Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Bella Capozzi. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Bella Capozzi. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, diciembre 27, 2013

Bella Capozzi ~ ♥ Mini-Message From The Angels. “Regroup And Reconnect.” - Dec 27, 2013

Hey, Friends!  It’s been awhile since I’ve shared a message on my blog.  This has been a wonderful, but very hectic, Holiday Season; lots of baking, decorating, working and entertaining…  I love it when it’s my turn to host Christmas! 
My Angels and Guides have been my ever-present companions and co-conspirators as I set about to create an experience for my family and friends that truly embraces the true meaning and traditions of this magical time of year.  Now, today, I’ve decided that it’s time to get back to my blog and my wonderful friends around the world. This decision is not without it’s challenges, however.  I’ve already been interrupted twice to retrieve shredded gift-wrap from the dogs and to make cinnamon toast.

martes, septiembre 03, 2013

“Peek Through The Window.” A Mini-Reading For September 3, 2013. By, Bella Capozzi.

533476_430479833715639_1446706373_n~ If your life is anything like mine, September is already shaping up to be pretty busy month.  Characteristically, September is always a month of transition.  It heralds the end of summer and the onset of fall.  It’s back-to-school time for the kids, creating a shift in our perspectives and in our daily schedules.  And really, the Holiday decorations are showing up in the stores earlier and earlier every year – the craft stores have been filled with Christmas decorations since August!  (More on that topic later).  And so it begins…

viernes, agosto 23, 2013

Sacred Cetacean Realm. “The Vortex Of All Life.” By, Bella Capozzi. August 23, 2013.

995981_541558479230902_1488633611_n♒ Be still.  Be silent.  Stop the constant movement of your body and put on hold the chatter of the mind.  Allow yourself the luxury to let all of the toxic illusion fall away, spun into the abyss below.  Below and not above.  Never above.  Below, as in meaning sent back to the vibratory level unto which belongs, a level or two beneath your own currently ascended one.  Listen.  Hear the pulsing of your Human heart – for this is such a miracle, that your heart beats and beats all on it’s own.  Without any expenditure of effort on your part, and without your being conscious of it’s workings or setting an intent that it be so.  Do you not see the correlation, Sweet Sisters and Brothers, between the natural and easy  functioning of your vessel and the smooth and unimpeded flow of the Universe?  Are the stars forced to sparkle in the nighttime sky?  The moon to move the tides?  The rain to fall, the wind to blow, to flowers to unfurl their petals to the glory of the morning light?  Perchance, you think you’re of a need to set appointments with your Holy Family, for help and intervention; that you are unworthy of this help because you have somehow – erroneously – gotten the idea that you are something, anything less than perfect?  Foolishness, this!

sábado, agosto 17, 2013

“Sus Niños Son Amados y Protegidos” – Una minilectura para agosto – por Bella Capozzi.

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Una minilectura para el 13 de agosto del 2013
El mensaje de hoy es muy simple y directo. Su propósito es ofrecernos un sentimiento de paz y serenidad durante estos tiempos que pasan tan velozmente y son tan frecuentemente confusos.
Nuestros amigos y familia de los Reinos Más Elevados nos aseguran que los niños de la Tierra son amados incondicionalmente y protegidos Divinamente siempre. Sin importar adónde van o en cuáles actividades se involucren, ellos nunca, nunca andan solos.
Como padres, educadores y sanadores, parece tan natural preocuparse por los niños. Nos preocupamos por su salud y la cualidad de los alimentos que consumen — ¡o si tienen siquiera suficientes alimentos a consumir!

viernes, agosto 09, 2013

Archangel Indriel: Your Greatest Tool Is Your Life Experience, channeled by Bella Capozzi. August 8, 2013

Precious Beloveds, once upon a day, so very long ago by way of linear thinking and time, sprung forth from Source the most luminous sparkles of Light. A breathtaking sight to behold it was, these intricately faceted and complex creations, countless as the number of infinity, grew and multiplied until all of the Heavens were ashimmer. Designed by Father. Birthed by Mother. They wept, they sang, they danced in jubilation, did our Dear Creators.
You, the children of their One Heart, would now embark upon countless journeys and adventures, experiencing everything in the novel manner by which your Parents had yet to ever experience before. All that has ever been required of you is a willing heart and an insatiable thirst for knowledge. And so you went. The learning, it has been glorious! The raw physicality of being presented deep, unprecedented intensities of emotion.

Fairies, Fairies Everywhere! A Mini Reading For August 9, 2013. By, Bella Capozzi

tumblr_ljv3pi2xym1qfmvbio1_400~ We are finally seeing it happen all around us.  Old systems are crumbling, the truth is emerging (slowly, but definitely surely), and one by one the people are finally beginning to take notice.  As the Veil of Forgetfulness gets thinner and thinner, people will also begin observing and sensing something else;  the clear and very real presence of their un-incarnated family and friends.  They take a fascinating variety of forms!  Lovely Angelics;  Light Beings presenting themselves as delicate and colorful Orbs;  Galactic Brethren-so much like us ,yet of a much lighter vibration;  the Sacred Cetaceans, so playful and happy;  the list is endless, and I could go on and on for hours!  Today, however, it’s all about the Elemental Realm and in particular, the Fairies.

domingo, agosto 04, 2013

“What Comes Next?” A Mini-Reading For August 3, 2013. By, Bella Capozzi.

images~ Does everyone agree that, energetically speaking, this summer has been one wild and crazy ride?  As a person who thrives somewhat on consistency, I can honestly say that these past few months have been a bit exhausting.  Linear time is accelerating, seemingly moving faster and faster each day.  It seems as though  it was only yesterday that we were waking up on the morning of December 22, perched excitedly at the cusp of a new paradigm, wondering;  “What comes next?”  The rapidly shifting energies which we are dealing with right now are forcing us to confront all of our unresolved issues head on – be they situations from this lifetime or previous ones.  This energy is bold and forthright.  It takes no prisoners.  It is propelling us forward, presenting us with new ways of looking at the world, our personal lives and our chosen careers.  Are you honestly living your truth?  Are you following the path of your life-purpose?  Are you doing any of the things that you came to Earth to do at this critical time in her history?  If the answer to any of these questions is “no”, don’t worry.  If your mission hasn’t already revealed itself to you, it won’t be long before it does.  And trust me, it will be pretty obvious and your Team will make it absolutely impossible for you to ignore!

jueves, agosto 01, 2013

Angelic Message: “Acceptance And Understanding.” By, Bella Capozzi. August 1, 2013.

425562_10151387210281667_1343537231_n❄ Dear Ones, you are yourselves Angels, one and all.  You wear amongst you clothes of many colors, many variations of self-expression and ideals.  No particular person’s path is exactly the same as any other, and this is true despite whatever outward similarities you should happen to perceive.  Unique and original as tiny snowflakes in the sky, are you.  No seashell is marked precisely in the same way, is this not true?.  No flower or tree is devoid of intricacies in shape, design, scent and hue.  United as one, sprung from Source, yet altogether forming a tapestry interwoven of threads of every texture and design.  Behold the beauty which is your joining.  There is nothing at all akin to you throughout the Cosmos!

lunes, julio 29, 2013

Conversing With Archangel Haniel. “A Grand Trine In Water.” By, Bella Capozzi. July 29, 2013.

The ultimate Grand Trine in Water!
The ultimate Grand Trine in Water!
This post is an excerpt of a conversation I had with Archangel Haniel yesterday, during a light meditation.  It came about when I asked her for some additional information about what I could expect from this week’s Grand Trine, as I have a Grand Trine in Water on my own astrological birth-chart.  As usual, Haniel’s answers were quite gentle and, as always, very easy for to understand.  She discusses the more obvious effects, such as our increased potential to manifest, better communication and how the element of water is a powerful catalyst for transformation.  However, interestingly, she gives her own unique interpretation on the actual shape of the trine itself; the connection of the three points.  It makes her think of Unity, whenever she observes it!

Sekhmet: “La Luz de Antorcha del Sol” – por Bella Capozzi. - 14-07-2013

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“Cada uno y todo Ser que reside dentro del vehículo humano posee la fortaleza para ser quienquiera y lo que él/ella desea ser.
Esta fortaleza les es otorgada desde el nivel más elevado de nuestro Ser, del Creador Fuente, los Arcángeles, los Maestros y en sincronicidad con el alineamiento de las Estrellas.
Siéntense derechos en el estado meditativo e invoquen a su persona el poder y la vitalidad de mil guerreros, pues es su derecho de hacerlo.
Sientan como una flor Lotus, para que la coronilla se abra y reciba en abundancia esta Luz dorada.
Aún más, siéntense en silencio bajo el sol de mediodía y ábranse para recibir su poder.
Siéntanlo bajando desde el Cielo, entrando a y pasando a través de ustedes, hasta que se detiene para residir en su Plexo Solar – que es su centro del poder.

viernes, julio 26, 2013

Arcángel Indriel: Sientan el Rebosante Amor que les ofrezco a Cada Uno de Ustedes, Mis Queridos Niños - Bella Capozzi - Julio 8, 2013

wes-annac-walk-in DOS
Sientan el rebosante Amor de las dimensiones más elevadas que han llegado a la Tierra pues es más fuerte de lo que se imaginan actualmente.
Ustedes están expandiendo su percepción de este Amor, y van a entender en el debido tiempo por qué tantos seres de las dimensiones más elevadas lo expresan de la rebosante manera en que eligen hacerlo.
Mis queridos niños, deseo comunicarles hoy el Amor de su existencia. Deseo conscientizarlos de los vastos planos metafísicos más allá de su percepción actual, y deseo que vean que el Amor teje uniendo a todos estos reinos.
Así es como nosotros, en los Reinos Espirituales, somos capaces de hablar con ustedes queridos niños, por el mero hecho de que nuestros reinos y los suyos están entrelazados.

jueves, julio 25, 2013

Archangel Indriel. “Nothing Is As It Seems.” By, Bella Capozzi. July 25, 2013.

417962_257310827746458_1048658539_n✾ Ah, Beloveds, take heart and be unwavering in your faith and devotion.  For nothing is as it seems on the surface.  From the perspective of a soul incarnate in the Human form, living and working and struggling to survive amidst the chaos of a transforming world, all might appear bleak indeed.  But with all my heart, I speak this day to offer you assurance that this is hardly so.  To be  standing in the place where you are now, I too might be of a mind to feel discouragement and no small amount of impatience.  Alas, even many of the most well-connected of you still cannot yet see the forest for the trees – and know that this is by design and it is fine.  In order to be effective, you must still remain enmeshed within the Human experience, and all which that entails.  You are the Leaders and the Awakeners.  God’s children are learning and seeking, and must perceive you as relatable and synchronistic with their own emotions and needs.  They must be able to say, “Yes, this person understands.”  They must see clearly that it is possible to live the Human lifestyle in an awakened and enlightened manner, and that in so doing one can be in but not of the world.  They shall come to you then, for guidance and with many questions.  This shall come from watching as you go about the same daily tasks as they do, but in such a manner which bespeaks honor and compassion for the Earth and her inhabitants.  They watch with rapt attention, in complete bepuzzlement and fascination, as you function patiently, gracefully and act always from the heart.  This is your job.  This is the very key to Humanity’s rise to freedom.

domingo, julio 21, 2013

Archangel Haniel. “Love And Gratitude.” By, Bella Capozzi. July 21, 2013.

971898_204928102989953_2074267248_n~ Gratitude is simple.  It is an exchange of energy from one form of life to another, as one being uplifts another so does the other uplift that one in return.  To be thankful is to be awake and aware.  For to be thankful, you must possess the ability to recognize goodness and to be brought to your knees in awe of it’s value.  A kind deed is more precious than the finest jewels in the kingdom, and to be truthful, it’s value cannot be methodically calculated or assessed.  Such is also true of blessings.  Dearest Hearts, you are so blessed!  You are blessed because you are loved more than you possibly can know, and you never, ever walk this Earth alone.  For each one of you there are a multitude of US – watching you, guiding you, listening to and assisting you in the manifestation of your deepest wishes and desires, should they be positively aligned with your chosen path.  You are passionately loved by your Source Creator, who seeks only to experience through you and with you.  Be ever grateful for the gifts you are given, and they shall be multiplied a thousandfold.

jueves, julio 18, 2013

Pleiadian Message. “Just Be Happy!” By, Bella Capozzi. July 18, 2013.

968809_10151685765896897_1048195099_n♡ Waves of love are rushing in.  Coursing over this beloved planet, a storm of love washes over everyone and everything, leaving nary a blade of grass untouched by it’s transfiguring effect.  Waves of love, topped off by dainty whitecaps, constructed not of foam but of brilliant crystalline white Christ Light.  This energy is ever so pure and it is profoundly healing by nature.  Oh, how very dearly is our Earth in need of healing!  Our Earth-indeed, as this was not written in error.  For Earth is every bit as much our planet as it is yours.  Not only because, as well you know, we are all created as One.  But because we have been intimately and creatively tied in with the original conception, seeding and eventual progression of the Human Race.  So yes, your destiny is our destiny, and thus we soldier on as one diverse, and yet highly functional family; one team, one Sacred Heart, interlaced.

domingo, julio 14, 2013

☼ Sekhmet: “The Torchlight Of The Sun.” A Mini-Reading For July 14, 2013. By, Bella Capozzi.

SekhmetCLR2a“Each and every Being who resides within the Human vessel is in possession of the strength to be whoever and whatever he or she wishes to be.  This strength is gifted to you from the very highest level of our Being, from Source Creator, from the Archangels, Masters and in synchronicity with the alignment of the Stars.  Sit upright in the meditative state and summon to your person the power and vitality of a thousand Warriors.  For it is your right to do so.  Sense that like a Lotus flower, so the Crown opens and receives an abundance of this golden light.  Finer still, sit in stillness beneath the noonday sun and open to receive her power.  Feel it moving down from the heavens, in you and through you, and as it comes to stillness to reside in your Solar Plexus – which is your power center.  I speak to you on this day of power; an essential commodity of which you so mistakenly assume your precious selves to be lacking.

viernes, julio 12, 2013

Angelic Message. Formations In The Open Sky. By, Bella Capozzi. July 12, 2013.

images-1~ This message came in to me a short while ago.  I was in a pretty deep meditative state, when I started to become aware of what felt like a feminine, Angelic energy around me.  I could sense a kind of outline or fuzzy shape of a person, but this being neither looked or felt familiar.  When asked, she identified herself only as “Arcara” and this is what she said:
“You have to find peace.  Make peace all that has transpired and you will be golden.  Keep walking forward and never look back.  Never, not even once.  Be plainspoken.  Simply be and all the rest will take care of itself.  In the open sky, you will see formations.  Clouds and starlit things.  The eye plays tricks on you and tells you that we are not there.  By no fault of it’s own is this, but nonetheless be wary and observant and understand how that which you see is not really what you see at all.  Look above and trace the formations with your fingertips.  Open your mind, and what do you see?  Now, do you understand?

miércoles, julio 10, 2013

Dolphin Wisdom. “Striving To Be Perfect In An Imperfect World.” By, Bella Capozzi. July 9, 2013.

~ This is today’s message from the Crystal Dolphin Pod, which I read on the air during my Blogtalk Radio show, “Peg & Bella’s Angels & Dolphins”, which I co-host with the wonderful Peg Wolff-Jones.  The link is at the end of the post.   I hope you all enjoy what the the Dolphins chose to share with us today!
Regards, Cousins.  It is with great pleasure that we greet you once again.  The message that we bring to you on this day is brief, and yet it is one we feel is long overdue in it’s need to be addressed.  We live quite simply, you see.  We hunt for our food and care lovingly for our young.  We come together in unison to play and to swim the grids.  Such a spirit of cooperation comes naturally to us, just as it does to you, and the only difference between us is that our species recognizes it. This disparity is, of course, due to no fault of your own.  It is by Divine Design that we would come in to our incarnations with more of our awareness intact.

lunes, julio 08, 2013

❤The Earth Angels Speak About Faith, Love And The Animal Kingdom. By, Bella Capozzi. July 8, 2013.

Cuddling-Kittens-002❤ Here is a pair of lovely messages, which I received from the Earth Angels, last year.   This past weekend, I spent some time going over the collection of messages I wanted to import form my old blog to this one.  These two stood out to me as being especially pertinent to what’s going on right now, and I feel that the uplifting tone of the Earth Angels would add the perfect bit of lightness to an especially trying energetic time.  I hope you all enjoy them!

jueves, julio 04, 2013

Bella Capozzi: The Crystal Dolphin Pod. “The Great Crystals Of Atlantis.” - July 2, 2013

This is a message I read on my new Blogtalk show, which debuted today. It’s called Peg and Bella’s Angels and Dolphins, and I cohost it with my good friend, Peg Wolff-Jones. Each week I will share a new message from the Ceatacean Realm. If you are as passionate about the dolphins and angels as I am, please be sure to check it out! The link is below:

lunes, julio 01, 2013

Archangel Indriel. “The World Is A Stage.” By, Bella Capozzi. July 1, 2013.

images-2There is no problem so insurmountable that the loving hands of God cannot overcome.  Too often you forget to call upon your Mother and your Father during times of crisis, and instead you choose to work alone.  Why do you do this, Dear Hearts?  Why must you make things harder on yourselves than they need be?  For nowhere was it ever decreed that when you breathe your first breath of life in Human form then you must sever all ties with Us.  It is part of the Human condition to forget and then, ideally, to remember once again.  Through subtle reminders-and of late, not so subtle-we nudge at you to let you know that we are here.  We are guiding you, protecting you and on occasion barraging you with ingenious ideas.  It is our job to speak and it is yours to listen and to act.  Hear the voices of the Universe and heed the signs.  They have been erected everywhere, to guide you in the proper direction. ♥