For those of you who are celebrating the holiday known to you as Thanksgiving, we wish you a joyous day of holding gratitude for the abundance in your lives. For most of those in other countries, this is, of course, not a holiday. We offer that perhaps a thought or two along these lines may be appropriate for you, as well. Giving thanks for what one has is always a sure way to raise one’s energy.
Today there is also a great deal of attention and speculation upon the path of the comet that you have named Ison. That is as intended, dear ones. You are well aware now of the powerful effects of great focus when billions of you can be brought to concentrate upon an event. This is what is happening. Let it bring into focus what it is that you desire to be its effect.
Some of course will look at it with some trepidation. We can tell you that this is being far outweighed by the heightened expectations of the more positively focused of you.
You may think of this as a cause of certain things. You may think of it as an indicator of certain things. In both cases you would be correct. We do wish to tell you that you are passing into a time of wonder and excitement which, if you so wish, can be full of joy and upliftment (Yes, we have invented a word. It is a good word. Leave it be.)
The energy and wonder of this season will continue to build, dear friends. Allow yourselves to bathe in it, enjoy it, and benefit to highest degree possible for each you. You have earned it, you are earning it, and you will realize at some point that you have co-created it.
Allow yourselves now to feel our presence as we send you our love. Good day.
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