Enthusiastic enjoyment of celebrations always adds to the energy field of Love that permanently envelops you, because celebration is a collective releasing of worry, anxiety, and fear; and, as you know, it is fear that shuts down your ability to open yourselves to Love, because it is unable to trust. Social gatherings with the intent to celebrate will always provide opportunities for your guides, mentors, angels, and other friends and loved ones in the spiritual realms to intensify the field of Love enveloping humanity, making it easier for you to feel or sense its presence around you. So, at this time of your earthly year ensure that you make available plenty of time to CELEBRATE!
Celebration is uplifting and inspiring, and on deeper levels it helps enormously in your awakening process. When you observe seemingly overenthusiastic or unwise celebratory behavior send love to those who appear to you to be misled, misguided, or just plainly too worldly and ungodly! God, our divine Source, can and does use all the celebrations and wild enthusiasm in which humanity joyfully engages in ways that are most effective in hastening you forwards towards your moment of awakening. Your love and non-judgmental acceptance of those who appear wild, totally removed from, and even unaware of their spiritual heritage is one of the most effective ways in which you can assist in bringing about humanity’s awakening which truly is imminent!
The message of Christmas, just like the constant message from our divine Source, is Love. Love is the the divine field of energy in which all of creation has its eternal existence and it radiates Love constantly, uninterruptedly, and utterly inclusively to all without exception. If you were not each an essential aspect or part of God’s energy field and constantly supported by it and enveloped in it you could not and would not exist. That you do exist proves beyond any doubt that you are all essential aspects of God your ever loving Father.
At the depths or center of your being you do know this, but while you maintain and support the illusion by your desire for it to be real you hide from yourselves the reality of who you truly are, and it is this apparent disconnection from your Source that causes you so much pain, fear, and suffering. By going within to that quiet inner space to pray, contemplate, meditate, or just relax and be at peace you open your hearts to receive the Love that envelops you in every moment of your existence. This is why you have so often been told that it is absolutely essential that you go within daily and open yourselves to the abundance that God’s Love offers you in every moment.
To awaken is to accept God’s Love for you without reservations of any kind, and to do this you need to accept that God’s Love for you can never be taken from you, removed, reduced, or in any way interfered with. You will then accept that as creations of God you were created perfect in every aspect, and that that can never change. It is something that your daily periods spent within help you to realize, and that leads to self-acceptance followed by a dawning awareness of the wonder of that all-embracing Love in which God holds you. But It is offered to you, and not imposed upon you, and so you have to make that first move back towards your Source by going within to seek Him out. And when you do you absolutely cannot fail to find Him, because He wants you to find Him and awaken into the brilliant and inextinguishable Light of His divine Reality where your eternal existence expressed in infinite joy is permanently assured.
With so very much love on this glorious Christmas Day, Saul.