And when these seeming constants starts to fluctuate, you will be hard pressed to find anything of consistency on any side, and so, the chaos we have already referred to will indeed take on a whole new meaning.
Make no mistake, we do talk about an extreme upheaval in all of this, but there will be small and rather subtle signs at first that will defy the minds of scientists all over your planet. And remember, the mind will try to negate what can be deemed as impossible, as humans have a long history of thinking themselves able to cover everything, and as such, they think they have the one and only definition for what is possible and what is not. But now, the game is about to change, if we may use such a word, and the textbooks that have been used as the defining tomes for humanity’s search for wisdom must be rewritten in many parts. For you are changing, and so is everything around you, and the one constant you have set your time by, your definition of time, is the first one that will be challenged. This will not be news to some of you, as you have perhaps already delved into the more hidden parts of these aspects already, and you have seen that there are indeed signs of this already appearing. For remember, what has been defined as the truth will take a long time to be revoked, as once the so-called establishment has made an agreement on this, they will find it hard to come to terms with the fact that what they had agreed upon as the standard measure does no longer apply.
So your scientific communities will have a hard time coming to grips with the fact that what they have based so much of their equations on, the solid foundation that they have build their whole careers on, will seem to be dissolving under their very feet. Of course, this will not happen overnight, but the first signs that something is indeed afoot will start to come to light in the very near future. And as always, there will be minds that will be very receptive to this, in fact they are already eagerly awaiting such results, for they have been primed to receive exactly this kind of information. While for a large number of the same community, it will come as a large shock, literally to their whole system. And yes, we do mean that in every sense of the word also, for this will be information carried within a frequency that will literally start to blow a whole lot of fuses, to use a word you are all familiar with. And yes, those “fuses” will also be of a very biological kind, as within a human brain.
This will sound ominous to many, but this is what will happen as soon as the veil starts to thin out sufficiently for this information to start to seep out and into the sight of ordinary humans as well. And when we use this word, it is not in a derogatory sense, merely as a statement that what we refer to will also start to interact with all those of your fellow men who have yet to see what you have seen so far on your journey. Remember, you are the pioneers, the ones that know beforehand that something is indeed afoot, and as such, you are expecting these changes to occur. But to the ordinary man or woman, living their life in the same way they always have, they have no idea at all about what is about to take place. And for them, it will be a shock, and for some, it will be a shock that will make them feel like all that they know and all that they are is being smashed to pieces. While for others, it will be a shock that will jolt them awake, and they will spring to life literally before your very eyes. For remember, a shock to the system can also serve to revive one, as when an electric shock is administered to a heart that has ceased to beat normally, and that will enable it to start to do so again.
For this shock can in many ways be likened to that, as a surge of enormous power that will kick start many a human on the road to recovery. And when we say recovery, we refer of course to the path that you have already walked for a very long time now. And so, they will join you in their quest for re-entering life in a way that will enable not only them, but also this whole world a brand new life. In other words, they will join you in this labour of love, and they will add their weight to your side of the scale, and enable it to shift even faster. For you see, much will have to be changed in a very short time, and so, your scientists will be amongst the first that will have to contend with this huge turnaround, for they will have to jettison so much old baggage in such a short time, as they must be able to embrace the new in a very profound way. They will have to re-evaluate so much that encompasses the whole foundation of their logic, and this will in turn enable this world to rectify so much of what you have already messed up. Yes, we will use this word, even if it may sound rather flippant. For you do have a lot of mess to clear up, and you will be asked to do so in a very short time span indeed.
We will of course come to your aid, but again, you are the ones that will have to do all of the hard work in so many ways. And so, your scientific community will be put to the task indeed, and they will have to throw themselves wholeheartedly into this. Not only will they need to be able to rise to the occasion, even when all they have taken for granted will be shown to be less than accurate. They will also have to come to terms with the fact that there is another form of intelligence in existence that can teach them more than a few things. And so, many a proud mind will have to acquiesce to the fact that there are far more brilliant minds than them, and time will tell how many of these old laureates will be abe to swallow this. But again, have no fear, for we do know already so many brilliant minds amongst you that will be more than ready to jump to the chance and throw themselves headlong into this pursuit. And trust us when we say, they will manage brilliantly! For again we want to remind you that this is indeed a very carefully calculated plan, and nothing has been left out, and so, we do know that all the parameters necessary to make this plan work has been met, and so, we will continue to unfold it all according to schedule.
We hear murmurs of dissent mixed in with cries of elation, and rightly so, for we do know fully well that this will have its fallouts in all sorts of ways. Just remember, mankind lives under the edict of free will, and so, what will transpire in the time ahead for each and every individual is because of the choices you made even before you landed within this physical body. So no one will be forced to do – or not to do – anything, as this will go according to the role you yourselves took upon you before you came. Yes, there will be those who have chosen not to embrace the new, not in this incarnation any way, and so, they will act accordingly. But there will be a large number of people who came here explicitly for the chance to step into the new with everything they can muster and be a part of this enormous salvage operation. For this can be likened to the process of rescuing a sinking ship and getting it back into ship shape again after a close call. For mankind has indeed driven this whole planet up to the brink of disaster, but now, everything will be set into action in order to rectify all that has been taken too far into the extreme.
And so, you need not fear extinction, for that is not allowed, not even within the edict of free will. Remember, you can choose your own destiny, but you cannot choose that of a whole planet. So rest assured that in this case, all is taken good care of, and you will only have to choose your next step in this whole operation. For you are all sovereign beings, and if you have chosen to embrace the new, you will find that circumstances will arrive that will enable you to step up to the plate in every way. And for those who have chosen to disengage them from it all, circumstances will arrive that will help them to do so as well. So yes, all will be well, even if events may seem to point to the opposite of this.
So know that no matter what happens in these upcoming weeks, you are all heading for what you have taken to your heart as your destiny. There will be much chaos and much confusion, but also many, many reasons for rejoicing. For the light will pour in at such a rate, it will defy any description, and when it hits home, it will trigger the last stage of this huge transformation, and it will do so in a way that will leave no one out of the loop anymore. For this will affect all of mankind, young and old, clerks and clerics, rich or poor, high and mighty and humbler folks. And it will hit home equally, but the result from all of this will vary according to your own personal set up. So this means that your choice will make the end result, and your choice is indeed sacred to All of creation. It has always been thus, and it will be so too in this case.
So sit back and observe what will take place, for you also have the role as observer in this, even if you do play a major part in this whole undertaking. For you KNOW what will take place, even if you do not have all the details. And no, you will not have the details beforehand, you will simply have the knowledge of a huge transformation that will take place, and you will also know that if it were not for you, this transformation would not take place in the first place. So rest assured that even if you also will feel some trepidation when you start to ponder what is about to happen, know that this will end up just like you have dreamed of, seemingly forever.
For this is it, this is the start of the countdown to the last and final chapter in this story, the last chapter that will signal the start of a brand new story for mankind, the story where love will reign supreme, and where bygones will be bygones, for never to resurrect ever again. For when this is completed, you will have no reason to fear for yourselves, nor for your planet. For by then, you will all be sharing a bright future, connected and blessed in ways that have not yet been possible. For you are heading for the brightest of the light, into the very core, where everything will be resurrected in such a way, there will be no need to look neither forwards nor backwards anymore. For what will be, will be here in the NOW, and it will be everything you dream of and then some.
So take this as the first signal that now, the clouds that seem to gather on the horizon is not a signal of doom and destruction. Rather, it is a signal of redemption, a signal of a torrential rain of light that will flush away the last traces of the grime that has besmirched mankind and this planet for so long. It will wash you all clean in a way that will make you all glow from within, and you will use this light to lead yourselves into the new tomorrow, and you will use this light to close that last chapter in the history of the old. / link to original article