand, and what will not, once this wave is complete? We cannot say. Each of you who have crossed and are now in the new land, that is for you to decide. No longer is it appropriate to go to another for their predictions, in fear. Rather, gather together and share stories, share impressions and visions, and as a collective you will come to see that there is but the one voice., there is but the one mind, and many who hear it are now hearing it quite clearly. Use your common sense and your sense of sovereignty in your relations, in other words.
We tell you, if you acknowledge and inhabit you intuition more fully, you will come to find that synchronicity becomes a most fascinating game, and your lives can turn, shall we say, quite magical. It is an invitation, always.
There are times when you are faced with problems which appear large, and this can still lead some to the conclusion that the problem is bigger than they are.
WE tell you now, many are experiencing quite surprising conclusions to dramas, timelines and karmic patterns that they perhaps heretofore thought were complete. But, we tell you, the train is here, the horn has called, letting all intentional passengers that they have just a bit more time, not much, as much as they need, but… THE TRAIN IS HERE!… and so, perhaps coming to see that the structures in your life which you know to be honestly unsustainable, we ask you to let them fall with ease and thanksgiving.
We ask that you are grateful for your lives as they currently stand, and to see that there is no other way this could be, now. In that, the circumstances are purposeful, and we ask you to consider the purpose, then, and to couch it all, all explanations, with a higher mind, a bigger mind, a broader perspective.
We wish to give you this perspective, whenever you wish. WE are you, loved ones, as available as your breath, as wise as the mountains from which you lived and loved and communed with us in the past.
We bring the channel to her home, and can see she has split her awareness, now to many lifetimes she has been enjoying communing with from time to time. We encourage each of you to see larger, to understand these storylines which are condensing and falling away, they are part of a much larger pattern, one that is purposeful and beautiful and profoundly benevolent toward all.
If it is true that you are the creator of your synchronicity, which follows if you come to accept that this awareness of yours is self generated, can you not see then that what befalls you is of you? Can it not then be easier for you?
This is a question we have posed the channel. Are you willing? Can you do it? Do you want to? To see all in benevolence, to love all, a constant flow of love, devoid of the ability to spin in drama and see things as nothing less than magnificent? Can you say no appropriately, stand as equal to all men and women, can you, and do you wish to do so now?
This is far from a passive stance, dear ones, and with this we wish to wind down and close. We wish you to see that standing as equals is the point of all of this. How can you take a fear posture toward an equal?
There are many who do not see themselves as equal to you, and they are who is convinced they are somehow either superior or inferior to you. We tell you this is the same entity, the same thought construct, and although it might appear otherwise, it is simply a study in duality. It is a weak construct now, each day losing its effectiveness, as has been written into the stars, and into each of your DNA.
This is what upset the apple cart, and what this reality will find is their weight is not sustained, when they try to cross the bridge. This energy must be discarded. There is no such thing as a human being who is not genetically related to you. This is a fact. You are one family. A clan bursting with creativity and individuality and expression, make no mistake.
You know that there is energy which cannot be sustained in the new reality, and it is a blessed relief, is it not, and are you from time to time being caught by surprise, at how good you feel, for no reason at all, no reason at all, really?
This is the way of it. There are no worries that must be sustained, and we tell you the truth of it. Worry is a bit of an insult to your grandness. It is a silly, taunting thing, a child who has misunderstood, someone who could learn a thing or two on a kind grandfather or grandmother’s knee. Come as children, we ask all, come clean and fresh, aware of your brilliance and that this is a magical, mysterious and fun place to be. Come in joy and harmony, to this new land, the land you stand on, loves.
This is the beauty of it. This is new land, borne of the old, but cut off from many of the realities and agreements you once took as normal.
This year has been, for many, a time of removal of all that cannot be sustained across this bridge.
And many of you now, with the celestial mothers, with the entities and hosts who love you and know you as kin, have come off this glittering bridge.
The honor we showed you in ceremony, this in is of course on-going now. It is the way of it. You have earned ease. You have earned, dear ones, all, who have been so willing to go further than your collective in consciousness and bliss, each of you, within your own interpretations, are together now, and we walk with you now, helping you at every step, as always, but with a heightening of presence, we are with you now as you create your now in this, the new land.