As these souls strengthened the bridge to their higher
knowing, they received downloads of guidance that, in one way or
another, led them to set intentions of love and service. It is through
setting higher intentions that we reset our inner compass and begin
moving through life based on our spiritual mission.
Embracing the Identity of the Wayshower
It may be the first identity you adopt in the new world
is one that has been appearing to you for a very long time. This first
identity may be that of wayshower – a soul that moves through levels of
spiritual development in accelerated phases. This phasing allows a soul
to enter preparedness with divine timing in order to help other souls
find their footing in the new time. You may have held this vision of
yourself without getting to know it. You may have held back from
embracing this vision because you could not yet see yourself as
empowered to help guide others. If this is the case, it is a sign you
may have subjugated your consciousness to thought viruses that have
dimmed your light and led you to believe you are not wise enough or
strong enough to illuminate the way ahead for yourself and others.
The time for self-doubt is over. You will find yourself
in coming weeks and months burning through any misunderstandings that
diminish your light. Through awareness you will learn to recognize the
influence of thought viruses by shining the light of your higher knowing
on them. When you stop feeding them your attention and energy, they
will atrophy and fall away.
Intentions of Love and Service are Beacons of Light in the New Time
As you step further into the fertile ground of the new
time, you will find seeds of intention planted long ago taking root and
quickly coming to fruition. Combine the visions coming to you now with
your intentions of love and service and you have a vehicle for
navigating the new time. If you have seen yourself writing a spiritual
blog, you will find yourself doing this now. If you have seen yourself
an artist encoding spiritual frequencies into your creations, you will
begin creating that now. Many writers, artists, teachers, healers, and
other talented souls will now step forward in a stronger way to help
guide humanity into the new time.
You don’t have to know how you will carry out your
spiritual mission. As soon as you enter the vibrational frequency of the
new time, you begin to download messages and guidance that provide the
insights needed to take your first steps.
Inside this new world intentions become guide posts and
beacons of light. Anytime you lose your way here, simply return to your
intentions of love and service and you will find your footing.
Allowing the Old Way to Recede from your Life Experience
As you move further into the new time, the old way will
recede into the background. You are free to return here but as time
passes, it becomes less likely that you will. In time, your energetic
frequency will become so entrained to the new time that the old way will
pass from the menu of your life experiences.
Thought viruses will attempt to block your ascending
movement with guilt and other emotional snares. Toxic thoughtforms will
lead you to believe you should hold yourself back for the sake of those
you love. Don’t feel you need to hold yourself back for the sake of
others. By allowing yourself to be transported into the new time, you
open an energetic space for others to follow. When you do what is best
for yourself, you do what is best for all others.
As you learn to exist completely within the new time,
you’ll find a great sense of compassion for those still struggling under
the spell of thought viruses and under the burden of un-love. As a
wayshower, you will be drawn to engineer various alternate means of
transport to provide others easier access to the new time. The idea
behind these various means is that if one method doesn’t work, another
will. The forms of transport you engineer will work for those who are
ready to step free of the old way. Bless all those who choose to remain
in the throes of suffering and struggle, trusting that each soul chooses
the learning experiences it needs within the moment.
Joining with others to Structure Future Time Planes
At a certain point in their journey through the new
time, wayshowers will be called to join with others to create structures
that will provide the foundation for the new time as it exists in
future time planes. You will undertake this task much as those who
arrived here before you created the framework on which you now stand.
In the new world, there are places in consciousness
where frequencies of heaven and earth blend. Inside these zones you are
able to meet with those souls who made your journey here possible. You
will also meet those souls you will guide and support in future realms.
As you become skilled at moving through zones of higher consciousness
you will learn to design and plan future lifetimes; you will also
receive a lens to view the lives you have already passed through. At
this point, you will understand the full meaning of your present
As you prepare to leave this lifetime, you will travel
in consciousness to the land of your ancestors where you join in
celebration of the mission you carried out over the arc of lifetimes. By
joining your light with that of other souls over the span of
generations, you set the stage for the new time in human consciousness.
When your role is complete, another soul will join its light to yours
and carry on where your journey here ends.
For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation
For more on accessing the fifth dimension, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta
For more on accessing the fifth dimension, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta
©2010-2013 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved / link to original article
These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.
These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.