Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta AA Haniel. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta AA Haniel. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, diciembre 03, 2021

Jahn J Kassl - Message from Archangel Haniel - YOU ARE PERFECT THROUGH LOVE - Dec 2, 2021

photo credit: Andrea Percht

Even if you win over the entire world – if you lose your ability to love, you haven’t gained anything but lost everything.

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations


You are perfect through love
Mastery through forgiveness

Beloved human,

Forgive everyone for everything – unconditionally. This is the only way to inner peace and peace amongst humanity.

You are not just human – you are an everlasting spiritual being having simultaneous multidimensional experiences. Earth provides you with unique experiences, and it allows you to first experience and to then go beyond all worldly limitations.

jueves, septiembre 02, 2021

Jahn J Kassl - Message from Archangel Haniel - FILM SET FOR ANGELS - September 2, 2021

Message from Archangel Haniel

God is the only truth. Everything else is a film set for angels who are human beings for a brief period of time.

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations

photo credit: Andrea Percht 
Film set for angels 


Being reborn spiritually and to never worry about earthly life again, that is what this message is about!

Beloved human,

Focus all your attention and strength on your inner evolvement. What happens in your consciousness is of value and forever stays a part of your being. Growth always happens within you, at your core, and often goes unnoticed by those around. How many beggars are there who are enlightened? More than you might think!

sábado, junio 20, 2020

Jahn J Kassl - Archangel Haniel - FEAR IS CONTAGIOUS – SO IS LOVE! - June 18, 2020

Message from Archangel Haniel

There is only one truly contagious disease that has infected all of humanity and needs healing before you can return into the light: fear.
photo credit: Andrea Percht

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl

English edition by crystalflow translations

The path of war

To rise and keep on walking with determination, that is the path of a warrior who strives for the end of all wars.

lunes, mayo 18, 2020

Jahn J Kassl - Archanel Haniel - TRANSFORM YOURSELF AND ACT WITH DETERMINATION - May 16, 2020


Message from Archanel Haniel

Don’t be afraid! Because right now, when a carpet of fear was laid out all over mankind, liberation is closer than ever.

martes, enero 09, 2018

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday January 9, 2018

Do you automatically so no to things? How many times a day do you say no with little to no thought? The more no is your go-to response, the more resistance you are in to life.

This is not to say that you should say yes to everything, because some things will not be your energetic match or for your highest good. We are simply suggesting you stop and fully consider things before you decide whether you wish to proceed with something or not.

sábado, noviembre 09, 2013

Arcángel Haniel via Heart Song Meditation ~ Hay Luz Al Final Del Túnel. - 02-11-2013

14401521-la-luz-al-final-del-ta-nel dos
Hay realmente Luz en todos lados.

Mientras que en estos momentos las cosas pudieran parecerles turbias a ustedes, necesitan saber que eso pasará.
Las transiciones en medio de las que se encuentran no son siempre agradables.
Y aunque no sirva de mucho desearímos poder hacerlo más fácil para ustedes, pero la transformación de su cuerpo y su mente no pueden suceder sin cierta incomodidad.
Al igual que no pueden esperar realísticamente incrementar la fuerza de su cuerpo sin soportar una cierta incomodidad regularmente, así también las energías de la ascensión están fluyendo a través de su sistema y son incómodas ahora . Verdaderamente es sólo una parte del proceso.

sábado, septiembre 07, 2013

Arcángel Haniel – No PERMITAS Que Tus Zonas De Confort Inhiban Tu Potencial De Crecimiento – Julie Miller - 02-09-2013

Pensando dos
Es bien entendido que la mayoría de los queridos seres prefieren vivir dentro de sus zonas de confort en todos sus aspectos cada y todo día. 

La mayoría del tiempo pasa desapercibido darse cuenta de que se tiene zonas de confort en más de un área de su vida.
Si alguna vez se toman el tiempo para ver todas las zonas de confort en las que viven, tales como su salud, su estado financiero y sus relaciones, van a descubrir que tras de ellas hay unas cuantas creencias limitantes firmemente en lugar,
Comprendan, queridos míos, que las creencias limitantes son limitaciones en lo referente a sus habilidades que los han influenciado para sentir que son verdad.
Sus creencias limitantes también apoyan sus zonas de confort porque les dan un sentimiento de seguridad.

martes, septiembre 03, 2013

Don't Let Your Comfort Zones Inhibit Your Growth Potential ~ Archangel Haniel via Julie Miller - Sep 3, 2013

It is well understood that most dear souls prefer to live within their comfort zones in all their aspects each and every day. Most of the time the realization of having comfort zones in more than one area of your everyday life goes unnoticed. If you ever take the time to look at all the comfort zones you live within such as your health, financial status, and within your relationships you will discover behind them there are a few limiting beliefs that are firmly placed. Understand dear ones, that limiting beliefs are boundaries regarding your abilities which you have been influenced to feel as being true. Your limiting beliefs also support your comfort zones because they give you a feeling of safety. If you take a brave step outside some of your comfort zones and expand these areas that have been restricting by working on improving your emotional health you will begin to attract more successful outcomes in other areas of your life.

jueves, agosto 01, 2013

Julie Miller – Archangel Haniel: Harmony is About Being - August 01, 2013 have whole balance, one must be profoundly connected in harmony with their mind, body and soul – a place many strive to reach in every aspect of their journey, accepting all things as they are enabling themselves to embrace completely with new experiences.   Reaching a harmonious state doesn’t mean you are aiming for perfection or to achieve excellence in all things you do. Harmony is quite simple, it is to feel and to be, yet many find it hard to recognize.
Harmony is the feeling of completeness, total happiness and fulfillment of life as it is; you have accepted and found peace within all situations and grown in deep awareness that is fundamentally satisfying. When harmony is not recognized, there are vital steps one can take to be harmonized with themselves and with the world around them. Understandably fear is the worst enemy for many that struggle bringing harmony into their lives. It is essential to develop a way to transcend your fears, and begin a new path on your journey that will deliver you to your success one-step-at-a-time. Yes patience is a requirement since it does take time for certain changes of thought patterns and way of being to take effect, knowing nothing is impossible if you want to achieve a goal bad enough.  

lunes, julio 29, 2013

Conversing With Archangel Haniel. “A Grand Trine In Water.” By, Bella Capozzi. July 29, 2013.

The ultimate Grand Trine in Water!
The ultimate Grand Trine in Water!
This post is an excerpt of a conversation I had with Archangel Haniel yesterday, during a light meditation.  It came about when I asked her for some additional information about what I could expect from this week’s Grand Trine, as I have a Grand Trine in Water on my own astrological birth-chart.  As usual, Haniel’s answers were quite gentle and, as always, very easy for to understand.  She discusses the more obvious effects, such as our increased potential to manifest, better communication and how the element of water is a powerful catalyst for transformation.  However, interestingly, she gives her own unique interpretation on the actual shape of the trine itself; the connection of the three points.  It makes her think of Unity, whenever she observes it!

domingo, julio 21, 2013

Archangel Haniel. “Love And Gratitude.” By, Bella Capozzi. July 21, 2013.

971898_204928102989953_2074267248_n~ Gratitude is simple.  It is an exchange of energy from one form of life to another, as one being uplifts another so does the other uplift that one in return.  To be thankful is to be awake and aware.  For to be thankful, you must possess the ability to recognize goodness and to be brought to your knees in awe of it’s value.  A kind deed is more precious than the finest jewels in the kingdom, and to be truthful, it’s value cannot be methodically calculated or assessed.  Such is also true of blessings.  Dearest Hearts, you are so blessed!  You are blessed because you are loved more than you possibly can know, and you never, ever walk this Earth alone.  For each one of you there are a multitude of US – watching you, guiding you, listening to and assisting you in the manifestation of your deepest wishes and desires, should they be positively aligned with your chosen path.  You are passionately loved by your Source Creator, who seeks only to experience through you and with you.  Be ever grateful for the gifts you are given, and they shall be multiplied a thousandfold.

domingo, junio 30, 2013

Arcángel Haniel ~ Tu Trayectoria Siempre Ha Sido Tocada por la Sincronicidad – via Julie Miller - 17-06-2013

Arcángel Miguel DOS
Para la mayoría de ustedes la palabra “sincronicidad” no es una con la que crecieron.
El entendimiento de la sincronicidad pudiera no estar claro en su mente porque no le han prestado mucha atención.
Y hemos notado que las cosas que no comprenden o a las que prestan poca atención son cambiadas rápidamente por comparaciones que no proporcionan necesariamente el significado real para ser comprendidas.
Como resultado de cuando sucede una sincronicidad, nosotros observamos que muchos queridos seres se pasan por alto la sincronicidad y la etiquetan como algo diferente que ellos entienden.
Frases como: “fui afortunado”, “sucedió justo a tiempo”, o “esto sucedió repentina e inesperadamente” son experiencias de sincronicidad operando.

sábado, junio 15, 2013

Julie Miller – Archangel Haniel: Your Journey has Alwasy been Touched by Synchronicity June 15, 2013 most of you, the word synchronicity was not one you grew up with.
The understanding of synchronicity may not be clear within your mind because you have not paid much attention to it. And we have noticed the things you don’t understand or pay close attention is quickly exchanged with comparisons that don’t necessarily provide the actual meaning for your comprehension.  
As a result when synchronicity occurs, we observe many dear souls overlooking the occurrence as synchronicity and label it something else that they do understand.
Phrases like, “I just got lucky”, “That happened just in time”, or “this came suddenly and unexpectantly” are experiences of synchronicity at work. And every occurrence you ever had is stored within your memory but not under synchronicity but with luck or coincidence.  
Synchronicity often occurs during situations that are filled with intense emotional commotion. Many dear souls experience synchronicity through major life changing situations such as birth, death, ending or beginning a new relationship, etc. Your awareness and ambiguity is always increased during moments of great challenges that bring on great changes.