Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta AA Rafael. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta AA Rafael. Mostrar todas las entradas
martes, septiembre 21, 2021
Day 15 - Archangel Ball of Raphael, Uriel, Gabriel, Michael, Sandalphon and Metatron
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA Gabriel,
AA Metatrón,
AA MIguel,
AA Rafael,
AA Sandalfon,
AA Uriel,
Diana Cooper,
lunes, septiembre 20, 2021
miércoles, julio 07, 2021
Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Raphael - The Courage to Share Your Gifts - July 6, 2021
The Courage to Share Your Gifts
Dear Ones,
Courage is the power that backs up the Love in your heart. Courage is the active, expanding field of Light that supports you. Courage is what you need to share your gifts with the world.
Providing the ways and means to act from your heart is fertilizing the field of your dreams. You have all the talent, skills, desires, love, freedom and direction that you need to express your creativity – now all you need is Courage. Have the Courage you need to stand in your truth and respond from a loving heart. There is only one thing that is holding you back from pure Soul expression, it is the light of Courage.
Courage is Soul Inspired. It is not brute force, or over-active masculine forward movement, it is the gentle nudge of your Spirit, complete with a sense of Wholeness that creates the receptivity to bring Courage into the field that propels you in the world.
Even if you are on the brink of retiring from the worldly activities that have consumed you for so long, you need Courage to act. When you have the light of Courage working in you, there is more discipline for your actions. You will intuit when to gracefully say no to distractions and follow your heart’s calling.
Courage remembers who you truly are in your spirit. It is a heart activity that can support you at a fundamental level when you most need it. With the field of Courage constantly renewing in your heart, you will have a sense of expansion and the willingness to follow the promptings of your heart.
When you call forth Courage, you begin to believe in yourself at deeper levels. You begin to recognize and honor the gifts you came to express. Courage is the quiet warrior of your heart. You know that you can stand true to yourself unwavering in your sense of Truth, knowing who you are and being willing to step out in Faith.
With Courage you feel supported and can allow your heart to blossom and open to the new. Abundant opportunities masquerade as the Great Unknown. With Courage you tweak your perceptions and recognize your willingness to explore beyond your boundaries. Your child-like curiosity expands when you have Courage.
How do you bring more Courage into your heart, your mind and the life you are living? Simply ask, silly as that may sound. There are legions of angels wanting to support you in fulfilling your Soul’s mission. The Universe has beneficent forces that can be harnessed to support your actions. Trust that Courage is there for you. Life has your back.
Consider a magnificent 16-pointed Star radiating in the Rainbow Light of Courage above your head. This dynamic shape has great power. Notice its pulsing radiance. Let it expand until its field of Light becomes you. Your Light Body expands to your imagination – so make it brilliant and strong.
Receive this Star of Light into your field to light up your Soul’s star and empower your guidance with Courage. Allow this star to light up your mind, flow it downward and let your throat receive the courageous encouragement you need to speak your Truth. Let the Star of Courage anchor in your heart. Let its radiance expand your heart’s field on all sides of you. As you expand your energy field with the Light of Courage, you know that with each beat of your heart, your blood carries Courage into every cell of your body. This Courage is tempered by the loving kindness your heart holds so beautifully.
Now allow the light of loving Courage to anchor into the Earth below you lighting the lower chakras and creating a powerful foundation of Courage to live from. You are fully supported by the benevolent forces of God’s love. You have all you need to re-pattern your life with the strength and courage that sparks your creativity. You have all the Love that you can allow yourself to receive in order to grow into who you truly are as a radiant child of the loving universal presence of Courage.
The Light is strong. It can fulfill you. You are a gift to the world. You are cared for and supported. All that you need is here for you now. You are a courageous soul of heart-centered action, and it is good. All of Life rejoices in your choices to allow Courage to express through your heart into the world. And so it is.
Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Raphael
July 6, 2021
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA Rafael,
Shanta Gabriel
viernes, abril 30, 2021
Natalie Glasson - Archangel Raphael - Growth of Life - April 30, 2021
Growth of Life by Archangel Raphael
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings and love I, Archangel Raphael extend to you. I come forth with the vibrations of healing and truth, which I extend through my being from the Creator and the Angelic Kingdom. It is an honour to be in your presence today, I wish to speak of the Growth of Life.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA Rafael,
Natalie Glasson
lunes, febrero 22, 2021
Be open to health and abundance with Archangel Raphael
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA Rafael,
Diana Cooper,
lunes, abril 06, 2020
Day 15 - Archangel Ball of Raphael, Uriel, Gabriel, Michael, Sandalphon and Metatron
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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AA Gabriel,
AA Metatrón,
AA MIguel,
AA Rafael,
AA Sandalfon,
AA Uriel,
Diana Cooper,
domingo, abril 05, 2020
domingo, marzo 29, 2020
lunes, marzo 02, 2020
Marlene Swetlishoff - ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL - MARCH 2020

The above image of Archangel Raphael was commissioned by ©Marlene Swetlishoff
through ©JanineRoseKeall. All rights reserved.
Beloved Ones,
I come on the wings of love to speak to you about these most auspicious times that are upon you. Truly this is one of the greatest opportunities for integrating the highest Light within yourselves and within your beloved planet! By visualizing yourselves as surrounded by the Golden Christ Light, you are anchoring and establishing your Lightbody around your human operating system and allowing the connection to your Divine Self to manifest in and through you. As more of you integrate this, the greater the blessings that befall all on Earth. This is what you came to the Earth to do.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA Rafael,
Marlene Swetlishoff
miércoles, febrero 26, 2020
Ailia Mira - Archangel Raphael - All Past Cycles Are Complete - Feb 26, 2020
the invitation
Beloved Ones,
It is I, Raphael.
It is a great joy for me to be with you.
I adore you! I know you, I am constantly aware of you and I invite you to feel deeply the love, and attention that is between us, even though it slips your mind at times. I am always with you!
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA Rafael,
Ailia Mira,
viernes, septiembre 13, 2019
Natalie Glasson - Archangel Raphael - Love and the Higher Levels of Creation - Sep 13, 2019
Love and the Higher Levels of Creation by Archangel Raphael
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
I extend my angelic love to greet you, I am Archangel Raphael. I wish to come forth to continue the conversation and communication of Archangel Gabriel by speaking of the presence of love; the love of the Creator. Archangel Gabriel emphasised the importance of connecting with the source of love within your being, embodying this love and radiating it into the world to create love in action. By achieving this you will be transported to
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA Rafael,
Natalie Glasson
miércoles, marzo 06, 2019
Golden Light Channel - Archangel Michael, Raphael, and The Council of Angels - Planet Earth is on the Brink of Great Evolutionary and Transformational Change - March 4, 2019

March 4, 2019
Greetings, we are The Council of Angels, including Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Chamuel, Archangel Gabriel, and Archangel Zadkiel. Your planet is poised to fly off the cliff, so to speak, away from destruction and towards the creation of great heights of evolutionary and transformational change. The high frequency energy embracing your planet now is creating a cascade of transformation from dark to light energy.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA Chamuel,
AA Gabriel,
AA MIguel,
AA Rafael,
AA Zadkiel,
Consejo de Ángeles,
El Gran Cambio,
Golden Light Channel
viernes, enero 25, 2019
Natalie Glasson - Archangel Raphael - A Greater Purpose to Requesting Healing - 25th January 2019
A Greater Purpose to Requesting Healing
by Archangel Raphael
Channeled through Natalie Glasson - 25th January 2019 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings, I am Archangel Raphael, I come forth to you with my Angelic Healing Team to share wisdom and high vibrational healing transmissions. I wish to encourage you to ask for healing from me, Archangel Raphael, my Angelic Healing Team and in truth any guide you resonate with upon the inner planes. Asking and requesting healing for yourself is now essentially important, as healing is not only a transference of energy or a physical aid, it develops your connection with the Creator allows you to support
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA Rafael,
Natalie Glasson,
lunes, marzo 19, 2018
Celia Fenn - Archangel Michael - Equinox March 2018 : Diamond Light, the New Earth, Sacred Clarity and the Opening of Conscious ReGenesi - March 17, 2018
Beloved Ones, the Equinox on March 2018 is a powerful moment in the Spiral of the Sacred Year. The Equinox Star Gate is an 8th Dimensional Solar Gateway and it is transmitting waves of Diamond Light to the Earth along with powerful magnetic waves of Light Codes and Water Codes.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA MIguel,
AA Rafael,
Celia Fenn,
Portales Estelares
viernes, noviembre 10, 2017
Natalie Glasson - Archangel Raphael - Connecting with the Essence of Being of Service - 10th November 2017
Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings and love extend through my being from the Angelic Kingdom. The Angels of Love and Healing wish to be reminded to you; they wish to share their support and companionship with you. They recognise you are Angels of Love and Healing on the Earth wishing to magnify your power and self-realisation of how you can assist the transformation of all especially Mother Earth. I, Archangel Raphael, come to you with the message of the Angels of Love and Healing, as well as my own guidance and inspiration of how to support the healing of yourself, humanity and Mother Earth.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA Rafael,
Natalie Glasson
viernes, septiembre 22, 2017
Natalie Glasson - Archangel Raphael and the Venus Beings - Healing Self, Humanity and Mother Earth - September 22, 2017
Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
A Healing Prayer (repeat as often as you feel guided)
May all feel the warm embrace of the energies of Archangel Raphael and the Venus Beings,
May light fill their hearts, mind and emotions,
May love fuel their actions and peace fuel their existence,
When there is harm let there be a kind touch,
When there is fear let there be a compassionate mind,
And when there is hate and anger let there be loving hearts,
For it is a kind touch, a compassionate mind and a loving heart that will heal the Earth and her humanity, dissolving all suffering,
With my love and truth, I encourage all to be the healing that the Earth and humanity needs right now,
As I exist in the world, I know myself to be the kind touch, compassionate mind and loving heart that heals myself and the Earth.
I am a kind touch, a compassionate mind and a loving heart in action.
Let the Light In
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA Rafael,
Natalie Glasson,
viernes, noviembre 18, 2016
Natalie Glasson - ARCÁNGEL RAFAEL - TRANSICIONES DE SANACIÓN PARA AHORA Y 2017 - Octubre 28 de 2016
Yo, el Arcángel Rafael, estoy ante ti como una joya de Luz Esmeralda, emanando hacia ti todo lo que Yo Soy. Soy conocido como el Arcángel de la Sanación; y también como el Arcángel del Descubrimiento/Síntesis del Alma. Yo quiero estar a tu servicio apoyando tu transición para incorporar tu Alma con mayor intensidad. Por favor, recibe mi presencia y respira mi Luz hasta lo profundo de tu Ser; es una Luz potente con vibraciones de Amor, Códigos Angélicos y Plantillas de Despertar, especiales para ti.
Cualquier forma de Sanación se manifiesta por causa de un despertar, una síntesis o una incorporación del Alma; sanarse es presenciar la magia del Alma. Cuando Yo manifiesto energías de Sanación para ayudarte, te estoy dando mi Luz con la intención de que incorpores mayores volúmenes de Luz, Amor y Verdad. Mi Luz energiza tu intención de Sanación; entonces Yo me conecto con tu Alma e invito a uno de sus aspectos a fusionarse con tu Ser. Yo limpio tus energías para que la energía de tu Alma pueda fluír con mayor facilidad, sin bloqueos ni obstáculos. La experiencia de Sanación se produce cuando tu Alma se integra en tu Ser, con tu intención y la mía fusionadas, incrementando así tu Cociente de Luz y tu vibración energética. Te conviertes en un Faro de Luz que permite la claridad y la comprensión; en verdad, el amanecer de una nueva perspectiva. Resumiendo, la sanación es una transición de la integración del Alma con tu aspecto físico, el incremento de la Luz en todo tu Ser y una transformación de tu perspectiva. Así es como Yo, el Arcángel Rafael, trabajo contigo cuando invocas mis energías y mi ayuda.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA Rafael,
Natalie Glasson
viernes, octubre 28, 2016
Natalie Glasson - Archangel Raphael - Transitions of Healing for Now and 2017 - 28th October 2016
I, Archangel Raphael, stand before you as an emerald jewel of light emanating all that I am to you. I am known as the Archangel of Healing as well as the Archangel of Soul Discovery/ Synthesis. I wish to be of service to you supporting you in your transition of embodying your soul with greater intensity. Please receive my presence and breathe my light deep into your being, it is potent with love vibrations, angelic codes and templates of awakening, especially for you.
Healing of any form manifests because of an awakening, synthesis or embodiment of the soul; healing is witnessing the soul’s magic. When I bring forth healing energies to support you, I am giving my light to you which carries an intention of embodying greater volumes of light, love and truth. My light energises your intention of healing; then I connect with your soul inviting an aspect of your soul to merge with your being. I clear your energies so that the energy of your soul may flow with greater ease free from blockages or hindrance. The experience of healing is the moment your soul integrates into your being merging with your intention and my intention, thus increasing your light quotient and energy vibration. You become a beacon of light, which allows clarity and understanding to dawn, in truth a new perspective. To summarise, healing is a transition of soul’s integra tion with your physical aspect, the increase of light within your entire being and a transformation in your perspective. This is the way that I, Archangel Raphael, work with you when you call upon my energies and assistance.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA Rafael,
Natalie Glasson
martes, agosto 16, 2016
Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Raphael - August 4, 2016
Dear One,
Every time you purposely offer your breath into the heart, it is a divine opening to Archangel Raphael and the legions of healing angels. Simply breathing purposefully is an action that awakens this connection.
Whenever you are touched by sweetness or beauty in your world, it is an opening into the realm of Archangel Raphael. Whenever your heart is in pain from the suffering of the world, it is an opening into the realms of Archangel Raphael.
Whenever you touch your heart and breathe into this center, you are connected to the realms of Archangel Raphael.
Call on this blessing to help you see new levels of Truth. Open to Love in all that you do and say. Allow yourself to soften so you can just BE love. Be the Breath. Be the Hope. Be the connection. Be the Love.
With these simple truths, let a new level of opening come to you that exposes your vulnerable heart, and allows the strength of Divine Love to empower you. There is no more powerful force in the Universe than Divine Love. As you strengthen your connection to your Heart Chakra, the Anahata acts as a radiant self-generating force that gets stronger with use.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA Rafael,
Shanta Gabriel
viernes, mayo 20, 2016
Natalie Glasson - Archangel Raphael - The Future of Healing - 20th May 2016
Every person upon the Earth has the ability to receive and accept healing vibrations whether it is from another human being, from an inner plane being or the universe of the Creator. To receive healing is a divine right for all souls on the Earth or the inner planes. It is also important to realise it is every person’s divine right and natural ability to express healing energies from their beings to themselves or others. This means that every person can be healed and can be the healer. When you realise your divine right and natural ability, you empower yourself. The universe of the Creator is always delivering healing frequencies to you and through you it is simply your choice as to whether you wish to receive it solely to support yourself or to share it with others in need.
Many people also believe that in order to be a healer there is a need to be guided or instructed in how to express healing energies. There are many organisations which will support you in this matter upon the Earth and the inner planes; they offer an in-depth understanding while encouraging you to take responsibility for your healing ability. They may focus your awareness to certain healing energies within the universe of the Creator you can call upon to work with you. This has for some time been the accepted route to becoming a healer however at this time of ascension many people in their own time and space are becoming aware of their healing ability and the healing energies their soul wishes them to bring through. It is akin to a remembrance dawning or an activation of your divine right. The vibration of the Earth and humanity is quickening significantly causing many to remember the ir truth; their natural healing skills and alignments.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA Rafael,
Natalie Glasson
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