Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Elizabeth Ayres Escher. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Elizabeth Ayres Escher. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, abril 22, 2020

Elizabeth Ayres Escher - Sundeelia: Observations from a Pleiadian Perspective - April 22, 2020

Sundeelia: Observations from a Pleiadian Perspective

via Eliza Ayres

I AM Sundeelia. Greetings, beloved people of Terra. It has been a while since I have shared my thoughts with you. Given the recent state of affairs on this planet, I will admit to being in a state of observing the great awakening which is beginning to manifest within the common people. This is a long-overdue occurrence so we, the Pleiadians, are thankful to finally see the hearts and minds of many brave souls venturing outside “the box” of the Matrix.

lunes, marzo 16, 2020

Eliza Ayres - Sundeelia: A Time to Come Together - Mar 16, 2020

Lord Michael’s Blue Flame Sword

Sundeelia: A Time to Come Together

So, the time long foretold when an old corrupt “world” would collapse of its own weight has arrived. However the ultimate fall was triggered, it is done now, it is happening before our very eyes, the proverbial shift has hit the fan. Now, it is time for people to step away from looking outside of themselves for answers, for someone in “authority” to direct them, or to seek to silence those “others” who disagree with their political or cultural beliefs. None of that means anything now when all of humanity is facing unbelievable structural changes to the very fabric of life and society, when all that people know has been revealed as being devised from the tissues of lies and propaganda.

sábado, diciembre 28, 2019

Elizabeth Ayres Escher - Sundeelia: What is a Pleiadian High Council? - Dec 28, 2019

Quite often when reading or surveying an article or message for possible posting on Blue Dragon Journal I will notice the authors/channeler referencing the Pleiadian High Council or even ‘councils’. Perhaps this term is used to give some cache to the message, but in my experience, it is terminology that is highly misleading.

martes, diciembre 24, 2019

Elizabeth Ayres Escher - Sundeelia – The Advent of Divine Consciousness on Terra - Dec 24, 2019

Sundeelia – The Advent of Divine Consciousness on Terra

Christmas is celebrated world-wide, although many of the celebrants are not Christian. What does that mean? Simply this: Christ Consciousness is not limited to those who practice Christianity; it belongs to all Life. It is the Divine Intelligence of Source.

domingo, diciembre 08, 2019

Eliza Ayres - Sundeelia: Coming Into Alignment With Higher Self - Dec 8, 2019

Coming Into Alignment with Higher Self
Aspects of Ascension – Impressions of a Pleiadian Walk-in

By Sundeelia VaCoupe, Specialty Commander Communications, ‘The White Winds’

In the course of being “here” on 3D Earth, I have observed the many permutations of various psyops variously called “religion”, spirituality including so-called “New Age teachings which were designed specifically by the Central Intelligence Agency in the mid-20th century. While my sister, Lady Tazjma, was present here, she posted channeled pieces and articles written by many people, some posing as ‘ascension teachers’, ‘guides’, and other self-appointed titles. I will make a simple and perhaps disturbing statement in response to these people who take themselves too seriously, charging other people money for their services, and invariably falling into ego traps: Spirituality or to truly live within Spirit is very simple. You don’t need books, lectures, videos, workshops, or other people how to tell you to “be” spiritual.

domingo, enero 31, 2016

Eliza: We ARE here! - Jan 31, 2016

Eliza:  We ARE here!
When I feel or listen within, I’ll often hear this phrase from my Team, “We are here!” For me, it has been a source of comfort, a way to tune into the channels that I listen to… which has nothing to do with 3D radio reception.
This phrase is beginning to take on greater meaning for all light workers, especially those who are passing through the portal NOW, from 3D/4D to 5D.  My interpretation of this portal is that when we fully emerge on the other side, our multi-dimensional Selves will be fully anchored HERE, within our consciousness.  We will no longer be human.  We will be fully our true nature, although still passing in appearance as human beings for the time being…
I AM a Galactic Emissary and Scribe.  In my various articles written over a three-year period, I have shared some of my galactic ancestry.  This is not a fantasy that I’ve built up to feed my ego; it is real, tangibly real.  We ARE disclosure and we ARE here now.
It is necessary for all galactic emissaries now to take up their mantles of divinity and proclaim themselves to the world.  There is no more hiding or pretending to be something that we are not… and that is human.

sábado, enero 30, 2016

Eliza: We ARE Disclosure - January 30, 2016

Eliza: We Are Disclosure

Today I woke up in the pre-dawn hours. The internet was down once again and so I started writing. Before going to work, I had completed six pages of typing in a massive flow. I’m not even sure if it makes sense… Downloads and upgrades are coming at a rapid pace. Let go of everything not necessary in your life so you can take care of yourself in these pivotal days ahead.

As in the early days of ancient Atlantis, there were always those who served as teachers and guides for the people, who taught the arts of culture, architecture, music, art, language and dance, how to plant, how to utilize the forces of nature, how to train consciousness to high degrees of power and control. These were beings that came as volunteers to serve the Light that exists within all beings, through all levels of evolution. These are beings, who like the Serpent in the Garden, gave humanity the gift of self-awareness and the freedom of choice in the pursuit of happiness.

sábado, noviembre 28, 2015

Elizabeth Ayres Escher - Council of Nine: Love - November 28, 2015

Fading Rose

The Council of Nine: Love

Love is the foundation of the Universe yet much of humanity assigns to love the mere status of an emotion.

Love has the power to break down barriers, melt hearts and transform anger into acceptance, and yet humans have mistaken love as being a physical or emotional experience.

Lust or physical attraction has been called love, yet it is not. Love is not dependent on how beautiful or sexy a person may be. It simply is.

Most love that has been experienced by humans appears to be conditional in nature, dependent on how someone responds to their lover or not. It is believed that love can be withheld. It cannot, as love is… everywhere. It permeates the very fabric of Creation.

viernes, noviembre 27, 2015

Elizabeth Ayres Escher - The Council of Nine – Hope - November 27, 2015

The Council of Nine: Hope

Through the darkness of the world, the chaos and confusion, there comes LIGHT. For those who can see, feel or hear its presence, the Light brings hope.

We greet each and every one of you who reads these words as brother and sister. It matters not to us that you do not understand them, as the words present energy and are imprinted within your energy body as you read them. Understanding often comes later, when the intellect gives way to the intuitive understanding which requires no words or explanation to make plain the meaning.

sábado, noviembre 21, 2015

Eliza Ayres (aka Tazjima Amariah Kumara) - The Council of Nine – Communique 11.21.2015

La Ballena Playa
La Ballena Playa
The Council of Nine – Communique 11.21.2015
Channeler: Eliza Ayres (aka Tazjima Amariah Kumara)
We are the Pleiadians. We are your sisters and brothers. Long have we watched you from afar, but now we move among you as human beings. We are here.
In our hearts we sing to your planet, which so lovingly supports your race, despite ongoing efforts to destroy her, by those who are not of this world or dimension.
Free your world and yourselves from the tyranny of hate, despair and anger. Turn to one another in an air of acceptance for each of you is entirely unique and individual, yet part of a collective whole.
We understand the pain and suffering in the world comes from ignorance. You have forgotten your sacred ties to the earth, to heaven and to each other. Release your fears.
Let the dreams of your childhood come back into your adult memory and shake yourselves loose from the need to compete against one another.

domingo, marzo 01, 2015

Eliza - Council of Nine: Divine by Nature Aside - March 1, 2015

"Snowy Summit", acrylic on canvas, 16" x 20", Eliza Ayres, 2015.
“Snowy Summit”, acrylic on canvas, 16″ x 20″, Eliza Ayres, 2015.
Council of Nine: Divine by Nature
We are the Council of Nine, one of many councils involved in the evolution and transition of planet Earth.
Today, you enter another new phase. The subtle energies of stars and planets has moved into another set of signs. These cycles continue often beyond your awareness, influencing your life. It is for this reason astrology was once considered a science, one of many. It will be that when once again science and esoteric knowledge re-discover that their seemingly disparate perceptions of the world are indeed mutually supportive in essence.
There is so much for you to re-learn about your world. Those tribes whom your leaders have called primitive resonate more closely to the rhythms and seasons of the planet than the populations cooped up in the large unnatural cities. Your forefathers were “encouraged” to leave the soil behind and find “jobs” in the urban settings so you could more easily be controlled by the wealthy and powerful few. In truth, many former peasants and people of land and forest were forced out of their former abodes through the process of clearances and through the destruction wrought by war and pestilence.

sábado, febrero 07, 2015

Eliza: On New Horizons - February 7, 2015

Eagle Cap from Zumwalt Prairie
Eliza: On New Horizons
The past couple of weeks have been challenging for me (and others) for many reasons. Odd feelings like anxiety, melancholia, grief and a sense of hanging out in unknown space have been emerging into waking consciousness.
In the morning, I often wake up from intense, lengthy and colorful dreams, only to lose the story line quickly, like a fading glimpse into another world. I remember one scene, where I looked up a road that went straight up into some green mountains. I could see every tree in detailed shape and color, the various ridges ascending into a violet sky. It was a world that I knew and did not know.
Walking between worlds is something that many way showers have been experiencing of late. There are moments of visionary flashes and peeks under the Veil into what is beyond, which we cannot quite see or understand at this time… but will as we learn to let go of the last vestiges of the conditioning from our old world.

sábado, enero 31, 2015

Eliza: Epiphany - January 31, 2015

Paradise River
Eliza: Epiphany
I’ve been quiet of late, giving myself time to let go of what has gone before and allow the new to enter in. One needs to do this from time to time. It’s called taking stock, considering if you still resonate with the direction in which you have been going, or if there is something drawing your attention… something “new”.
As I have written in past posts, my path has been a zigzag, going in one direction and then another. This pattern tends to throw off people, to catch them off-guard. No matter. I need to follow my inner guide, not what is being told to me by others.
For a time last year, I followed a star that wasn’t my own. Now I am endeavoring to re-discover and listen within, seeking guidance forward from this point. I’m not concerned about the pace or manner in which discovery will occur, for I have faith that I will have what I need when I need it. This is faith in my inner guidance that has always served me well.
At lunch, I was reading Book #13 of Kryon: The Recalibration of Humanity. In the very last part of the book, Kryon is addressing the Three Winds. The last one is the Wind of Transition or what our culture has called “death”.

sábado, enero 17, 2015

Eliza: On Embracing Change - January 17, 2015

Jacob's Ladder and Silver Log
Eliza: On Embracing Change
This morning I woke up to an awareness that I was with my “Council” (thanks to recent posts by Ron Head, “Oracles and Healers”). I have had my own exchanges with various “councils” in the past couple of years through my channeled work. Today, however, the communication was directed towards me as an individual, with the focus of dissolving all former contracts, agreements, settlements, treaties, vows, and such made before coming into embodiment, upon other worlds, in other lifetimes and even within this particular lifetime. In short, I have been set free of all past, present and future commitments made without my full WAKING consciousness.
You cannot imagine (or perhaps you can if you possess a vivid imagination like my own) just how freeing such a move can be.

viernes, enero 16, 2015

Eliza: On Embracing Your Humanity - January 16, 2015

April Clouds
Eliza: On Embracing Your Humanity
Yesterday as I strode into my workplace through the foggy blackness of early morning, a thought occurred to me, “If I didn’t walk-in to this world, then I will not be walking out.”
Most everyone assumes that they arrive into this world the regular way, by being birthed and having two physical parents. Last April, I was told that I was a walk-in soul, who entered into a pre-existing vessel, after the original occupant left it vacant.  Yesterday, I took the time to check within and intuitively came up with my own answer.  I was born into this world, as a babe within my mother’s belly… my poor suffering mother, who was alone while her husband was off serving during the Korean Affair.
Yet, for a time I took the two people who assured me that I had walked in rather than being born here at their word, not questioning or listening to how this information resonated with me. Actually that’s not quite true, as I was always troubled by the concept that I wasn’t a part of my physical family. And this uneasiness has existed within me for some months, finally bursting forth last month in a sense of despair and depression. My heart was unsure of what I was being told, what was apparently being expected of me… what these other people actually believed would take place for themselves as well as me.
Even though I didn’t feel very much at home on this planet due to its low frequencies, there was always something here that caught my heart. A part of me wanted to linger here despite the enticement of going “home” to someplace of which I had no memory.

jueves, enero 08, 2015

Eliza: Volte-face - January 8, 2015

Stetattle Ridge
Eliza: Volte-face
Oye! The alteration in my feelings and direction altered quite irrevocably with the beginning of this New Year. It’s as if I was going in one direction and then woke up and found myself traveling in a completely new direction. Yet it is all me… now, at least.
How to explain what happened during this past year leaves me a little speechless. I am not going to blame anyone or even myself. There were no mistakes made or injustice done. What I went through was another layer of experience to add to my already thick portfolio.
What is my truth? What is my direction? Where am I going?
I really can’t answer those questions with surety, thus is the current momentum of change. We are all being stripped of whatever doesn’t belong to us, what we don’t need any more, whether it be another person’s ideas, our own prejudices and beliefs about ourselves, our fears and doubts… all of it must be left behind. The higher frequencies of the planet will not allow us to go forward into the new with these things.

domingo, diciembre 28, 2014

Eliza - Lord Adrigon: On Ascension - December 28, 2014

Ash Tree Pioneer Park

Lord Adrigon: On Ascension

Channeler:  Tazjima
I AM Lord Adrigon. I greet you today from the deck of our mother ship, my personal vessel, The White Winds, which is stationed between Earth and Venus. When you look upon the Morning Star just before dawn, you will also be looking upon us.
Our Pleiadian fleet is stationed within and around your solar system until that time when your world will be set completely free from its ancient restraints, brought upon it by darkened souls from another Universe.
As part of our mission here, we train those who are starseed volunteers, who are willing to step down in their frequencies and enter the cycle of incarnation upon your world. In league with the etheric retreats that still exist with the auric field of your planet, we prepare these volunteers, guide them, mentor them, and heal them in between embodiments if need be.

sábado, diciembre 27, 2014

Eliza - The Solstice Ceremony (EXPANDED VERSION) - December 27, 2014

Eliza: The Solstice Ceremony (EXPANDED VERSION)
The following description is an expanded version of the Festivities that recently took place upon The White Winds. This piece is designed to give the reader a glimpse into what takes place during a high dimensional celebration of this nature.
During a messaging session, Ladies Tazjima, Trillia and RaNia were able to plug into Now Time and re-enter the time and space of the ceremony and “see” and experience the festivities in more detail.  As I transcribed this piece, even more detail began to emerge.  If you relax and sink into a meditative space, you can pull up this kind of “memory”, too, for all time is simultaneous in the Now moment.
This grand ceremony was long planned by many as the first in a series of graduation celebrations for members of the First Wave of Starseed Volunteers who went forth to assist in the now completed Evolutionary Period which ended on 12.21.2012. For this particular ceremony, there would be slightly less than 100 graduates present, but many attendees would come from all over the Multiverse, as family, friends, mentors and guides and interested parties. This was to be the first in a series of gala celebrations, each one to be aligned with an Earth-based astrological / astronomical event of some significance, usually on the cusp from one Sign to another.

viernes, diciembre 26, 2014

Eliza: On Being a Spiritual Warrior - December 26, 2014

Magic Staircase

Eliza: On Being a Spiritual Warrior

“The path of the spiritual warrior is not soft and sweet. It is not artificially blissful and pretend forgiving. It is not fearful of divisiveness. It is not afraid of its own shadow. It is not afraid of losing popularity when it speaks its truth. It will not beat around the bush where directness is essential. It has no regard for vested interests that cause suffering. It is benevolent and it is fiery and it is cuttingly honest in its efforts to liberate itself and humanity from the egoic ties that bind. Shunning strong opinions in the name of spirituality is anti-spiritual. Real spirituality is a quest for truth, in all its forms. Sometimes we find truth on the meditation cushion and sometimes we find it at the heart of just conflict. May all spiritual warriors rise into fullness; this planet is lost without them.” Jeff Brown
It’s the day after Christmas and while I was scrolling down my timeline on Facebook, these words of Jeff Brown caught my eye.

domingo, diciembre 21, 2014

Eliza: A Turning Point . December 21, 2014

Tatoosh Ridge by Andrei Pernutter
Eliza:  A Turning Point
Winter Solstice has arrived in some parts of the world already, even as I begin to write this piece. It is the shortest day of the year in the northern latitudes and the longest in the south. The solstice marks one of the four corners or sections of the year’s passage, and this one is nearly done.
The Solstice also marks the end of a passage for myself, being some two months post my ascension ceremony, or that of my Higher Self, Lady Tazjima. During the ceremony, she was initiated into the Seventh Dimension, becoming a Lady of Light, an honorary title meaning “beloved teacher”.
These past two months have marked a period of intense and at times painful transformation and transmutation for me. I will not prevaricate… I have been under tremendous strain at times and extremely peaceful in other rare moments.