Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Kathy Vik. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Kathy Vik. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, noviembre 19, 2013

Magartha via Kathy Vik: New Energetic Changes - Nov 19, 2013
We greet you to the table of elders, we ask you come as light, imagine the body which you inhabit coming with you, rather than trying to split your consciousness, as is often done with meditation. Let what you can imagine be within your physical form, and allow this form to become living light. Come to the table as an equal, a family member in this family of light, we welcome you home.
The Great Central Sun is delivering, even now, in your time, a great transmission, the channel sensing this as geometrics and light, when able to see. This is nearly a plasmic transmission, and we wish to now highlight the truth of such things.

martes, noviembre 05, 2013

Magartha via Kathy Vick: The New Land - Nov 5, 2013 is with deep honor and respect that we gather with you as one now. We are a group of entities, if you wish, who gave this channel our name thirty three years ago. We are Magartha, and we are your family.
We come from perhaps not so much outside time, as creators of it, aware, of course, of worlds upon worlds, wheel upon wheel.
The morphogenic field which is your living body, living Merkahbah, is its own galaxy, as the channel has just been shown. Creator Gods, each. Creator Gods. Each.

viernes, junio 14, 2013

DEEPLY AWAKE 2 ~ The Group via Kathy Vik - June 14, 2013

We wish to speak to you about the issue of identity as it relates to living within a world of varying levels of awareness.

It is plain now to many of you that there is a change afoot that everyone, absolutely everyone, can feel.

We ask you to think on this. The harmonics have changed, if we can be allowed to work with and perhaps redefine this term for you. This, in fact, is the best place to start.

We wish to explain what harmonics is, as we see it.