Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, copyright 2013
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The new light and energy has indeed brought a new level of reality into our world. This is a new experience since we had the game-changing solar eclipse on November 3. While the influx continues it needs our growing awareness so that it can become more and more a tangible reality, ultimately for everybody.
The density and 3dimensional solidity is being gently pushed into the background, to still be used only in the moments when we need to manage our daily life that is still grounded in the old ways.
But what is becoming now more and more real is a fluid reality, allowing many and multiple joyful solutions to a question, to a ‘problem’.
It is not anymore a stern, one-sided and exclusive truth that seemed up to now to answer our questions in this world of illusionary solidity.
There is a new guiding force now in our world with the easiness of love, joy, and of our truth, that leads to solutions. And they can be manifold.
Form is not so much the point, but essence, while we from now on are learning to dance a dance in many colors and gliding realities. They allow a constant flow of kaleidoscopic change, to enjoy the pure lightness of Being.
No longer are we being kept in the prisons and identification with the darkness of solid solutions! And from now on we can fly as immortal beings like butterflies fly when they have left their cocoon.
This liberating new reality that has arrived, is now being given to humanity so that we bring it into our life! The new era is here! The promises of the Big Shift in 12.12 have been fulfilled! We now have different choices, and it is up to us, to live them, to call upon the new dimension that is now possible to live here with Gaia!
Not making use of this new gift, only will prolong the illusion of death and finite solutions, which appeared to be the truth for millenniums. As if containers could be the truth itself, and not what created them and what they contain! But now the Spirit is alive!
Now it is about to turn from inside out the cube and to live what always has been inside: the living force of love- and light-reality, the essence on which all forms are gliding. The Lightness is now liberated, and triumphs over the old heaviness that suppressed the life.
The veils are down. The Divine Essence is being born here on earth to reveal its inherent joy as our very drive of life.
How can be described with the language of the false matrix, what is true?
Truth seems to be a paradox as long as we don’t let go of the heart-less ways of rigid concepts, introduced by those who taught us separation!
Go beyond separation, and from the depth of being emerges the multiple singleness that is obvious to our heart. There is only one Fullness, it comprises all. It replaces the carbon with the crystal and ignites the resurrection of our dormant DNA. Where light is obvious, there is no weight. And the artificial veiling of That Which always sustained and empowered life that is Divine, is fading away.
From now on our bodies can sparkle, our mind can attach itself to what is Divine by birthright. No longer are we attached with un-real gravity to a false reality. Now we can fly, not away, but as beings in constant flow through this new Actuality.
We need to come together to create islands for this new world to flourish, to give it power and emphasis, to build the new reality in the midst of the old. To allow the New to spread out ever more powerful and to draw every last human being into the glory of a new creation.
We need to catch and bring down to here what has been prophesied for so long. Yes, it has arrived!
Dear Sisters and Brothers, let us celebrate!
With Joy and Gratitude!
Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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