My beloved humans. Today I shall speak to you as always and simultaneously I welcome our Father too. He will tune you in already at the beginning of this message, my beloved humans here on earth being shortly before your ascension.
My beloved humans, my little lambs, after I looked so many times again and again, I, your heavenly Father, welcome you with this most important message and its alike important piece of information.
We already have informed this channel that today there will be some energy being entailed in our message which never before had risen to such height of frequency. Again we shall increase energies substantially in order to assist the process of ascension.
I, your heavenly Father, am much delighted to announce to you that the portals of ascension are right before you now! Energies and your potential have kept their level enabling us to proceed forward some further step. Today we shall announce that you have reached the portals of ascension and all that is left for you to do now is to transgress these great openings.
You have to do this very step quite consciously with all your inner hearts! You have to step forward with all your “I AM” ! Nobody may outwit this very portal without carrying the inner pre-requisite for it.
I, your heavenly Father, shall welcome you on the other side. I, your heavenly Father, together with all my children, the Angels and Archangels, shall expect you our side with Angelic choirs. Do not be afraid to transgress these portals – and do not fear to leave a world having given you nothing but grief’s and sorrows.
Step over this threshold to the New Earth. Gaia will await you in the realm of 5th Dimension and assist you to anchor yourselves there and to connect you safely with her new reality. This will be some difficult and complex process too turning up before you in orderly sequence.
Go through these Portals and accept the present of your All-Creator.
Archangel Raphael, my son, will now take over again and continue with his message here.
With great love to all my children – your Father, your creator of “All-there-Is”.
After you were able to enjoy the energetic shower of our all Father, The Creator, I really recommend that you go through another grounding with Gaia before continuing to read this message. After such fresh grounding to Gaia all the in flooding energies may be spreaded in your “I Am” for further anchoring. Otherwise it may need some while until all these energies will be anchored in your reality and your body too. Gaia will gladly assist you in this process.
My beloved humans. I, Archangel Raphael, shall continue now what has been announced already by our heavenly Father. I also shall give you some more details so that you may comprehend all that will be built up before you.
In the next days to come you will have the choice and the opportunity to transgress the portal of ascension. Some of you have chosen this path some time ago . They were the forerunners – pacemakers – in order to prepare the ground for you. They were those having taken on themselves everything in order to safeguard the well-functioning of this ascending process. They agreed to act like experimental guinea pigs for you since such complex process has never been enacted before now.
Even our heavenly Father has experienced this for the first time in all of his past existence. This means that all previously undertaken attempts of it were to prove and to find out whether this was possible at all. We always have assumed that this would be functioning since there is not any expression in our language for “Failure” .
We do know one and only and that means to be successful!
And not we have finally reached our target – so that we could push opening the Door of Ascension. This door is some barrier sensitive to energies and their frequency levels. This door will let pass only those having decided on their soul level solely to go the road of love. There is not any soul able to outwit this door. If their heart is being prepared accordingly even skeptics and gangsters will be passed on through ….
However, this door will prove invincible to all those strictly religious believers having lived a lie and not having subscribed themselves to Love. They will experience solely one matter standing at this door. They will not be permitted to pass through and access to the Nova Earth will be refused to them.
They will have to acknowledge that because of the lie they have lived on so far they will be denied any access to something that is not in accordance to the resonance of their hearts.
Key to this door is always your heart and it will act as your compass when you make your passing through the various portals of your ascension.
Do not worry that you might not find your portal since your soul will know about the route to take as all your souls will be shown where it is located.
It has been manifested in your reality and has come to all of you being the Portal of Ascension. All portals have been elaborated and prepared for you by our Creator and all his Archangels. These are the Portals of your Ascension now.
If followed the sequence of our words in some explicit way you will have found the plural of the term “portal” and this is not due to some mistake of ours. For it is the matter of Portals into differing dimensions. Since there will be some humans not ascending into the 5th dimension. No, these are humans going further up as they have finished their mission now. They will go to 6th and 7th or even to the 9th dimension and they will continue living in some other realm or location of some different dimension of an alternative surrounding and accordingly other vehicle resp. body.
This will be experienced by many humans which have incarnated to Earth here. Their missions have been completed successfully and wonderful moments of rest and recreation will await them. Their journey has ended now yet only for some short time. Since afterwards everything will be continued as there are still other planets in the universe being shortly before their ascension and these have to be supported and assisted by you again.
And now I am about concluding my message, my dear humans here on earth. The way of our communication will also undergo some change. When having ascended all humans will be re-endowed with their telepathic capabilities. Thereby you will be re-connected to our cosmic network of communication. You have never been separated from it but now on grounds of your newly attained state of consciousness everything of it will be available to you again without any impediment.
I shall embrace you when it is the right time – I shall embrace you in due time and all my brothers and sisters will assist me thereby. Be set and prepared to proceed on your way – making use of your heart as navigating compass towards some location which will be your new home located in higher dimensional realms.
Yours loving you – Archangel Raphael
Copyright © Gamma Marc. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.