As everyone on Planet Earth is well aware enormous changes in the way you interact with each other and with the planet herself are urgently needed, and even as we speak these changes are being put into effect. Yes, the various media outlets constantly attempt to focus your attention on the crises and disasters, the pain and suffering, and the endemic deceit and corruption world-wide, and they are very successful in this. However, their success is also their failure because they are successfully and effectively drawing peoples’ attention to the intense need for change in numerous areas, and as a consequence every day more and more people are choosing to offer love to one another instead of continuing to live in fear. Love is your nature, as you well know or you would not be reading or listening to this, and to live lovingly transforms those who make that choice and also those with whom they interact. Your loving intentions are very effectively bringing about the essential changes that are necessary because of the immense power of those intentions as you put them into practice in your own personal lives. You cannot change the world, but you can and are changing yourselves by choosing only Love. When you do just that – just set the intent to be only loving – you also, naturally, by the way you live, actually demonstrate Love in action, thus enormously increasing the power of your individual energy fields. It is this power flow through your energy fields which flows out from you constantly – it is your life force – to infinity in every moment of your eternal existence that transforms all with whom it comes into contact, including, of course, the world in which you are presently experiencing life.
domingo, julio 02, 2023
John Smallman - Saul - You all have a divine purpose on earth, Right Now! - July 2, 2023
As everyone on Planet Earth is well aware enormous changes in the way you interact with each other and with the planet herself are urgently needed, and even as we speak these changes are being put into effect. Yes, the various media outlets constantly attempt to focus your attention on the crises and disasters, the pain and suffering, and the endemic deceit and corruption world-wide, and they are very successful in this. However, their success is also their failure because they are successfully and effectively drawing peoples’ attention to the intense need for change in numerous areas, and as a consequence every day more and more people are choosing to offer love to one another instead of continuing to live in fear. Love is your nature, as you well know or you would not be reading or listening to this, and to live lovingly transforms those who make that choice and also those with whom they interact. Your loving intentions are very effectively bringing about the essential changes that are necessary because of the immense power of those intentions as you put them into practice in your own personal lives. You cannot change the world, but you can and are changing yourselves by choosing only Love. When you do just that – just set the intent to be only loving – you also, naturally, by the way you live, actually demonstrate Love in action, thus enormously increasing the power of your individual energy fields. It is this power flow through your energy fields which flows out from you constantly – it is your life force – to infinity in every moment of your eternal existence that transforms all with whom it comes into contact, including, of course, the world in which you are presently experiencing life.

sábado, junio 17, 2023
John Smallman - Saul - Love is unchanging and unchangeable - June 18, 2023
As the human collective moves ever closer to the moment of its magnificent awakening, there are still some loose ends to be attended to because the egoic need to be right is still preventing some major players from allowing themselves to look within, question, and then correct some of the motivations that direct their thoughts, words, and actions. Change is necessary in the basic personal interactions that humans engage in, because love is still seen by many as a weakness instead of the strength that it truly is. These essential changes are being put into effect, so remain patient and trust that God’s plan for you is precisely on its divine schedule, as you daily continue to reset your intentions to be only loving whatever may arise in your daily lives. Setting and resetting that intention is extremely powerful and necessary, and you are all doing magnificent work as you follow through and put it into effect.

jueves, junio 08, 2023
John Smallman - Saul - You are Sovereign Beings, so reclaim your Sovereignty NOW! - June 8, 2023
As humanity waits expectantly for its collective awakening, we in the spiritual or non-physical realms are flooding the Earth and all her sentient life forms with Love and healing energies. We are massively strengthening your individual life force-fields as you undergo the intense and ongoing energy frequency changes or transmutations that are part of your awakening process. Events of a seemingly momentous nature are occurring world-wide, putting you all under enormous stress. Know that it is certain that these will be resolved, and that you will awaken.

domingo, mayo 28, 2023
John Smallman - Jesus - Life is Love, you are Love, and Love is boundless - May 28, 2023
There is only God, with Whom each and everyone of you is eternally at One. To understand that, as you live your lives in human bodies experiencing their limitations, is impossible, and you tend to find yourselves undergoing enormous mood swings that severely undermine the true joy of life, even if in the present moment all your needs are being met. It is very confusing and unsettling for you, and as you are almost constantly being fed the drama of worldly events of a very unhappy and fearful nature, it is very difficult for you be relaxed and at peace for more than a few minutes at a time, as your egos keep presenting you with personally worrying ‘what if’ thoughts.

martes, abril 18, 2023
John Smallman - Saul - You are each extensions of our divine Mother - Apr 18, 2023
Words cannot possibly describe the excitement and enthusiasm here in the non physical realms as we watch in absolute amazement as you, the human collective, move rapidly and most deliberately through the last or final stages of your awakening process. What each one of you has achieved on an individual basis in bringing this process to its moment of most glorious transformation is astounding. Yes, all are indeed one, so it is a collective awakening that is most gloriously unfolding, but each one presently incarnate – there are NO exceptions! – each one is most powerfully and enthusiastically adding their own unique creative abilities to the collective process, just as they intended to do when they made the choice to be incarnate at this point in the process. You are all succeeding beyond your wildest dreams. As I have told you before, the presence of every single one of you is absolutely essential for the process to come to completion, and you are all perfectly fulfilling your individual pre-incarnate resolutions

miércoles, marzo 29, 2023
John Smallman - Saul - The illusion is being recognized for what it is – ILLUSORY! - Mar 29, 2023
Here in the non-physical realms we are all looking forward most enthusiastically to humanity’s imminent collective awakening, and to then joining with you all in the celebrations that are planned and that will ensue. Truly, a most magnificent event is about to unfold, and the joy that you are about to experience will indubitably amaze you, as the unreal times of fear, pain, and suffering dissolve into the void from which it seems that they arose into actuality. You are to awaken into the Joy that has always been, is, and always will be God’s Will for All of Her divine Creation. You are always present in this state of limitless joy, it just seems, while you are in form as humans, that this is not and cannot be the case, and that is because of what the illusion, the dream state, or game of separation is all about. You built it for this very purpose, and it has served its purpose extremely well, but the ‘time’ has arrived for its termination – dreams and games do not and cannot last, there is always a termination point – and that point is NOW!

sábado, marzo 18, 2023
John Smallman - Saul - To awaken is to know that only Love is real - Mar 18, 2023
As the daily news continues to report on fresh major corruption issues and conflicts worldwide, remind yourselves that all of these are in fact problems that have been ongoing for a very long time. Their disclosure is intensifying now so that they can be clearly seen and released, thus inviting and allowing Love to flow fully and freely throughout humanity, awakening all to the need for major changes in humanity’s attitudes and behaviors. These changes are occurring, and are most effectively dissolving age old fears, angers, hatreds, and resentments to which many have been clinging, and thus hiding from themselves the personal awareness that Love is their true and eternal nature. To awaken is to know that only Love is real, and to understand that anything that is contrary to It is utterly unreal, a figment of severely damaged and traumatized human psyches, blocking or hiding awareness from people of their own unchanging true nature.

domingo, marzo 12, 2023
John Smallman - Saul - You all incarnated with the intent to BE; to be loving all of humanity - Mar 12, 2023
As your collective awakening draws ever closer – yes, I know you are getting tired of hearing me talk so frequently of its imminence! – continue to hold, share, and extend the Love that each of you are just by being. There is no need to do anything, although if any of you are intuitively guided – NOT egotistically driven – to be activists for peace, then do bring the love that you are to meetings of that nature, and set the intent to spread it freely and indiscriminately to all who are present. Doing that is extremely powerful and effective, as many of you have already realized. You are LOVE, and you are sharing and extending it by being vulnerable, by just being yourselves. You incarnated with the intent to BE; loving all of humanity and greatly assisting in the awakening process, and that is what you are doing most successfully.

sábado, marzo 04, 2023
John Smallman - Saul - You most courageously and lovingly chose to experience life in form yet again - Mar 4, 2023
You are all on Earth and incarnate at this moment because you all chose to assist in the great awakening which is imminent. No one is here by mistake, so even those you might think are delaying or preventing the awakening are in fact purposefully following their paths towards the awakening, their own and that of humanity. As you can see, from what is being reported in many places, there is much pain and suffering being excessively experienced by many worldwide. What is happening is that ancient fears, angers, resentments, and hatreds that people have denied and refused to acknowledge for eons, are now arising into the awareness of many – who may not even have been involved in what happened a long time ago – so that they can be honored . . . Yes, honored! . . . thanked for the lessons they have offered, and be released. If you are not

martes, enero 31, 2023
John Smallman - Saul - God gave you All that He has and Is at the moment of your creation - Jan 31, 2023
God’s plan for humanity’s collective awakening is unfolding PERFECTLY! It was created at the precise moment that you chose to experience separation and independence from Him, because He knew that once you experienced such a state you would immediately seek to return home to be once more and forever in His divine and infinitely loving Presence.

jueves, enero 26, 2023
John Smallman - Saul - Time is unreal and makes no demands! - Jan 26, 2023

As your collective awakening unfolds before your very eyes – CELEBRATE!
Yes, it is unfolding right now, in the only moment there is, the eternal moment of now. You do of course know this, because when you allow yourselves to be aware you are aware that everything you think, say, or do is happening now, the only ‘time’ in which it could happen. It’s just that NOW keeps on continuously renewing itself without ever a break, that is what now is – NOW! Within the illusory state of material form, of which time is a major component, it flows constantly, whereas in Reality it is eternally stationary. That is a concept that is very difficult for you to imagine or to accept, and yet modern physics at the highest levels of research has found that this actually is the case. It is quite shocking to realize this because it is totally at odds with your human experience of life in form.

martes, enero 17, 2023
John Smallman - Saul - Love in action is being massively demonstrated all across Planet Earth - Jan 17, 2023
As you have been told so often, and increasingly frequently over the last few moths, humanity’s collective awakening is proceeding precisely on schedule, as divinely intended, and is indeed now very, very close. To be prepared to embrace this wondrous event make sure you do not forget to take quiet time out at least once daily to just be, while holding the intent to be a channel or conduit through which God’s love can flow most abundantly out through you to embrace every human presently incarnate. Each of you incarnated to do this at this moment in the awakening process simply because you generously chose to assist in adding massively to the energy of Love enveloping the planet. You are now bringing it to maximum effect as Love continues to nudge or even shake people out of the dream state, the illusory sense of separation from your infinitely loving Source.

domingo, enero 08, 2023
John Smallman - Saul - The divine Will is also, and in every moment, your will - Jan 8, 2023

All are Love. All were created from Love, and there is NO OTHER INGREDIENT! All are One with God as in “I and my Father are One.” And all do know that Mother/Father/God is Love, and that therefore all of you are also Love, and that there is absolutely no other possibility. If you, in your human ego-driven forms, can accept that divine Truth and then choose to allow Love into your hearts so that you feel It, you will move most positively toward a full knowing of that one eternal Truth – that Love Is!

martes, diciembre 27, 2022
John Smallman - Saul - Not even one sentient being is in any way unworthy of Love - Dec 27, 2022
Humanity’s awakening is truly imminent! In fact it is happening now, even though there are no reports of this most wondrous event on any of the media to which you have access. The media, and those who control and direct them, wish to distract people’s attention from this astronomical outpouring of Love that is embracing all of humanity, and their intent is to keep focusing on drama, pain, and suffering so that people will be encouraged to align with these negative and physically draining feelings and emotions. However, this ‘censorship’ cannot and will not in any way at all disrupt this event, it is divinely directed and will, therefore, blossom beautifully just as God wills. No other outcome is remotely possible.

domingo, diciembre 18, 2022
John Smallman - Saul - Let go of any doubt, anxiety, resentment, anger, or fear - Dec 18, 2022
Today we are going to address issues that are of major concern to many of you – time, waiting, doubts, and anxieties. We have been informing you for some time now that your collective human awakening is extremely close in time. And it is! But your experience of time is somewhat variable within the illusory game in which you are engaged as humans. Many of you as small children could not conceive of becoming adults because such a state appeared to you then to be eons away in time. Now, many of you, especially those who are in old age, are wondering where the time went! So avoid focusing on the future, on what may happen, or on what you hope will happen, or on what you sincerely hope will not happen, because to do so is a big distraction from living, and can provide you with no meaningful answers. Also, do not keep revisiting errors or mistakes that you have made in the past. Just remember that you all chose to be here now to awaken, and to assist others to engage in humanity’s awakening process, and that is exactly what you are doing. Therefore, relax into the certainty that all is unfolding precisely as Mother/Father/God intends, because, needless to say, it always does because there is no other option.

sábado, diciembre 03, 2022
John Smallman - Saul - You are all divine beings whose true nature is LOVE, and NOTHING else! - Dec 3, 2022

As the collective human awakening process rapidly approaches fruition, there is much happening around the world that would appear to indicate that the levels of conflict and corruption are increasing. This is not the case. What is happening is a massive release of information about the enormously corrupt practices that have been ongoing for all of human history, and which those in power have done their utmost to conceal – until very recently they have been very successful at doing this – and which they no longer have the power or support that they need to continue doing so. This has naturally led to an inordinate explosion of anger and resentment among the vast numbers of people who have been so deceitfully misled, and an intense desire for justice through criminal indictments of those involved at every level, followed by judgment and the imposition of suitable levels of punishment.

sábado, noviembre 26, 2022
John Smallman -Saul - As you know, separation from Source has never occurred - Nov 26, 2022
As the year of 2022 draws to a close you are all well aware of the enormous numbers of experiences and events that have occurred, many of which were neither happy nor uplifting, and which have mostly served to increase the suffering that so many worldwide are undergoing. However, this growing awareness of the unnecessary but sometimes intentional increases in suffering is effectively leading to a major release by large numbers of people of the ingrained, judgmental, and unloving intentions and behaviors that have plagued humanity for a very long time. It is the time NOW for each human to release all within them that is not in complete alignment with Love, and this is happening. The numbers of you who are finally realizing that judgment and competitive thoughts, words, and behaviors never resolve conflicts, but only increase their frequency, are growing rapidly as the insanity of these sorts of relationships on an individual, organizational, political or international level becomes ever more apparent.

lunes, noviembre 07, 2022
John Smallman - Saul - All is well, humanity is awakening - Nov 7, 2022
Doubts are arising for you who are reading or listening to this, and of course for many, many others. And I can fully understand why they arise; it appears that you have already been waiting a long time for humanity’s collective awakening, a wonderful event that was seemingly promised for December 2003, and then again for 2012 . . . and still you wait. It is, quite understandably, very frustrating, and reduces your trust in us here in the non-physical realms whose only intent is to assist you all to awaken NOW!

jueves, octubre 13, 2022
John Smallman - Saul - Make it an aspect of your daily practice to just be - Oct 13, 2022
We are One, you all know that, and yet for most of you that statement makes no sense as you perceive a world with billions of individual people, yourselves included, each seeking recognition and love separately and for themselves only. But seekers only find distractions. Those distractions can be quite fascinating, bringing new knowledge and information of value, sometimes of great seeming value – perhaps even a momentary awakening of sorts to be investigated later – to the seeker, but they remain distractions. Seeking needs to cease so that you can quieten your minds, your intellects, your curiosity, and just BE! Eventually seeking will lead you to the awareness of your need to just be, but that awareness is available now, so avail of it now, and take a break right now, and BE!

miércoles, septiembre 28, 2022
John Smallman - Saul - Joy, Bliss, and Love is your true and unchangeable nature - Sep 28, 2022
As humanity continues on its rapid path to awakening, here in the non-physical realms we continue to watch with joy and delight at the remarkably rapid progress that you are all making on this demanding and often painful journey. Indeed we expected you to achieve this remarkable progress because you all most generously chose to make this much needed pilgrimage, and because it is the divine plan you cannot fail to complete it, perfectly. Nevertheless, it really is most uplifting and inspiring for us to watch and observe you dealing so positively with all the untoward and unexpected issues that arise for you, even though it may often seem to you that you are not making progress, that you are not competent for the task that you have undertaken, and leading you to experience feelings of helplessness and unworthiness. And all of this is indeed an underlying and very unsettling aspect of your human journeys.