Hey, Friends! It’s been awhile since I’ve shared a message on my blog. This has been a wonderful, but very hectic, Holiday Season; lots of baking, decorating, working and entertaining… I love it when it’s my turn to host Christmas!
My Angels and Guides have been my ever-present companions and co-conspirators as I set about to create an experience for my family and friends that truly embraces the true meaning and traditions of this magical time of year. Now, today, I’ve decided that it’s time to get back to my blog and my wonderful friends around the world. This decision is not without it’s challenges, however. I’ve already been interrupted twice to retrieve shredded gift-wrap from the dogs and to make cinnamon toast.
I’ve decided to change the name these posts form Mini-Readings to Mini-Messages, because that’s more of what they are about. I find myself working less with cards and more from the clearer flow of information which seems to naturally be coming through as we progress through our ascension process. And that’s exactly what The Team would like me to pass on today.
As I sit here, I am being told that it is time to regroup from the Holiday hustle and bustle and set some time aside to meditate and go within. Make it a priority, a habit, to reconnect with Spirit – kind of like eating and sleeping. They feel that a productive focus for the week would be to really dig deep and identify what has and hasn’t worked for us in 2013. They wish for us to ask ourselves: “What improvements could be made in the ways in which we are going about manifesting both financial and personal abundance in our live?” I
am clearly being reminded of the old adage, “God helps those who help themselves.“ This is coming from Archangel Jophiel, the Archangel of Beauty, who is saying that a primary theme for the energies of 2014 is the infusion of more beauty and grace into all the various aspects of our lives: home, business, recreation, meditation time, family, and any area where you think these qualities have been lacking. She speaks of beauty not only in the way of aesthetics, but in the manner in which we interact with others and in the way we care for and nurture ourselves.
Jophiel also advises us to take some time to strengthen any interpersonal bonds that may have become a bit frayed, and to place importance on creating new friendships and reinforcing old ones. Pick up the phone and make a call, or send an email to a few acquaintances you may have lost touch with. 2014, she says, is the year that members of long-separated soul families have the potential to find each other. It’s the year where the opportunity exists to create a living for ourselves by doing the things we love. But we must work hand-in-hand with the Universe to make all of these great things manifest in the physical world!
I hope all of you had a blessed Holiday. Let’s make a New Years’ Resolution to join together and have stellar 2014!
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