domingo, diciembre 08, 2019
Eliza Ayres - Sundeelia: Coming Into Alignment With Higher Self - Dec 8, 2019
Coming Into Alignment with Higher Self
Aspects of Ascension – Impressions of a Pleiadian Walk-in
By Sundeelia VaCoupe, Specialty Commander Communications, ‘The White Winds’
In the course of being “here” on 3D Earth, I have observed the many permutations of various psyops variously called “religion”, spirituality including so-called “New Age teachings which were designed specifically by the Central Intelligence Agency in the mid-20th century. While my sister, Lady Tazjma, was present here, she posted channeled pieces and articles written by many people, some posing as ‘ascension teachers’, ‘guides’, and other self-appointed titles. I will make a simple and perhaps disturbing statement in response to these people who take themselves too seriously, charging other people money for their services, and invariably falling into ego traps: Spirituality or to truly live within Spirit is very simple. You don’t need books, lectures, videos, workshops, or other people how to tell you to “be” spiritual.
What I noted here, as the frequencies rise higher, the true motivations or current alignments of many of the ascension teachers and guides are being revealed for what they truly are — false teachers. Whether they have fallen into ego traps, have had ancient implants that have activated causing the individual to continuously run programs which cut off their connection to higher self or they are intentionally conscious members of Dark Team… it is not my place to judge. I have simply discontinued posting the works of these individuals as they do not resonate with what I want to put up in this blog. Currently, the two clearest Messengers of whom I am aware are Patricia Cota-Robles and Ronna Herman Venzane. Both ladies do present teachings which resonate at a high frequency and contain timeless Truth.
What any seeker needs is a good dose of humility, seasoned by a ton of common sense, and the ability to trust your intuition… your inner senses that are your direct connection with Spirit or Source energy.
Spirit is not apart from us nor do we have to seek it out. Rather we need to seek it in, within our own beingness. It exists simultaneously where we are every moment of every day, sunrise to sunset and as we sleep. It exists in our dreams, in our emotions, and in our thoughts. It is not positive or negative; it simply is. Spirit can be defined in more scientific language as energy, which can neither be destroyed merely transformed.
In a channeled piece that I did post this morning was a good example of someone who is either 1) out of alignment with their inner self (Self) or has fallen into an ego trap (claiming higher evolutionary development than is apparent by doing a quick scan or is DELIBERATELY misleading their readers by including 90% truth and then 10% falsehood — we call them zingers) designed to hook into another unawakened individual by misleading them from the inner path. The latter person is one to whom I refer as being a dark worker. Whether fully conscious of being aligned with the dark, these people knowingly or unknowingly lead other people to believe in falsehoods. The following is an example of a ‘zinger’:
“… you can become your higher self.”
To be more accurate, is that you ALIGN with your Higher Self. A soul fragment is that which is encapsulated within your human form or vehicle can only REBLEND with Higher Self, not become it. When you return Home at the end of your life, you reblend, if and ONLY if you have achieved a complete rebalancing of the energies, male and female within and open to Christ Consciousness, Divine Intelligence. Many so-called ascension teachers mistake the delusions of a swollen ego for the attributes of a truly enlightened person, who is humble, dedicated, and obedient (listens to) the urgings of the Inner Self, the Christ (or Buddha) within. Each seeker needs to develop their own B.S. meter to determine what resonates, what contains jagged (dark misaligned energies or hooks) and what can be assimilated.
While incarnated here on Terra, individual sparks or soul fragments undergo many lessons. One major lesson for those who wish to ascend consciously is the ability to practice humility. This is not false humility, but true humility where you have consciously given your higher self permission to work with your lower bodies here (astral, etheric, emotional, and mental). Your physical body, which I refer to as a ‘vehicle’ or ‘avatar’ is a temporary house or temple, dwelling place for a fragment of your higher self. Basically it is the percentage of your consciousness that has the most to balance and release in terms of what people refer to as ‘karmic debts’ and/or ‘traumatic wounds’ taken from past lives.
If you are truly embarked upon a spiritual ‘path’, you will already be aware of the reality of other lives, either spent here on this planet (Terra) or a variety of other worlds, solar systems, constellations, galaxies, and even quadrants. It is important to note that time does exist despite what some new age practitioners claim, although perhaps not in the manner in which you have been programmed to believe. In short, ‘time’ and ‘space’ exist within the atmosphere of the planet upon which your consciousness resides, at least that portion of it that resides within a body. Each world, each solar system, galaxy AND quadrant contains wherein time spirals known by the ancient Vedic teachings (from Sirius) as Yugas. Thus, each individual, family, institution, culture, nation and planet exists within a series of cycles defined by the particular time spiral. Typically there is a rise, evolution, and fall contained within every cycle unless the individual, group, nation, or planetary consciousness rises in frequency above the frequency of the current generally devolving period at the end of a cyclical period (e.g. the Kali Yuga or Dark Age).
It is possible to escape for a while from a sense of time and space by entering into the eternal NOW, where all time and space exists simultaneously. This is the “place” well-known by seers, mystics, and truly enlightened individuals, not ones who claim to be such falsely. However, the consciousness that is encapsulated within a body is eventually compelled to return to earth in order to function in daily life. To ground oneself in the body more thoroughly learn to employ combinations of meditative techniques. Personally, I prefer active meditation whether performing mundane household tasks, spending time in Nature, or simply going for a walk. Ceremony is not necessary.
In the 21st century, spirituality has become commercialized to the degree that it has become unrecognizable to the true seeker. You are not a spiritual person if all you do is attend workshops, read books, perform yoga, wear purple, buy crystals, and become a vegan. You are certainly not a balanced individual if you begin to preach to other people as to how they should eat, dress, or perform ceremony. Spirituality is, of necessity, an individual inner path which cannot be dictated by outside forces. Each and every individual is unique unto themselves, with their own lessons to complete (or not), their own challenges to overcome (or not) and their own opportunities to take advantage of (or not). It is the responsibility of each and every soul fragment and walk-ins upon this planet to be self-aware of their process internally. How much progress any one person makes or doesn’t within any given life opportunity is their responsibility and that of no one else.
“Victimhood” looms large as a device to deflect responsibility from self and to project your misaligned fears, judgment, self-righteousness, belief systems, etc. upon others. Today’s political scene in the United States and elsewhere is a perfect example of one side (you figure out which) continues to project upon their opponents in a bid to control, dominate, and define the narrative (what people ought to believe according to self-appointed authorities). Examples of such herd mentality exist in academia, new age groups, religion, fascist corporate entities, and the like. In such a setting if you happen to present an opinion that is different than that which is generally accepted (whether or not it is actually based in reality or grounded in fact) then you are automatically expelled from the group-think, ostracized, judged, and nowadays, often attacked quite openly. The act of perpetrating the belief that one is a victim of someone else (whether an individual, group, political party, institution or country) is to give up personal power and to allow yourself to be dominated by other, those outside of your consciousness who wish to direct your will so they might use your energy to feed off.
Any force that feeds off of others is parasitic and aligned with the dark forces of this dualistic universe. Thus those individuals who consciously teach falsehoods wish to divide those who are unaware off from the true path of initiation and onto a rocky trail wherein they might eventually become tools of a particular agenda. These are individuals who have made a freewill choice to align themselves with the dark. Even if you are ignorant of doing so, it is a choice.
Long ago when more primitive man chose to believe that certain extraterrestrial races were ‘gods’ they unconsciously gave their power away to these beings, who happened to be more advanced in terms of their technology but not at all balanced within spiritually – that is they were not in alignment with the Light (Divine Intelligence). These beings had been forced to descend from the higher frequency worlds, but because of their original state, they still vibrated or resonated at a higher frequency than the mostly unconscious naïve self-evolving Terrans. Through the course of many centuries and ages, these intruders eventually hijacked the evolutionary cycles of humanity and gained control over the planet, seeking to plunder her natural resources, which included humanity. These negatively polarized groups brought their practices of Satanism and ritual abuse, infiltration and perversion of institutions and individuals, and created a world-wide system of corruption and criminality which is now being actively exposed by courageous individuals standing up for personal and national sovereignty.
Having personal sovereignty means you have free will to decide which direction you will take your life. What most people do not realize and which so-called ascension teachers misrepresent is that there are cycles when it is more conducive to be able to rise up in frequency. Now is such a time. There is what has been called the Harvest; the Bible refers to it as the separation of the tares (waste) and the wheat (fruit of the crop) or those who have neglected their lessons and will not move upward in evolution and those who will. Those who do nothing can actually fall backward and so devolve which is the more difficult path, although one that often appears easier as there is less conscious effort required. Most people on the devolutionary path give their power to others, they are willing to be dominated and controlled within a limited scope of existence. Those who strike out on their own, seek their own path, and attain alignment within will evolve, despite all outside appearances. The individual can be poor, live in a truck, and still ascend. Wealth and power do not denote or equate to spiritual development – wealth is often a rather severe test for individuals and many fail.
So… anyway, understand that true spirituality means you have become self-aware and are guided from within. One gains greater sensitivity and attunement to the frequencies of others whether it is through their writings, speech, carriage, their beliefs, and their actions. False teachers generally do not practice what they preach. They tend to feed off of the energies of others, act all self-righteous as if they have an exclusive understanding of reality, and are usually completely ungrounded. They get highly triggered if questioned or called out on their beliefs. They believe they are superior to others. The worst are conscious that they are advancing untruth or twisting details of ancient metaphysical teachings. It is up to those who encounter such individuals and/or their ‘teachings’ to beware for many are the traps that have brought down those who used to channel with clarity. The dark goes out of its way to specifically target these individuals especially if they have gathered a large group of followers.
Followers of any one teaching, belief system, or teacher, tend to be those who have given away their power to their teacher or beliefs. In short, they have given up their ability to think and feel for themselves, choosing instead to blindly follow what someone else decrees is ‘truth’.
The previous author and editor of this blog, Tazjma VaCoupe, read and sampled the wares of many teachings, books, videos and the like, taking what resonated and leaving the rest. In short, she took responsibility for her own path of self-exploration and its direction. She wasn’t always on target, but she persisted, often striking out alone to the dismay of former teachers who didn’t understand her inner drive. As a walk-in, when she had managed to clear 85% of her karmic records, she was able to reblend with Higher Self, which meant about 85% of her consciousness returned to the frequency from which she had originally and willingly descended – to the being that existed at Home. As her replacement, I am responsible for clearing the remaining karma for Lady Tazjma as well as clearing my own old records of trauma experienced during the Orion Wars in Sirius, the Pleiadian Star Federation, and other worlds beyond this quadrant. When Tazjma finally finished her walk-out process (the length of which is unique and sacred for each initiate) her consciousness departed and I remained in charge of the vehicle. Only about 8 to 10% of my own consciousness resides here on Terra currently and will probably never increase in percentage. Thus, there is little chance that any one individual here can ‘become their higher self’ when typically the Higher Self (even for dark team) resides in a totally different dimension.
Until the planet truly resides in 5D there will be an experiencing of a great disparity of frequencies, high and low. Those individuals, who are not in alignment with their heart and feelings, will have a difficult time adjusting as the frequencies continue to climb. Those who are aligned with the dark path will continue to reveal themselves more clearly to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Those whose eyes are closed (inner eye/inner heart) and ears are stopped, will neither see nor hear those inner messages so needful during the current challenging cycle of never-ending change. Those who listen to the silent inner voice of higher self will be able to successfully maneuver the reefs and shoals of the turbulent seas of the unconscious.
Being aligned with Higher Self means you are guided from within, not by what others tell you to believe. This takes courage, self-determination, and personal self-awareness as we exist within a sea of the collective unconscious of humanity on this planet. Self-awareness and determination of how a particular thought or concept resonates with you, will aid the seeker to personally make course corrections. Thoughts flow through you constantly, although they are often not your own. Awareness of this fact will assist the one who is willing to listen to move beyond self-judgment or feeling a need to align with a particular belief system.
In reaching a place of trust in your inner guidance, you can let go and let God – which is simply a personification of an ineffable force of consciousness far beyond the capacity of current human evolution to comprehend. In this universe or quadrant of creation, God is dualistic, male and female, referred to as Father and Mother God. The union of these divine essences creates what is known as Cosmic Christ Consciousness, which is gradually stepped down in frequency to the level that can be tolerated by your own level of consciousness. By working to balance your inner male (mental body) and inner female (emotional body), you open up access to the Light Body or Christ Consciousness that is the Door through which you can obtain true inner guidance and wisdom. Within every truly balanced individual, there exists an open connection between the mental body (mind/pineal gland) and the emotional body (heart), which in turn activates the High Heart Center wherein the altar of the Three-Fold Flame burns while your consciousness resides within the body vehicle.
Perhaps we will discuss the Three-Fold Flame in further articles. This one is already getting too long for most people’s attention spans these days. Let me know in the comments below what further topics you might want me to extrapolate upon. Rude comments will be deleted. No one needs trolls.
Much love and blessings,
Sundeelia VaCoupe
P.S. For those with a more scholarly bent, know this: my writings are intuitive. I do not typically reference books, etc. The text may be difficult to follow as it weaves from subject to subject. Simply flow with it or seek elsewhere.
Copyright 2019, All Rights Reserved, Eliza Ayres,
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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