Concluded from Part 1
Even though reaching a greater state of consciousness is peaceful to say the least, I don’t think it puts us in an inactive condition. Instead, a burning flame is lit that every awakening seeker finds incredible motivation to be a part of the widespread cultivation of peace and harmony because of.
We can use this burning flame to come together with respect for each other’s unique personal philosophy and become examples of a real and lasting unity movement in action. Unity movements come and go, and like I’ve said before, only those who are willing to stick with it in the face of endless adversity and difficulty can make great progress.
The goal isn’t unattainable by any means, but all good things come with catalysts and “dark night of the soul” moments. The great thing about the burning flame is its everlasting nature, and if perseverance and commitment are shown, there’s nothing we can’t do.
How often do we hear that we’re infinite in our ability to be and do anything we want, only to notice that creating real change is actually more difficult than the wave of a higher-dimensional wand?
At the surface, you’d think that our “status” as infinite and limitless creators would make these pursuits very easy, but in fact, our mastery lies in our ability to accept every difficulty and keep on with strength, tenacity and courage.
Our infinite nature lies in the fact that we can persevere in the face of impossible odds. We’re not infinite in the sense of being able to make instant higher-dimensional change in a dense, slow moving reality, but we never give up the goal of bringing ourselves and the reality around us into a better place.
We could give up our unity pursuit for years, suddenly find the inspiration again one day, and get the world’s attention in four months. Therein lies our everlasting ability to create change, and it sits constantly, waiting to be used.
You’ll notice that the spiritual growth movement of the 60s and 70s seemed to fizzle in the 2000s, but here we are, more inspired than ever. Our numbers have grown greatly, and the powers that were can’t silence all of us.
They may have silenced a few of the most influential people from the 60s and 70s, but consciousness and inspiration continue to rise in a growing number of people who take that inspiration from the pioneers that blazed the trail before us.
In this age of advanced technology, we use the internet as a means to spread consciousness and awareness to an audience of hungry seekers, and I’m confident in saying that the light is expressed in more people today than a few decades ago.
Now that this exponential light has opened us up to the truth of our existence, which is a surprising and intricate truth that we’ve only just started to glimpse, it’s time for us to act on it and put the ideas we’ve been advocating into play. Even though we need words, it’s time for action to follow suit.
Even though we need as many people as possible to talk about harmony and dissolving the barriers between us, it’s time for those of us who recognize what needs done to really get to work.
Writing about these ideas is the best way I can spread the message of acting over simply talking, and I’ve embarked on a personal journey of expressing peace and unity in an effort to play my part. Like a lot of the things we still have to do, it’s easier said than done, but making the effort is the first step to collectively and individually mastering peace and unity.
The results will be potent, and a unified humanity that works together to run our planet will be far more progressive than we are now. Think of the progress our society has (and hasn’t) already made, and imagine us mending the biggest issues we face, the rule of the one percent being one, and creating a sustainable world for our future generations to inherit.
Imagine our children being educated, and I mean really educated, instead of forced to conform to a broken education system. Imagine that broken system being replaced with something that embraces our children’s individuality and lets them learn the way that works for them instead of how they’re told.
We can bring some great leaders into this world if we respect and work with the uniqueness of every child, and we owe it to them and our planet to help them thrive instead of hold them back.
Imagine every person, in every country, experiencing prosperity that only a small percentage of people have been able to enjoy. Imagine clean water, healthy food and economic growth replacing famine and poverty in a society where everybody is cared for.
Beyond imagining this, I think we should ask ourselves what we can do to get the ball rolling. You’re encouraged to start thinking and talking about what we can do to come together in respect and love, and needless to say, at this point it’s much more than a simple idea that feels good to talk about.
At this point, coming together is crucial and inevitable if we want to enter a positive future. It’s always been inevitable, in my opinion, and now that millions of us have become conscious of the reality of spirit and the necessity of unity, it’s time for us to get to work and do what we came here to do – help bring the people into the light.
Wes Annac – Ready and excited to see real expansion and change. / link to original article