Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Heart Song Meditation. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Heart Song Meditation. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, diciembre 03, 2013

Heart Song Meditation - Channeled on 12/03
From: God

The great fear you have felt is being dissolved.
Where in the past those with psychic abilities were often feared, you do not have to be so concerned about this in the New Age.
The Children of God living upon the earth at this time are opening up their hearts more than they have in times past.
People are more accepting of themselves and each other than they have been.
The old systems of thought, feeling and belief are changing and will continue to change.
While it will not happen overnight, it is happening.
The world is changing.
Hearts are opening.
People are putting aside fear and prejudice about a great many things.
Prejudice is viewed as the perversion of rationality that it truly is.
While you will encounter resistance from some people, that resistance is a fading thing.  It is fading already.  The past patterns of thinking are being dissolved as We speak.  Every day the world moves more and more into harmony with the Light.  Every day the world is lifted higher.
Let go of your fear of how others may react to your gifts.  Many will open there hearts to the gifts that you bring.  Many will open there hearts to the words of love and light that you deliver.  And yes, people will learn to accept those with psychic abilities once again.

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jueves, noviembre 14, 2013

Heart Song Meditation, - Channeled on 11/13 – 2

From: God

The world needs heroes now.  It always has.
The world needs people who truly care about the greatest good of all.
The world needs those who are willing to open their hearts to those who need them.
The world needs those who feel the call of the Light and are willing to go out of their way to make the world a better place.
I am here to tell you today that you have it within you to be a hero.  You don’t have to have psychic abilities.  You don’t need super strength.  You don’t need anything that you don’t already have.  All you need is to choose to love today.

martes, noviembre 12, 2013

Heart Song Meditation - Channeled on 11/12
From: God

Often when you feel overwhelmed in life it has more to do with your thoughts about a situation than the situation itself.  Certainly there are busy times at work and at home where people ask more of you than you can do at any given moment; and yet, even in those times you can remain calm.  You do not have to get upset.  You do not have to do everything all at one.  No matter how people may try to rush you, you do not need to rush.
When you take control of your thoughts in this situation it makes things better.  Remember, you make your decisions.  You decide what your priorities are.  You choose what you work on.  You can tell people “No.”  You can tell people that you’re busy and that they need to wait.  Just because others are impatient with you does not mean that you have to be impatient with them or with yourself.
Often, when you feel frustrated with others in situations like this it has less to do with what they are doing and more to do with your perception of yourself and the situation.  When there is a great deal of work to be done you tend to forget that you can handle it and that it will get done.  You tend to think that it all needs to be done right away.  You tend to think that others won’t understand if you tell them to hold on.

lunes, noviembre 11, 2013

Heart Song Meditation - Channeled on 11/11 - Nov 11, 2013
From: God
Freedom from desire is not the same as saying that you have no desire.  You will always want things.  The things of this world will always have a place in your heart.  It is good that you have desires and it is good that you seek to fulfill some of them.
Freedom means being able to pick and choose.
Freedom means you can look at your desires, analyze them and discard the ones that do not serve you.

sábado, noviembre 09, 2013

Arcángel Haniel via Heart Song Meditation ~ Hay Luz Al Final Del Túnel. - 02-11-2013

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Hay realmente Luz en todos lados.

Mientras que en estos momentos las cosas pudieran parecerles turbias a ustedes, necesitan saber que eso pasará.
Las transiciones en medio de las que se encuentran no son siempre agradables.
Y aunque no sirva de mucho desearímos poder hacerlo más fácil para ustedes, pero la transformación de su cuerpo y su mente no pueden suceder sin cierta incomodidad.
Al igual que no pueden esperar realísticamente incrementar la fuerza de su cuerpo sin soportar una cierta incomodidad regularmente, así también las energías de la ascensión están fluyendo a través de su sistema y son incómodas ahora . Verdaderamente es sólo una parte del proceso.

Mensaje de Dios – La Unidad es la Verdad. por Heart Song Meditation - Oct 29, 2013

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Restaurando su fe no es realmente construir algo nuevo. Es restaurando algo muy viejo. 

Antes de que nacieran ustedes ya Me conocían. Entre vida y vida ustedes siempre van Conmigo.
Nosotros siempre hemos estado juntos. Siempre hemos sido como Uno.
Por eso les sigo diciendo que Me recuerden, no que Me descubran, aunque esto les suena ciertamente de esa manera ahora.
La ascensión no es realmente un proceso de descubrimiento. Ustedes no están encontrando nada nuevo.
Están redescubriendo aquello que ya tienen. Se está restaurando su conocimiento.