I’ve been extra sick with
“ascension flu” since November 22nd and it increased in intensity with
the November 23rd heliocentric six planet configuration, and then every
day since that date. My physical “ascension flu” aches, pains, chills,
head spinning and other related physical and emotional side effects
caused by these latest NEW energies peaked on Wednesday, November 27th
and it was a very intense 24 hour-long grand finale that day.
On Thursday, November 28th (Thanksgiving
Day here in the U.S.) with these latest physical pains finally gone, I
could easily feel that the complex November 23rd astrological energetic
deed had been done; that comet ISON had delivered its energetic payload;
and that once that mission was done ISON immediately returned “Home”
(wherever that is for it/them) via entering the multidimensional portal
of the Sun. Of course that’s not what “professional scientists” will
claim happened to ISON but just ignore them.
ISON delivered and immediately went Home through the Sun portal.
The Sun has always been a busy portal but with planets positioned in a
complex star pattern (Merkaba) around it in late 2013, that portal was
jumpin’ with activities, NEW energies and exciting multidimensional
disappearing acts!
My ears are still ringing constantly as
they have been since September 21, 2013, but that’s merely the NEW
energies of the NEW and my body having to acclimate to them so
eventually I won’t hear it anymore. The NEW energies aren’t going to
lessen or calm down or diminish — they’re here to stay and we’re having
to adapt to them in these NEW ways.
I know everyone didn’t have these
November 23–27 or 28th energies affect them in the same intense painful
physical and emotional ways that I did. I do know however that some of
you have felt every inch of this latest shift into more of the NEW
energies in and through you and your body/bodies and are also dealing
with how they’re changing you, how they’re evolving you, your
consciousness and your body. I’ve never felt so miserable and so
wonderful and so hugged by god/Source all simultaneously as I
have this past week! Once the pain and misery dissipates, the first
thing one recognizes (if one consciously remembers what 5D feels like,
which I always have) is that wonderful feeling of being constantly hugged by god/Source, which is what it always feels like within the fifth dimensional range. Now how’s that for an extreme 180° opposite to what we’ve come from! Onward my fellow Forerunner Pathpavers to energetic 5D “Home” and beyond.
HighHeart Hugs all around,