It is a while that I gave a message to my beloved Isabel but now I will give a small update to her and you.We talked a bit about the cloudships she can see in her sky and the different shapes they can take. In the upper middle of the picture you can see a multilayered bigger cloud. This is Meramis, our personal scoutship, the biggest scoutship of the Sirian fleet, as it serves also for represantational purpose. We are in your atmosphere since a while, to watch, help and cleanse. We observe Earth since long but weren’t really allowed to intervene except the survival of the planet was endangered.
Ya estamos en negociaciones con vuestros Gobiernos para la revelación y el primer contacto.Trabajando juntos podemos traer los cambios necesarios para que la Nueva Era pueda proceder con toda rapidez.Todo esto puede arreglarse, pero tenéis que enfocaros sólo en el resultado positivo, de otra manera estaríais añadiendo energía inconscientemente a lo que no se desea. Pre-imaginando y enfocando la atención en vuestro resultado elegido os estáis comprometiendo con ese futuro camino.
También tenéis que desapegaros de todo lo que no sirve para el más alto bien para todos; eso puede ser un punto de apoyo, pero podéis elevaros por encima del tirón de las bajas energías y no repetir los errores del pasado. El más alto propósito de estos tiempos desafiantes es el de purificar y separar lo no necesario avanzando hacia niveles superiores de consciencia. La abundancia para cubrir completamente todas tus necesidades se realiza cuando vives como si ya hubiera ocurrido.
Hoy en vuestro mundo, vuestros derechos y libertades han sido ahogados por los intereses de unos pocos. Esto va a darse la vuelta en el tiempo que llega. Se está preparando a la gente y los acontecimientos para restaurar vuestras libertades, y eso establecerá el campo de trabajo que llevará a vuestra ascensión. Nosotros podemos curvar el espacio y el tiempo para estar con vosotros muy rápidamente, pero sólo cuando sea seguro el hacerlo. Porque los secuaces de los oscuros reaccionarían a esto y tomarían acciones contra nosotros sin importar las consecuencias, porque no podrían actuar de otra manera. Así que estamos avisando a todos para que sean conscientes de lo que está ocurriendo y por qué; habrá más detalles e informes disponibles en los tiempos que vienen.
We are now in negotiations with your Governments for disclosure and
first contact. By working together we can bring forward the necessary
changes so the New-Age can proceed with all haste. This can all be
arranged however you are called to focus on positive outcome only, else
risk unwittingly adding energy to that which is not desired. By
pre-imagining and focusing on your chosen outcome you are committing to
that future path.
SaLuSa 08 November 2015. On your world today your rights and freedoms have been drowned out by the interests of the few, this is to turn around in the coming time. People and events are being arranged to restore your freedoms and this will lay the ground-work which will lead to your ascension. We can warp space and time to be with you very quickly, however only when it is safe to do so. As the minions of the dark would react to this and take action against us with no regard to the consequences, when they would not act otherwise. So we are calling all to become aware of what is taking place and why; more details and updates will be forthcoming in the times ahead.
I have decided that I am not going to continue channelling, as just of late I have not been happy or satisfied with my messages. I can only match them against how things were before I had my stroke, and they are not working as smoothly as I would like. When I started up again I was pleased with the way I got back into it, but it has dropped off lately.
Time moves ever faster and for you there never seems to be enough to do the tasks you have set yourselves. Yet you do manage and achieve so much in your work for the Light. There are so many of you spread across the world doing your bit to bring the Light to Earth. Your success is such that the Light is now so powerful that it cannot be stopped from bringing even more souls into it. At times you have been disappointed at the time it is taking to cleanse the planet of the negativity that has built up over eons of time. Yet it has given more souls the opportunity to find the Light for themselves. However, a time has come when the New Age must be manifested, and with that in mind action has been taken to speed things up. The Illuminati have had their powers curtailed, and as you are probably aware can no longer use their nuclear weapons. We have often emphasised the point by hovering our craft over their silos and disarming them. In no circumstance will they be allowed to use them and we have made sure they fully understand.
Matters have suddenly taken a turn that signifies the end of the Cabals influence, as far as its ability to dictate the manner in which future events manifest. Their plan has been put back partly by the extraordinary response of the people, who have galvanised themselves into groups that are devoting their time to the Light of Truth. The full extent of the power of the Illuminati may not be known to them, but instead of confrontation they have realised that giving more strength to the Light, more than balances the scales. Indeed, with the help of other forces of Light they can speed ahead with the changes that are destined to ensure their victory. There is a way to go yet, but what you will see are the signs that clearly confirm the direction you are going in. The energies for change are growing all of the time and as the old ones fall away the new ones will bring about desirable. It will clearly signal that you are taking bold steps to ensure that Ascension is not delayed and continues approaching.
So much is occurring on Earth that it is difficult for you to determine exactly what is happening. Karma is being played out whilst at the same time the Light is progressing to bring through more of the higher energies. More and more people are beginning to understand how they have been manipulated by the Illuminati, and rightly feel angry that they have been misled for so long. Not only that, but the way in which you have been denied many of the advances that they have kept to themselves. The truth is that you also knew before you incarnated, that you would experience a strong challenge to take away your freedom and your rights. However, you might not have been aware that you were chosen because of your background and experience. A few may fall by the wayside but it was known that the vast majority would rise up against the dark Ones. Consequently you have been able to withstand their actions, so much so that they can no longer be sure of fulfilling their own agenda. So we can say that the Light has won the fight against them and although they will fight to the bitter end, they cannot win.
You have just passed the 28th.September, a significant date because a number of events were either coming to a conclusion or reaching a peak. It did not impact itself upon you but in general terms has as you say ”raised the bar”, but as time passes many of you will begin to notice significant changes. Clearly the higher vibrating energies cannot help but bring changes about. Although your Press is controlled and you do not get to read all of the important news, you will nevertheless note that the awakening of Humanity is spreading. You now question what is taking place on Earth rather than automatically accept what is placed before you. You are beginning to awaken to the truth of your existence, and see beyond the lies that are often presented to you as the truth. There are great souls on Earth working for the Light and they are coming forward to give you truthful accounts of your past, and what the future holds. We will never tire of telling you that you are great Beings of Light who are about to enjoy the awakening. Some of you will be shocked and find it hard to believe how you have been duped for so long. However, the advice from us is to quickly move on and spend your precious time promoting positive changes. The dark Ones have sealed their own fate and will have much to learn if they are to return to the Light. Certainly every encouragement will be given to them, as no soul is considered to be beyond salvation.
Dear Ones, what an important and exciting time has arrived, when many of you will be able to feel the upliftment resulting from the incoming level of energies. Those of you who do will know beyond doubt that the changes are beginning to bring about welcome changes. You only have to look around you to see that in the midst of them is evidence of changes for the better. Very soon you will have had even more evidence of them, and it will become quite clear as to the direction that Humanity is going in. There will of necessity be a clearing out of the old that no longer serves you, but at the same time the new energies will become established. The Illuminati will make their last attempt to keep on their chosen path but it will be to no avail, as their power has been seriously curtailed by the Galactic Forces that surround the Earth. So have no fear as all is progressing well but be patient as all benefits will come in good time – you are in the period of the Great Awakening.
You are getting proof of the changes that are in progress and although you have had your disappointments in the past, many of you are now feeling the benefits of them. By comparison you should now be able to feel the different energies that are around you that have been substantially lifted up. It has been a slow but positive build up over the last few years which is just about to peak, bringing with it a noticeable upliftment. The overall effect will be one that awakens more people to the truth, so that they can break away from the influence of the dark Ones. Dear Ones, the Light has achieved a victory over them and no longer can they enslave the Human Race. Changes will come quite quickly that will lead towards the establishment of a new era, when freedom will be restored and a quantum leap forward taken to introduce those benefits that have been denied you. It is all prepared and will be given to you as soon as circumstances permit. Have patience as some changes are monumental, and time has to be allowed for them to be introduced. The most important matter at present is to remove the dark Ones and so put a stop to their activities that deliberately interfere with your future.
All of sudden after waiting for some considerable time for positive news about Ascension, you are finding that a number of sources are receiving positive information. You are now repeatedly being informed that the 28th. September is the high point of the month, as the day on which the photon energies peak. Not only that, but to a level that has not been previously experienced. If you ever had any doubts about the progress being made towards Ascension, they have surely now been removed. You will now begin to realise that so much has been happening “behind the scenes” that you were not aware of previously. As you have often been told, that has been in the interests of keeping our plan secret for as long as possible. Different civilisations have been involved in the action, not least of all the Shelves from the 6th. dimension who have suddenly made themselves known to you. They are of the Light and will ensure that you succeed in making your way through to Ascension, and they will not allow the dark Ones to carry on interfering with your progress. As you look back you will realise that since 2012 there has been steady progress made, until suddenly you have found your place in the New Age and nothing can stop your completion.
Dear Ones, what a time you are having as the messages you now receive seem to have a general agreement as to what is shortly coming up. This month is a turning point regardless of whatever takes place, as the incoming energies will to a greater or lesser degree affect all souls. In fact it has already made its presence known by impinging upon your consciousness, with the result that many sense the changes within themselves. The higher energies are bringing love and ultimately a peace that you have only briefly known in your present dimension. The entities on your Earth that cannot raise their vibrations will be guided to an appropriate level that suits their needs. Every soul will find itself at the right level for their future needs, and all things will be exactly as they should be.
This is the time when the truth will gradually emerge until it becomes a crescendo of information that will make your head whirl. There is so much that has been presented to you as “truth” yet is far from it, and intended to hold you in the clutches of the dark Ones. Indeed, it has been largely successful but with the expanding levels of consciousness, it can no longer prevent the truth from becoming known. It means that you are no longer automatically accepting whatever is placed before you, and are more discerning and asking questions. At the same time many Lightworkers are now stepping forward to share their knowledge with you. The truth can no longer be kept from you, and as you prepare to actively take part in the New Age many knowledgeable souls are making themselves known.
People of the Earth, you are in turmoil as your systems are breaking down proving once again that they are inadequate to maintain a decent and sustained standard of living. Regrettably it has to be that way, as you are the Masters of your own destiny having been graced with freewill. It could have been so different had you accepted that you are your Brother’s keeper, and that you are All One within the Human Race. Greed and self-aggrandisement have prevented souls from equally sharing the wealth of the planet, and that has led to an unbalanced society. We do not condemn those involved as the Human Race has accepted what amounts to a free for all. However, the experience has given all concerned an insight into life without love, and without God, and shown that Man lacks the know how or will to be his Brother’s Keeper. So no experience is without its positive side, in teaching lessons that have speeded up your evolution.
Having read of the significant changes that are said to be manifesting at the end of September, you are cautiously approaching it. We know that many of you are eagerly waiting to see what happens, when you will be moving through a higher and purer field of energy. Caution is wise in any event as with the best of intentions information is given to you in all good faith, only for the circumstances to sometimes change. Many may experience this change and more are certain by the end of the year, including portals that will open and raise the consciousness of Humanity. We will not be unduly surprised as to whatever happens, as the changes are destined to take place very soon. More will certainly follow as the New Age begins to become established. However, do not expect too much too soon, as there is much work to be done in particular to distribute the funds. Even by our standards it will take some time to reach you all, yet it will be judged as an exceptional achievement by you. We have planned well for this time and are well prepared for what lies ahead.
As many of you are aware, this September is a pivotal point when the vibrations shall substantially increase. How it will affect you depends on your existing level, but the net result will be such that many will experience upliftment. The overall effect will mean a noticeable change that will bring a more peaceful outlook, and a general expression and desire for a cessation of warlike actions. Indeed, the desire for peace will grow substantially, and those in authority will be bound to implement the changes that will bring it about. There will be no going back to the old ways and as the influence of the Illuminati has been curtailed, the people will be released from their control. The desire for change has been growing for quite some time, and the point has been reached when it can no longer be denied. Many souls are ready to leap into action when it is safe to do so, and that time has almost arrived. They will be supported by groups who are of the Light who will ensure that their actions are allowed to go ahead without interference. As you can imagine, there are ones who are deeply engaged in keeping things as they are, and loathe to give up their rich lifestyle for a fairer distribution of wealth. However, no one can prevent the changes from manifesting, so face the changes with faith in the future, as given time all the promises made to you will manifest. Allow adequate time for the changes to be implemented that should come quite quickly once the “ball starts rolling”.
Dear Ones, matters on Earth are beginning to take shape in such a way that before very long you will begin to see the direction that Humanity is going in. Out of confusion and uncertainty, will come positive signs that will confirm that the changes are taking shape for your betterment. You will realise that a “cleansing” is taking place and that much of what you can already see of the old regime, is being changed or removed. It is being helped by the many souls that have awakened to the truth and are demanding freedom from the shackles of the dark Ones. Your lives have been reduced to that of slaves as your birthright has been denied you. You were gifted freedom by God and it will be restored so that the New Age can deliver the promises that have been made to you. At the same time there are distinct signs that so many of you are grasping the truth of your existence and the glorious time that lies ahead. It will take time to fully manifest and we give you firm indications of the direction you are going in so that you have a positive goal in mind. Behind the scenes there will be many groups supporting your efforts, and helping you to achieve success.
As always so much is taking place on Earth of which you are not directly aware. The outer signs are around you and in general people sense the changes that are taking place. They may not know what they are at this time but they feel the subtle difference in the energies around you. With them is a feeling of the changes that are verging on manifestation, and felt as being very positive. Matters will continue like this and continue to grow until eventually there will be an upliftment that can be felt. Some will nevertheless be unaware, but those of you who have been working to raise your vibrations will without doubt do so. It may well be your first positive feeling of the changes, and we know that many will feel uplifted by what takes place. They shall continue and there will be no going back to the old lower vibrations.
Time races on and events on Earth are speeding up, and having been given freewill to decide how to live together you are now experiencing the result of your choices. It is obvious that you cannot sustain the system that you have created, as it crumbles and proves to be inadequate for your needs. Indeed you have so to say that you have been living on borrowed time and it is already becoming obvious that you cannot prevent the breakdown of the Human Race. Age after Age you have tried to establish a thriving population, yet at the same time have failed to bring along the poorest nations with you. The problems are now so huge that it is too late to prevent the outcome that is the disintegration of the old systems. In other words you will be forced to change your ways if you wish to overcome the problems that you have created. It will be a painful process but will result in a new way of living together, where the vibrations have been lifted to the point where negativity is practically non-existent. Then you will see the true way harmony and peace can be sustained, and people can live without fear. We can assure you that it is possible, and as the vibrations continue to speed up, you will not have too long to experience some positive changes. The dark Ones are no longer allowed to dictate how your future works out, and their plan for total domination is now unworkable.