As I have incarnated into female human form I try at all times to see the WHOLE picture, I have at times had to work very hard to dissolve the teachings that have sought to blind me. At this time I send out a huge thank you and much love to ALL the males who have worked to help me with this, you know who you are
I have had many lessons in assumption over the past linear few months, some of the assumptions when I realised what they were were so far out of the ball park they could have been in a different country! But the teachings of distortion that the human female is TAUGHT under the old 3d earth seeks to do this at all times. The human female working on her emotions with regard to a situation and preferring to work with other females and gauge the overall emotional reaction of ALL who are interacting. This works to distort the original situation and works to take you out of balance and out of TRUST and FAITH of SELF. For whilst talking things over and working on the emotional responses of those around you, you are filtering out that THEY CANNOT FEEL as you do for they are NOT YOU. This is hidden within the teachings of the old 3d earth and many females are running this, blind to this. ONLY YOU can FEEL the way that YOU do for only YOU are experiencing this human life in the way that you are.
For many females the teachings will work to contain by keeping you in the “talking” and “emotional response” and not allow you to move into the taking steps to resolve. The teachings work to paralyze and prevent you from fully embracing the male energy that you need to be in BALANCE. For the emotional response to the human life experience is but PART of the picture. To be in balance is to work with the emotions needed to CREATE and the steps needed to be taken in the outer waking reality to bring the creation into the waking reality. Many females get caught in the loop of emotion and this works to blind, to contain and suppress.
The two sexes working to stay within the teachings as they are TAUGHT what it means to be “FEMALE” and “MALE”. Many females are TAUGHT to rely on males with teachings seeking to teach that their only “role” is an emotional one with the male being present to be the active “doing” part of the relationship and this is NOT TRUTH. For both males and females are made up of BOTH energies. To be in balance sees you emotional but able to take the necessary active steps in your creation. For at all times you are in CREATION mode, within the old 3d earth reality you were taught to REACT to the reality that was created FOR YOU. The emotions working to keep you in the karmic loops of grief, abandonment and betrayal. Working over and over to keep you manifesting from the emotions that were TRIGGERED by the teachings.
Within the New Earth only TRUTH is supported and YOUr SOUL at this time is helping you create scenarios, people, places and events that seek to trigger these hidden teachings in order that you may dissolve them, as you do this you will regain BALANCE. Balance is something that the old 3d earth sought to TEACH both males and females to stay out of at all times.
At this time you are not asked to fall to your emotions which may be at times overwhelming. You are asked to find balance, to realise that the males in your life are not CHOOSING to deny their emotions, they are TAUGHT to rely on logic and that letting go of this logic may be a challenging process for them. Following on from the Nephilim channeling where they talk about detaching from human language and using symbols. Language was created in order to suppress and contain and therefore using language as a tool to help your relationships will work AGAINST you at this time. I fully relate to how frustrating this is in female human form, the universe working to keep me OUT of using human language in my personal relationships and allowing me instead to work at energetic level which is the level that the human race used to work at before the old 3d earth created the overlays of communication that are in operation in the outer waking world at this time.
How you FEEL about someone is not dependant on what is said in human language, the FEELing is at heart level. Be guided by how you FEEL, when interacting at a personal level work with the HEART and work at an energetic level. Keeping the relationship earth bound and only anchored in the 3d earth reality will see confusion, anxiety and frustration start to build and take hold. Connections are not through language and logic, they are through the HEART space and TRUTH JUST IS. Logic has no part to play in the unfolding of the old 3d earth and neither has the outpouring of the stored emotions of aeons. Just as the human male may be challenged to let go of the logical processes they have been TAUGHT to work with the human female may be challenged by the need to let go of STORED emotion and work in the NOW moment.
The NOW moment is THIS moment, it is not what has been said or done in the “past” or what is promised in the “future” it is NOW and this is found in the HEART space. How you FEEL NOW is the key, not how you felt or were taught to feel and YOUr SOUL will now place people, places, events and scenarios in your outer waking life to illuminate that which is TAUGHT in order that you are able to let go and BE.