As soon as you are born upon this planet your lesson in the defined old 3d earth paradigm of love begins. How you were treated as a baby and a young child will have ENORMOUS impact on how you perceive love and for many of you this blog may bring back memories that you are at odds with. How many of you reading this blog feel truly loved by your parents? by your friends? I ask the question because this human life experience is a quest to RE-discover LOVE but what will try to blind you on this quest is the defined love that you were taught on your entry into the human race. The human logical mind at all times referencing the “past” as a platform on which to place your emotions, this is not TRUTH and is not what is meant by LOVE. I use capitals only to distinguish one frequency from another.
LOVE is available to ALL at ALL times, it does not need another in human form to give you something that is freely available, indeed it is only by anchoring LOVE within SELF that you can find or illuminate this in another human. This is often blurred by the teachings of distortion that seek to teach that you must place others before SELF. This is not TRUTH, how can you LOVE another when you do not LOVE SELF? ALL is a reflection of that which you resonate with, many are in deep frustration at this time in relation to love and to whom they love. LOVE is not containment, this frequency was implanted into human consciousness by the old 3d earth deliberately. How many of you are fully supported by those whom you say love you? how many of you love unconditionally without a second thought?
Hollywood is full of promises that can never be kept nor should have ever been made, for they all involve sacrifice, LOVE needs no sacrifice for it is eternal as you are eternal. It is the frequency that lifts your spirits, it is the feeling that soars through your BEing and allows you to understand how vast you are in TRUTH. It needs no other to flow through you and this is something that the old 3d earth paradigms will attempt to teach you to filter out. All upon planet earth is a mirror and a mirror’s reflection is back to front, at all times you must turn the reflection back on itself to find TRUTH. Many of you at this time are attempting to turn yourself inside out believing that if you are what others are looking for then you will be accepted and this is highly distorted. YOU ARE YOU and that is who YOU came here to BE. Not what your parents told you to be, not what your husband/wife/sister/brother/aunt/uncle etc EXPECTS you to BE, only YOU.
This may seem overly simple and this is deliberate, for at all times within the old 3d earth paradigms you were taught to make things more complicated, the more complicated the better, to tie the human logical mind in knots was how the old 3d earth worked to blind you. TRUTH JUST IS and YOU ARE. How much you earn, what job you do, what colour your hair is, how tall you are is ALL IRRELEVANT for it is but the outer shell of the human vehicle you have incarnated into and been TAUGHT to align with. Who YOU ARE is at SOUL level, your heart reveals who YOU ARE and this cannot be hidden at any time from those around you. Under the old 3d earth paradigms you were taught to close down the heart to PREVENT people from seeing who YOU ARE. Why? because if the human race connected at heart level then the old 3d earth paradigms would begin to dissolve for they were built on fear and NOT on LOVE.
At this time you are asked to shine brightly as YOU, nothing else is required and yet many of you may instantly reject this, allowing your human logical mind to teach you that this process of transformation is complicated. It is simple. Letting go of all that you have been taught however may be a challenge for in allowing your heart to open you must allow the FEELing of vulnerability to become a FEELing that you align with, you cannot LOVE in TRUTH without vulnerability and this is a STRENGTH not the weakness you have been taught that it is. As you work to elevate your vibration and energy signature then you will NATURALLY draw those into your outer waking reality who mirror your own frequency. This will see LOVE blossom in your outer waking reality to new levels. The NATURAL law of attraction at work.
It may be painful to begin with to release all that you have allowed SELF to BELIEVE is TRUTH for at this time all that is not TRUTH will dissolve. To sudden realise that those you share your life with are NOT whom you believed them to be can hurt but within that hurt is the strength and the fragments you shattered into in order to remain in that lower frequency. LOVE is a BIRTHRIGHT it is not something that is earned nor given, that is akin to believing that the oxygen you need to live is something that has to be given to you. It is FREELY available for you to breathe at all times as is the LOVE that IS.
At this time you are asked to anchor the frequency of the LOVE that IS. To become comfortable with who YOU ARE in TRUTH, for how can walk the earth as YOU when you do not relate to who YOU ARE? This is not about those who share your life, this is about YOU, for only YOU live within your human vehicle 24/7. When you anchor the LOVE that IS and ACCEPT that YOU ARE LOVE then miracles will begin to birth around you, through you and within you for there is in TRUTH only LOVE in the UNIVERSE of 3.
(c) Karen Doonan, all rights reserved