Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Julie Miller. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Julie Miller. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, enero 11, 2014

Serapis Bey via Julie Miller: Be Calm, Be Cool and Be Collected - Jan 11, 2014

~ January 10 – 17, 2014 Received by Julie Miller January 10, 2014
Life does have its challenges, where some normal day-to-day routine challenges can become difficult with little notice.
There is so much for you to complete every day, you have goals and dreams that you are working each day, one step at a time to accomplish as well as the mundane tasks from your professional and personal life that require your attention plus the time you give to develop your spiritual nature.
When chaos hits, all that you have been maintaining and balancing becomes an unravelled mess in a short time and you are left with the feeling you must rush to put it all back together again while dealing with the emotional impact that the experience has delivered.

martes, diciembre 24, 2013

Julie Miller – El Morya: Being Consciously Aware of Your Speech Dec 24, 2013 Consciously Aware of Your Speech
Received by Julie Miller, December 24, 2013
Your individual and unique power of speech is one of the most significant elements that distinguishes you from other species that you share your planet with.
The great use of this power provides you with opportunities to shine your qualities, thoughts, and feelings without being harmful to the ones you are expressing to.
What you say, how you say the words and the methods you use to communicate and how effectively you communicate makes a great difference when interacting with others.
It is your intention behind your speech that will come through your verbal and written words, and this intention does not go unnoticed as your intention carries its own energy that is an important part of your ability to communicate effectively.

lunes, noviembre 18, 2013

Heal Through Sharing - Message from Ascended Master, Lady Quan Yin - Julio Miller - November 18, 2013
Welcome Precious Hearts to another glorious day, filled to the brim of miracles given by our Merciful Father to embrace as we step forward to greet this day filled with so much growth potential. Happiness is a wonderful state of mind, it liberates you, frees you from worry and negativity. If you could separate every kind of happiness that you have experienced and all the suffering you have endured into two parts: mental and physical you will come to realize just how much influence the mind has over your ability to achieve happiness. The only time your physical body comes into any play Precious Hearts is when you become ill and require the necessities to heal. Understand if your physical body is happy, it merely becomes ignored until the next pain or discomfort that prevents you from your fulfilling your daily activities. Unfortunately, your mind tends to carry a great deal of power over your effort to bring peace, joy and happiness into each corner of your life.

domingo, noviembre 17, 2013

As You Let Go – Celebrate the Newness You are Embracing - Archangel Azrael - Julie Miller November 16, 2013
When it is time to let go you are leaving your comfort zone in order to adopt new ways, ideas, people, and interests that will help you create new thinking patterns and bring the changes that are necessary for your growth and development. Letting go of old hindering ways is a very difficult step, but one we encourage each dear soul to embrace as it does get easier with each step.

sábado, noviembre 09, 2013

Elohim Lumina – Dénse A Sí Mismos Espacio Para Crecer. – Julie Miller - 02-11-2013

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Está bien establecido que a fin de que cualquier método, o inclusive meta, tenga éxito es indispensable que estén involucrados plenamente, asegurando que cada paso sea un éxito — enfrentándose a cualquier reto directamente, sin desviarse del resultado que han imaginado. 

El mantener un enfoque absoluto presenta sus propios retos, y sin embargo, cuando emprenden una nueva meta y desean lograr un grandioso resultado, ustedes demuestran no sólo su sinceridad sino que sus acciones están en unísono con toda su mente y cuerpo, plenamente concentrados, y cada onza de esfuerzo se deriva de su corazón y de su Ser.
Cuando ustedes son capaces de avanzar a cada paso sin desviarse por causa de distracciones externas y mantienen su enfoque sin flaquear, entonces el resultado que ustedes desean ver manifestado es, no sólo probable sino que está sucediendo en realidad.

viernes, noviembre 01, 2013

Melquisedek - Estírate Hacia Arriba Como Un Árbol Y CRECE – Julie Miller - Semana del 20 al 27-10-2013

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La vida en la que ustedes están actualmente trabajando continúa creciendo, trayendo consigo muchas sendas diferentes a lo largo del camino, y su crecimiento queridos míos es similar al de un árbol.

Es lento y gradual, ustedes deben enraizarse y asentarse firmemente y permitir que la Luz y los Elementos los nutran para crecer a nuevos niveles y una nueva fuerza.
Al igual que el crecimiento de un árbol, gran parte de su desarrollo se hace desde el interior.
El lado espiritual de su desarrollo es agudizado e impulsado gentilmente hacia la conciencia, la semilla de su potencial espiritual permanece en un estado latente hasta que hayan despertado, y dependiendo de cada persona esto puede sentirse como una repentina ocurrencia o como un desarrollo gradual, de cualquier modo, tan pronto como su yo despierto se abra, empieza su florecimiento.
El crecer en su senda espiritual es nutrido por unos profundos anhelos dentro de sus hermosos corazones.

El Amor TRASCIENDE Todas Las Cosas – por Julie Miller - 19-10-2013

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Está entendido queridos míos que el Amor va más allá de la necesidad de sobrevivir; no es heredado ni es un rasgo genético que se haya puesto en ustedes para su supervivencia.

Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que vine a través de este vehículo. Un gran placer llena mi corazón, y yo comparto a la vez este placer con cada uno de ustedes en forma de Amor Divino, envolviéndolos de cabeza a pies – trayendo un calorcito que toca cada parte de sus fibras.
Ustedes son amados, mis queridos, por mí y por muchos que están siempre con ustedes.
Está bien entendido que ninguno de ustedes está solo nunca, ni siquiera el hermita que se oculta en la parte más profunda del bosque.
Una falta de contacto humano no significa que ustedes están solos, hay tantos queridos seres a su lado en espíritu haciéndoles compañía, Dios siempre está con ustedes y a cualquier momento que requieran apoyo o una guía adicional ustedes tienen la habilidad de invocar la presencia de un Ángel, un Maestro, o una Deidad.

jueves, octubre 31, 2013

BE CONFIDENT WITH YOURSELF Message from Archeia Lady Radiant Received by Julie Miller October 30, 2013 truthful when you answer, are you one who tends to worry about what others think of you regardless if their opinions are based on your appearance or of how you think? Worrying about what other people think of you carries unpleasant energy that can produce equally unpleasant thoughts and negative self-talk. We witness often dear souls trying to meet strangers approval on how they dress, on how they conduct their life choices from the rumours they hear and they themselves help to create a negative cycle that attracts more harm than good until an overwhelming power from within comes forward that will end that depreciative cycle and the negative energy gets replaces for uplifting light energy.

lunes, octubre 28, 2013

Allow Breathing Room for Your Transitions to Take Effect - Message from Archangel Gabriel Received by Julie Miller - October 28, 2013
You have been told numerous times by many before our message today that change is a part of life, even if you manage to slow down their approach – changes are inevitable and the transitions that result from changes taking place are natural as day becoming night.

As you observe nature you are able to visibly see the changes through seasons and as the season reaches its end there is an acceleration of change occurring that seems to be sudden bringing it to the next part of its transformation and new season of change. You see this as the leaves in Spring begin bud and grow, flowers begin to blossom, crops flourish then as the seasons lead from Spring to Summer through Autumn you can with careful observance see how each plant, tree, even creature grows and changes according to each month within each season bringing them into Autumn then Winter. Within the change of all seasons are cycles of endings and new beginnings – this occurs with your own journey as well.

domingo, octubre 27, 2013

You are Worthy of Your Own Forgiveness ~ Sananda via Julie Miller - Oct 26, 2013
How often have you replayed awkward moments you had experienced during previous moments of interactions with others, reliving their words spoken and what transpired, seeing if what evolved could have been done differently? Sometimes a replay of events could be from something that occurred a few hours ago, or a few years ago, but for some reason they are significant to you. Some of the things you often replay in your head instead of sleeping or even during meditation are events that stuck you as funny but there are many more times that what you are seeing is your interpretation of what occurred and it is through the replay that many negative self-conversations take place and you begin to judge and condemn yourself if a situation grew out of control. No matter how long ago an event took place, if it meant something to you it is still with you because you never learned to let it go.

Stand Against Your Ego's Defense System ~ Melchizedek’s Weekly Message for October 27 – November 03, 2013 ~ via Julie Miller

We understand how difficult it is to stand against your ego’s defence system yet the task is not impossible when you know deep down that your journey will be that much better for it. Much has occurred in your journey so far, and every aspect, each turn, each direction, each action, word, thought, and feeling you are responsible for; after all it is you that has constructed your life and you must take ownership of any mistakes, inadequacies, awkward moments and any other situations that went took an unexpectant turn.

domingo, octubre 20, 2013

Stretch Upwards like the Tree and GROW - Melchizedek’s Weekly Message ~ Julie Miller - October 20, 2013

Received by Julie Miller
October 20, 2013

The life you are currently working your way through continues to grow, bringing along many different paths along the way and your growth dear ones is similar like a tree. It is slow and gradual, you must root and ground yourself firmly and allow the Light and the Elements to nurture you into new height and strength.

Just like the growth of a tree, much of its development is done from the inside. The spiritual side of your development is honed and nudged gently into awareness, the seed of your spiritual potential remains in a sleep state until you are awakened and depending on each person this can be felt as a sudden occurrence or a gradual development, either way as soon as your awakened self opens, your blossoming begins.

jueves, octubre 17, 2013

Arcángel Sandalfon – EL AMOR GUIARÁ EL CAMINO : por Julie Miller - 12-10-2013

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Sean verdaderamente honestos, ¿cuánto tiempo al día se la pasan juzgando a otros? ¿están conscientes de ello cuando lo hacen?

Cuando alguien pasa caminando a su lado piensan para sí mismos: “caray, se ve triste, o feliz, o su ropa está desarreglada, tal vez tuvieron una mala noche, etc?”
No importa cuán poco pudiera ser, tan pronto como ustedes tienen un pensamiento tipo observación, hay un juicio involucrado en él.
Las acciones y palabras de otros están siendo juzgados, y nosotros estamos conscientes de que esto sucede con mayor frecuencia de lo que ustedes notan.
Si ustedes están totalmente felices consigo mismos, y quiero decir 100% felices, entonces no tienen absolutamente ninguna razón para juzgar a otro querido ser que comparte su hermosa Tierra.
Es fácil suponer y juzgar a otro sin llegar a conocerlo pero, ¿están basando esos juicios y suposiciones sobre lo que saben que ese querido ser está pasando, han andado ustedes en sus zapatos/se han puesto en la piel del otro?

martes, octubre 08, 2013

Revel in Your Explorations Ascended Master, Serapis Bey’s Weekly Message ~ October 04 – 11, 2013 Received by Julie Miller 04, 2013
Let us begin with today’s message with a question that can be answered in your own time after contemplation: Where is the Sacred Divine dear ones? Is the Sacred Divine alive within common realms, is it merely in your evolved consciousness or is it beyond this? Depending on your level of understanding right here and now will determine your answer, and if you ask the same questions tomorrow or in a few weeks, your answers may be different because you have grown.

lunes, septiembre 16, 2013

Julie Miller – Melchizedek: Believe in Yourself - Weekly Message ~ September 15 – 22, 2013
Melchizedek’s Weekly Message ~ September 15 – 22, 2013
Received by Julie Miller
September 15, 2013

Confidence is a vital aspect of your life; it affects every part of your existence. Yet it is known that many dear souls are challenged each and every day to find and develop their confidence. People that lack confidence are easily detectable; they tend to be nervous, they may apologize too much, or they may fidget and fumble with their words. A confident person has the ability to speak clearly, they are able to admit when they don’t know the subject that is being discussed, they are also able to answer questions without fumbling with their words. 

viernes, septiembre 13, 2013

Ascended Master, Lady Nada’s Weekly Message ~ September 12 – 19, 2013 - Weaknesses are Strengths Waiting to be Discovered - Julie Miller

Weaknesses are Strengths Waiting to be Discovered

Received by Julie Miller
September 12, 2013

So many Beautiful Bright Hearts work so hard correcting and flaws and weaknesses, you work tirelessly on bringing positive change into your life that will affects others that are close to you. It is understood that committing to change can be very difficult for many dear souls who are so easily distracted by all the endless temptations your world has to offer. Bringing more positive changes into your life is never impossible; the very word itself has ‘possible’ within it. Instead Beautiful Bright Hearts of just trying to correct your flaws and weaknesses, you learn to embrace them for what they are. After all you are not made up of light and fluffy material. You are strong and you have proven just how tough you are when you had to face certain challenges that required you to dig your heals in a little deeper to further ground yourself and stabilize any energy drain. Understand to be balanced; totally balanced you must be able to embrace your whole self, all sides, all parts, all flaws, all imperfections, all strengths, all good, all bad, etc.

miércoles, septiembre 11, 2013

Ascended Master, El Morya’s Weekly Message ~ September 10 – 17, 2013 Received by Julie Miller September 10, 2013

It is only natural dear ones that when you choose to be friends with someone, you chose those who have similar interests. This kind of selection can also be used when someone is speaking to you. Are they speaking in soft, slow tones that are understandable, are they going too fast, or do they seem frustrated? When someone is speaking to you in soft gentle tones, it is essential to regulate your own speed that your words are being expressed and a similar tone. When the energy changes with who is speaking, so does yours. 

lunes, septiembre 09, 2013

Julie Miller – Melchizedek: Collaborate and Listen while Communicating with Others - Weekly Message ~ September 08 – 15, 2013

Good communication is required in all areas that you are part of, effective communication dear ones has no discrimination, all ages, all background and cultures and situations that are being faced achieve a better outcome when you have been able to communicate clearly and effectively. Remember dear ones, not everyone are exact mind readers, whomever you are speaking with, even in writing are not necessarily aware of what is going on inside of your head. If you want to express yourself in a clear and concise manner you will have to step out of self-created comfort zones, find a little confidence and share what you feel as being valid and important. 

sábado, septiembre 07, 2013

Arcángel Haniel – No PERMITAS Que Tus Zonas De Confort Inhiban Tu Potencial De Crecimiento – Julie Miller - 02-09-2013

Pensando dos
Es bien entendido que la mayoría de los queridos seres prefieren vivir dentro de sus zonas de confort en todos sus aspectos cada y todo día. 

La mayoría del tiempo pasa desapercibido darse cuenta de que se tiene zonas de confort en más de un área de su vida.
Si alguna vez se toman el tiempo para ver todas las zonas de confort en las que viven, tales como su salud, su estado financiero y sus relaciones, van a descubrir que tras de ellas hay unas cuantas creencias limitantes firmemente en lugar,
Comprendan, queridos míos, que las creencias limitantes son limitaciones en lo referente a sus habilidades que los han influenciado para sentir que son verdad.
Sus creencias limitantes también apoyan sus zonas de confort porque les dan un sentimiento de seguridad.

miércoles, septiembre 04, 2013

Ascended Master El Morya’s Weekly Message for September 03 – 10, 2013 ~ Kindness is a Gift Everyone Can Give ~ via Julie Miller

Did you know dear ones that the act of kindness, being charitable to others has side effects? If you think about it, you will come to the realization that being kind, creates a wonderful energy within you that is very positive and effects many areas of your own life…you resonate goodness and your goodness touches others just from simple acts that come from your heart.

Demonstrating kindness and selflessness is not something that is only done when certain charity organizations come to your door or what you offer a close friend, being kind and charitable is a gift you are able to bring to every avenue of your life; to your work, your home, your friends, your family…everywhere you are is an opportunity to be friendly, kind and genuinely helpful.