lunes, julio 31, 2017
Kryon - Laguna Hills - 2017
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Lee Carroll
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday July 31, 2017

What would happen if human beings started to acknowledge every single soul’s innate ability to be exactly where they need to be at any given moment? You would start to practice honour and acceptance for yourselves and for others, and that, all by itself, would be a profoundly powerful energetic shift that would ripple out beyond anything you could imagine. ~Archangel Gabriel
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AA Gabriel,
Shelley Young
Brenda Hoffman - Fear Addiction - July 31, 2017
Dear Ones,
Many of you are discovering that media coverage or personal interactions are producing anger and words different from your usual reactions. Such is so because you are addressing past lives or past events that trigger anger within you.
You have a choice to re-live and clear that event from your personal history or to ignore your angry feelings.
Many of you are discovering that media coverage or personal interactions are producing anger and words different from your usual reactions. Such is so because you are addressing past lives or past events that trigger anger within you.
You have a choice to re-live and clear that event from your personal history or to ignore your angry feelings.
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Brenda Hoffman,
domingo, julio 30, 2017
Kara Schallock - Evolving More - 30-Jul-2017
We are and have been in a powerful transition in the last month especially. (Of course, we have been transitioning from the old to the New for a very long time...lifetimes.) We have been preparing in the last month for the eclipses and the 8-8-8. Eight is symbolic for Power, so expect a leap up in your personal Power, which means that you take Responsibility for all in your life. There is no acting small or deciding something or someone else is to blame for any perceived shortcomings you might see yourself having (the Truth is that you have no shortcomings). What makes you happy? Nothing makes you anything. Your Joy is within; your Power is within; your Knowing is within. You need nothing outside of yourself to prove who you are. There is no need; therefore, you're not needy. You are a powerful, sovereign being of Love.
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El Gran Cambio,
Kara Schallock
Linda Robinson - Archangel Zadkiel ~ Inner Stillness and Expanded Consciousness - August 2017
“Inner Stillness and Expanded Consciousness”
Greetings Beloved Ones,
This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Archeia Holy Amethyst, and we greet you in Love and Light. Today, we wish to discuss inner stillness and expanded consciousness.
Higher dimensional energy is continuing to reach your planet. This is occurring along with many changes on a global scale. You may also be experiencing changes in your immediate vicinity. You may even be questioning what you want the next step on your path to be.
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AA Zadkiel,
Linda M. Robinson
Ailia Mira - The Council of Radiant Light - How Your Experience Comes About - July 30, 2017
How Your Experience Comes About
The Council of Radiant Light,
through Ailia Mira
Hello Divine Ones,
It's good to be with you. We see that as we converse with you upon your capacity to create your experience through intentional use of your focus, some of you are starting to relate to your life with a increasing sense of curiosity.
Curiosity is a beneficial perspective to have toward anything - because it opens up your sense of possibility. Some of you are already starting to consider that you might be able to accomplish things you hadn't thought of before, and this is a really nice thought to think.
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Kryon por Lee Carroll - La Nueva Recordación Akáshica - Minneapolis, Minnesota, 23 de julio de 2017
Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll en
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 23 de julio de 2017
La nueva recordación akáshica
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Estas presentaciones del segundo día llevan una energía que no llevan las del primero, y muy a menudo las canalizaciones son diferentes, y así será esta vez. Ustedes, en este grupo frente a mí, han pasado juntos horas estudiando algo increíble; la creación, en sus propias vidas y corazones, de una relación simbiótica entre las partes que crean la coherencia, y quiero continuar con eso. El mensaje es para ustedes, que están aquí. Ciertamente puede haber otros que escuchen más tarde, pero este es el presente, y entonces ellos pueden escuchar algo que es para ustedes.
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Lee Carroll
Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Strengthen your conscious awareness of other states beyond the physical, communicate deeply within yourself and learn to trust in your own answers - July 30, 2017
Dear One,
You are here on this planet to develop yourself fully. When the ancient philosophers stated "Know Thyself," they were talking about the power of Self-awareness. This means not just one's consciousness of the physical, or even of the mental and emotional selves. To truly know oneself means a real discernment of your self as a multi-dimensional being.
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AA Gabriel,
Shanta Gabriel
Ron Head - The Council – Everything is Changing - July 30, 2017

You are living in a construct that you view as reality. That is, in fact your term for it. Now we have pointed out to you several times in the past that this reality is made up of molecules, atoms, particles, nanoparticles, and finally energy. You live in a field of nothing but energy, and you call your interpretation of it reality.
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El Consejo,
Ron Head
Aisha North - Water Speaks - The lion’s roar - July 30, 2017

The lion’s roar
The lion’s roar
reverberates through the Cosmos
calling forth
the collapse of the old
as it breathes life into the new.
The gate is open
inviting you to step through
away from your
old shadow
and into the brightness
of your own true light.
Posted on July 30, 2017 by Aisha North • Bente Amundsen
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Aisha North,
Canalización del Agua
Lisa Transcendence Brown - Physical Body Ascension & Soul Embodiment: Your Physical Body is NOT going to work like it did before... Ascension is not a dis-ease, it's your Answer - 7/30/2017
Ascension is not a dis-ease, it's not a symptom or a cause. It is your body WAKING UP and TRYING to recalibrate, re-configure, re-do everything FOR YOU.... to bring your body THROUGH to a higher dimension than the old linear fixed mindset/belief one you used to live in.
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Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday July 30, 2017

The most powerful way to create is through essence. When you hold the intention of the core of your creation, you open yourselves up to many more options and matches that the universe can deliver to you. Sometimes, when you get too detailed with what you wish to create, you unknowingly create constraints because there is a much better match trying to make its way to you that you are not in acceptance of.
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AA Gabriel,
Shelley Young
sábado, julio 29, 2017
Kryon - Laguna Hills - 2017
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Lee Carroll,
Jennifer Hoffmann - Arcángel Uriel - Bendice el Vacío - 25 Julio 2017
Traducción: Rosa García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Todo cambio en tu frecuencia energética y vibratoria trae consigo numerosas bendiciones. Es un momento de gracia: profundas transformaciones y grandes avances en el proceso de Ascensión son posibles. Los movimientos que se dan son confirmaciones de Ascensión que te apartan de la densidad de 3D y permiten que una frecuencia elevada de luz pueda entrar en ese espacio. Representan ganancias y pérdidas, así como un potencial ilimitado. También representan un lugar de sanación, totalidad y el final del karma, de ciclos del alma y de sufrimiento.
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AA Uriel,
Jennifer Hoffman
Kryon por Lee Carroll - Nuevos Paradigmas - Minneapolis, Minnesota, el 22 de julio de 2017
Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Minneapolis, Minnesota, el 22 de julio de 2017
Nuevos Paradigmas
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Hemos hablado antes del hecho de que la energía que se desarrolla ahora mismo es completamente diferente de la de un momento atrás. Los pocos momentos iniciales de la canalización son los que posicionan su creencia. ¿Pueden sentir el cambio? Habrá quienes digan: "No estoy muy seguro de lo que debiera sentir." La respuesta es diferente. Queridos, ustedes vienen a un lugar como este y tienen una actitud y un semblante; no es una mala actitud, solo es una actitud, una actitud de escuchar. Es la de estudiar, de tomar notas, incluso puede ser en parte lógica, en parte intelectual, en parte espiritual, pero eso es lo que ustedes necesitan para poder asistir y escuchar y ser.
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Lee Carroll
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday July 29, 2017

Surrender, faith, flow, and trust are the essential elements of what we call The Divine Combination. Each is dependant upon the others to move your forward into your highest potentials you may not be aware exist from your vantage point.
This is the new, supported operating system of the enlightening human beings, and integral to navigating the energies you are experiencing on your planet at this time.
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AA Gabriel,
Shelley Young
Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Who Is the Creator of Your Reality? - 7-29-17
The Arcturians Through Suzanne Lie
Dear Arcturians,
Do you have a message for me today?
Yes, we have a message for all who wish to receive it. It is not a new message, but instead a reminder message. What we wish to remind you all of is that there is always more to learn and more to remember.
We say, “learn and remember” with the intention that “learning” is something new that you have not yet experienced during your many incarnations in which you wore an earth vessel.
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Canalización Arcturiana,
Suzanne Lie
viernes, julio 28, 2017
Kryon - "Discovery" 2017
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Lee Carroll,
Beloved masters, for many years now there have been so many new inventions and scientific breakthroughs, along with an overwhelming amount of philosophical and spiritual information bombarding the minds of humanity, that the human brain can hardly absorb the countless theories and new concepts without going into overload.
You are in the midst of a monumental process – a complex procedure of choosing and manifesting your destiny for the New Age, which will gradually become your more refined, expanded reality of tomorrow. Your choices − especially the focus, clarity and power of your thoughts and actions, will determine how quickly your desires will manifest in the material world of form. It is vitally important that you learn to discipline your mind, strengthen your concentration abilities, and stay in control of your emotions and mind chatter. The gifts and opportunities or Divine dispensations that are being offered to you require / demand a corresponding strong, personal discipline, along with a high level of responsibility.
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AA MIguel,
Ronna Herman
Kryon a través de Lee Carroll - Canalización Dual - Adironnda, Jesús, Kryon - Minneapolis, Minnesota, el 22 de julio de 2017
Canalización doble
Adironnda y Jesús a través de Marilyn Harper
en Minneapolis, Minnesota, el 22 de julio de 2017
Marilyn Harper
(canaliza a Adironnda)
Hum, buen día para ustedes, eh? Es muy bueno ver su luz, su amor, su brillo; ¡necesitamos lentes de sol para mirar su energía! Para quienes no conocemos entre ustedes, somos Adironnda y traemos a ustedes esa energía de amor, de amor incondicional, para contenerlos en esa frecuencia vibratoria. Porque verán, queridísimos seres de luz, el cambio está sobre ustedes (se ríe). Desde su presidente en este país, a Kryon, el queridísimo amigo, y todos ustedes, atravesando los cambios que están ocurriendo, y quiero darles unas pocas energías, unas sugerencias para ayudarlos a hacer su camino a través de ese cambio, ¿está bien? Alguien necesita un poco de ayuda extra aquí, (se ríe) o los ponemos a todos a dormir ya, ¿eh?
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Lee Carroll
Ron Head - The Council – The Universal Question - July 28, 2017

In the last week or so, I have been asked this question often in questions from readers. I sat to channel about it this morning and received an urge to look at pasts posts. I found an excellent one that I believe could hardly be improved upon. It is copied below. Enjoy.
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El Consejo,
Ron Head
Natalie Glasson - Lady Quan Yin - Understanding and Transforming Experiences of Lack - 28th July 2017
Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
It is with compassion and grace that I, Lady Quan Yin, come forth to greet you. I bring to you the energies of the Goddess, Ascended Masters and the loving healing of the Board of Karma, my energies are integrated within all of these aspects of the Creator. Today I come forth to guide you to recognise core issues, energies or perceptions within your being which require to be transformed in order to assist you in continuing your ascension process on the Earth. It is a time when the energies anchoring into the Earth are extremely potent and powerful. Therefore, it is easier for all to look deep within their being to create necessary healing and transformations. Gazing within your being to observe your truth and what requires to be realigned with the Creator is the most beautiful process that encourages accelerated spiritual growth.
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Lady Quan Yin,
Natalie Glasson
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 28 July 2017
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Mike Quinsey
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Friday July 28, 2017

Dear Ones, the antidote to doubt is trust. Doubt constrains and stagnates, while trust expands and opens to new experiences. Your soul is always seeking expansion and experience, so trust is a vital element!
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AA Gabriel,
Shelley Young
jueves, julio 27, 2017
Jamye Price - August Ascension Energies - Ignite Your Soul - July 27, 2017

July had the focus of Integrating Time. It is part of this Year of The Empowered Sovereign as we move into a new spiral of empowerment that supports the Ascension of humanity into a more connected and conscious species. Understanding your power with time is about mastering fourth dimensional expression (a subset of fourth density).
Areon, the Lyran Council of Time, say that time responds to us and through us. There are physical laws and subtle laws that affect us. The physical laws are what we see as the “immutable” effect of time. For example hours/days/seasons – the effect of movement around the sun. Your subtle realm is your inner realm. Your subtle bridge—how you connect directly with the subtle realm—is your thoughts and emotions. Your subtle bridge responds and interacts with the field of life, invisibly creating the future. Because it is subtle, it is mutable, but it cannot be controlled and manipulated like the realm of form.
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Jamye Price,
Reporte de Energías
Kryon - "From Dark to Light" 2017
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Lee Carroll,
Laura Pleiadian - The Moment of Transfer to The New Earth Experience and Initiation - July 27, 2017

There are many rays of LIGHT Suns ~ that are the literal experience of consciousness that FINDS Itself, WITHIN its RAY of Experience.
The Initiation that FINDS you ~ that transfers you in THE moment to a SUN ~ NEW EARTH Experience ~ is the SACRED Sun ~ RAY ~ planned for you to experience.
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5ta. Dimensión,
Laura Pleiadian,
Nueva Tierra
John Smallman - Jesus - Your true nature will not remain concealed - July 27, 2017
As enormous changes continue to occur planet-wide, don’t become blasé about them, welcome them and hold the loving intent for them to continue bringing about the essential alterations in the way you all live and interact with one another across the world. They have been in progress for a number of decades now, as human rights and concern for the planet have become important issues that humanity has chosen to address, especially now as awareness has grown of the need to terminate conflicts and completely and finally resolve the related issues of poverty, starvation, enslavement, and homelessness that have been endemic for a very long time. Your relatively modern technologies made it physically possible to resolve these issues many decades ago, but only now have enough of you become sufficiently aware of how unconscionable it is not to resolve these issues that now you will ensure that the necessary steps are taken to make it happen.
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Jesús-John Smallman
Pamela Kribbe - Everything is Connected - July 27, 2017
Dear friends,
I am Mary, mother of Jeshua. I greet you all in love and kinship. We are of one and the same family, connected through the heart and never really separated from one another. Only in the illusion of material reality do we seem apart and separated, but in reality everything is connected. Souls cannot be separated, only bodies can be. Bodies are bound to time and space, but souls are not bound.
Souls are continually in connection with one another and in a process of energetic exchange, even though this is not always perceptible to your everyday consciousness.
I am Mary, mother of Jeshua. I greet you all in love and kinship. We are of one and the same family, connected through the heart and never really separated from one another. Only in the illusion of material reality do we seem apart and separated, but in reality everything is connected. Souls cannot be separated, only bodies can be. Bodies are bound to time and space, but souls are not bound.
Souls are continually in connection with one another and in a process of energetic exchange, even though this is not always perceptible to your everyday consciousness.
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Madre María,
Pamela Kribbe
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday July 27, 2017

Dear Ones, there are endless supports available to you. If you are unsure of how to proceed, ask for help from your loving team of guides and helpers. If you are unsure of how to help another appropriately, ask your guides and helpers to provide healing and guidance for their situation. Just as calling in experts to fix something that isn't working in your house is still taking empowered action, so is calling on your guides and helpers to lend their expertise to any situation. It is always our greatest joy to serve and assist you. The key is remembering to ask. ~Archangel Gabriel
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AA Gabriel,
Shelley Young
Selacia - Love Secrets in Your DNA Akashic Records - July 26, 2017
The power of love to bring people together and create a lasting bond is without question one of the most amazing magnetic forces at work in relationships. Have you ever wondered how you could have been attracted to someone, or stayed with someone, when he or she didn't fit your idea of the perfect match? Likewise, have you wondered why you are still single or why the person supposedly perfect for you left with no explanation? Continue reading to understand some of the "why" of such things, learning how specific answers can be found in your DNA akashic records.
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El Gran Cambio,
Registro Akáshico,
Kryon "Three Paradigm Shifts" 2017
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Lee Carroll,
miércoles, julio 26, 2017
Sarah Varcas - ¡Cómo Lograr el Máximo de una Luna Negra! - 20 de Julio 2017
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
¡Cómo Lograr el Máximo de Una Luna Negra!
El próximo ciclo de luna negra comienza el 23 de julio del 2017 y la luna negra ocurre exactamente el 21/22 de agosto del 2017, también con un eclipse solar.
Muchas personas han oído hablar de una luna azul pero las lunas negras tienden a captar menos atención, a pesar de tener un significado similar. Al igual que una luna azul es la segunda luna llena en un mes solar, una luna negra es la segunda luna nueva en un mes solar. Esto significa que durante el paso del sol a través de un signo zodiacal la luna es nueva dos veces, conocida la segunda de esas lunas como luna negra. Debido a que la luna nueva ocurre cuando la luna está en el mismo grado zodiacal que el sol, ambas lunas ocurren en el mismo signo entre sí. Las lunas negras ocurren más o menos cada dos años y medio o tres y siempre son antecedidas un mes antes por una luna nueva en el primer grado o dos del mismo signo zodiacal.
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Sarah Varcas
Steve Rother - El Grupo - Predicciones Para Agosto 2017
Las cosas se están moviendo más rápido de lo que habíamos anticipado. No pasará mucho tiempo antes de que los científicos comiencen a estar de acuerdo con la línea de tiempo que dio el grupo. Lo que ocurra no nos sorprenderá porque los que escuchamos las predicciones y leemos esto hemos encarnado para estar aquí en este preciso momento. Algunos incluso hemos retrocedido en el tiempo para estar aquí en este momento (los que venimos del futuro).
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El Grupo,
Steve Rother
Selacia - la elección de amor -Prepárense para el renacimiento- 19 de Julio 2017
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Como un divino hacedor de cambios están cableados para soñar en grande y persistir cuando otros se han dado por vencidos. Aun en los momentos más difíciles, profundamente dentro de sus huesos hay un conocimiento de que de alguna forma las cosas estarán bien. Una parte de ustedes recuerda que el amor es su verdadera naturaleza y que prevalecerá aun en los tiempos de mayor oscuridad. Continúen leyendo para entender cómo avanzar invocando la elección de amor en su vida cotidiana.
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5ta. Dimensión,
El Gran Cambio,
Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll - The State of The Earth - Big Sky, Montana - June 4, 2017
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Tonight I
want to give you a story. It's a love story, and it also happens to
encompass the history of the planet, the now and the future. These are
things I want to tell you and things I want to qualify for you. Let's
call it, "The State of the Earth in June 2017.
This is a love story because of where it begins and how it starts. If you go back 24 years, the public channellings of Kryon began in Kryon Book One. The information was basically an introduction to the shift, which I and so many others began telling you was coming. It wasn't esoteric information from me, but rather something that the ancestors and the ancients all knew about. They had been watching the stars in the skies for thousands of years. They realized that the stars changed subtly from decade to decade and they started to understand the mechanics of the solar system and the earth's orbit around the sun way before modern telescopes.
This is a love story because of where it begins and how it starts. If you go back 24 years, the public channellings of Kryon began in Kryon Book One. The information was basically an introduction to the shift, which I and so many others began telling you was coming. It wasn't esoteric information from me, but rather something that the ancestors and the ancients all knew about. They had been watching the stars in the skies for thousands of years. They realized that the stars changed subtly from decade to decade and they started to understand the mechanics of the solar system and the earth's orbit around the sun way before modern telescopes.
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Lee Carroll
Lauren C. Gorgo - Eclipse season is OPEN - July 26, 2017
In the scheme of things, July has been such an important transition month between the purifying Pentecostal energies of June and the upcoming eclipse energies of August. In some ways it may have felt as if we’ve been feeling our way forward thru a long, dark, underground corridor, one that has all but prevented us from seeing outside of our personal processing, but the tide is turning again and we are finally catching glimpses of where we’ve been, why, and what all the struggle has been for.
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Lauren C. Gorgo
Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Horus - July 26, 2017
Wake up Call: Horus, July 26, 2017
There is coming for everyone a definite time of change, and when that happens you will all know why the delays have been in place, and how they got removed, and why they will not be back. There is a misleading essence that has been in place for a very long time, and it is so close to be freed that the changes will not only be evident they will be felt in many ways. There will even be unexpected ways that will give a huge change to the way that life on earth will resonate with what is in the ethers. They will come to the surface as the changes set in place all that has been created for the freedom of humanity, and all life on earth.
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Nancy Tate
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday July 26, 2017

Dear Ones, you are all on the planet in unprecedented times, receiving unprecedented energies. There is no blueprint for this, as you are all the co-creators, the pioneers of the expansion of your lives and the planet. This is what you were all so excited to experience! The times your soul could not wait to step into are right now. You are ready for it.
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AA Gabriel,
Shelley Young
Kryon - Asheville, North Carolina Excursion - 2017
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Lee Carroll,
Marilyn Raffaele - El Grupo Arcturiano - Julio 23, 2017
Julio 23, 2017
Saludos, venimos de nuevo para dar apoyo y amor mientras somos testigos de las luchas físicas, emocionales, mentales y espirituales de tantos de vosotros en este tiempo. Las energías que fluyen a la Tierra se están haciendo cada vez más intensas, causando que asuntos que normalmente no son problemáticos parezcan mucho mayores y más importantes. Os estáis haciendo más sensitivos a la energía y por eso estáis experimentando más de ella de formas que anteriormente hubieran pasado desapercibidas.
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martes, julio 25, 2017
Jennifer Hoffman - Archangel Uriel - Bless the Gap - Jul 25, 2017
Every shift in energetic frequency and vibration holds many blessings and is a moment of grace where profound transformation and ascension movement can occur. These movements are ascension confirmations as much as they are separations from 3D density so that a higher frequency of light can enter that space. They represent gains and loss and unlimited potential, and are a place of healing, wholeness, and the end of karma, soul cycles, and suffering.
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AA Uriel,
Jennifer Hoffman
Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - What is In-between Where You Are NOW and Where You are Going? - 7-25-17
Dear Arcturians,
We, the "Ascending Ones” have some questions that we would like to ask you:
What is “in-between where we are and where we are going?
What is “in-between” who we are now and who we are becoming?
Also, how does “who we are becoming” influence “where we are going?”
We, the Arcturians are happy to answer your questions:
The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie
Dear Arcturians,
We, the "Ascending Ones” have some questions that we would like to ask you:
What is “in-between where we are and where we are going?
What is “in-between” who we are now and who we are becoming?
Also, how does “who we are becoming” influence “where we are going?”
We, the Arcturians are happy to answer your questions:
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Canalización Arcturiana,
Suzanne Lie
Lightworkers Will Experience These 20 Signs Of Quantum Upgrades. Are You One Of Them?

444 Lightworker activation is being triggered. Lightworkers, volunteers, earth warriors embrace, activate and integrate upgrades. Its time to lose the avatars. Ditch the masks. Embody truth. Buckle up we’re in for a big one friends.
Connecting to intense highs of lighter frequencies, floating and flying sensations, blissful rushes of love.
Lucid dreaming, astral projection, energetic healing upgrades.
You see through politics, you understand the link between corporate politics, pharmaceutical, drug and arms industry.
More sensitive to energy fields around us. A lot more sensitive!
Breathing deeper and slower, into the solar, sacral and root chakras.
Flexing muscles we didn’t know we had as the chi, the energy is drawn deep into our being.
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Salto Cuántico,
Trabajadores de la Luz
Kryon - Summer Light Conference - 2017
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Lee Carroll,
Jenny Schiltz - Understanding the Timeline Split - July 24, 2017

So much is happening right now. The moment we feel that we have gotten our footing from one energy event, another one is on its heels. The end of July and the month of August are jammed packed with amazing events that have the ability to really shake things up. The is all happening to push us beyond our perceived limits and to clear out all that cannot be held in the higher frequencies. As some of my clients have expressed concerns about the timeline split, I decided to talk with my Ascension team about the upcoming timeline split in a question and answer format.
Team: The timeline split is most auspicious. It is the defining point. It is the convergence of frequencies all geared towards the same outcome – mass ascension of the human population.
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El Gran Cambio,
Jenny Schiltz,
Ley del Tiempo
James Tyberonn - Arcángel Metatrón - Enigmas de Canyonlands y Arches - Comprender los Campos Multidimensionales -Parte 1 de 2 - Julio 22, 2017
Enigmas de Canyonlands y Arches - Comprender los Campos Multidimensionales
Parte 1 de 2
Todos los derechos de autor debidamente reservados 2017
Saludos, Maestros, Yo soy Metatrón, Angélico de Luz, y se une a mí en esta sesión Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino. Saludamos a cada uno de ustedes sagradamente, reverentemente y conscientemente, en un vector de amor incondicional.
Queridos, en la expansión dimensional que define a la Nueva Tierra, las formas de vida antes no visibles ahora son cada vez más visibles para los empáticos. En este mensaje discutiremos los fenómenos de las formas de vida fotónica y de los orbes. La vida fotónica incluye lo que se puede llamar reino angélico, el de los Devas, los Ángeles y en ciertos ámbitos la manifestación temporal de formas de luz.
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AA Metatrón,
James Tyberonn
Sheldan Nidle~7-25-17~Miracles are indeed Happening!
13 Imix, 4 Vayeb, 13 Caban
Selamat Jalwa! The basic tasks of preparing for delivery appear to be completed. We continue however to be baffled by the apparent lack of any coherent design for a mass delivery and this continues to amaze us. Yet despite the lack of a finished grand plan, we are confident that ultimately the sets of deliveries promised will be given to all. Hence, we remain amazed by the progress that is being accomplished without any apparent plan of action. In other words, despite this chaotic process things are progressing well. It is this unwieldiness that makes us believe that we are moving forward!
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Christine Meleriessee - Archangels Zadkiel & Amethyst - Decree ~ Accepting the Oneness of Myself - July 25, 2017
This is our last teaching for Owning Our Power to Embrace Oneness of Self Parenting Steps 6 and 7 along with the Metatronic Seals for Ascension Mastery Training. For this journey we first visited the City of Telos within the Agartha Network to experience the Light Ray Center with Lord Adama. We then travel to the Golden Etheric City of Fronlahamm (residing over Atlanta, Georgia & North Carolina) bringing forth the 7th Ray of Ceremonial Order & Discipline with Archangels Zadkiel & Amethyst. This is the decree for this class.
Lord Adama, the High Priest of Telos surprised us by sharing that there is a special area within Telos that has been under construction called the Light Ray Center. This center houses 22 temples of light that represent each of the 22 Rays of God. The reason they have designed this village of temples is so that individuals can experience each of the rays separately that are aligned with the 22 Etheric Cities that reside in the 5th dimensional earth.
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AA Amatista,
AA Zadkiel,
Christine Meleriessee,
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday July 25, 2017

One of the most powerful, self-loving things you can do is to still yourself and take a moment to ask yourself, "What do you need today?" and then act on what you feel the answer is. Your tender inner being is aching for your love and attention if you are feeling out of sorts, and you may be amazed at how quickly you can bring yourself back to a state of greater comfort and peace by taking the time to do this one simple exercise for yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel
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AA Gabriel,
Shelley Young
lunes, julio 24, 2017
Mike Quinsey - Canalizando a su Ser Superior - 21 de Julio, 2017
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Mike Quinsey
Sheldan Nidle - 18 de Julio, 2017

6 Ik, 17 Kumku, 13 Caban
¡Dratzo! El sistema de repartos sigue avanzando. Se cree que los primeros indicadores sugieren que todo lo requerido está preparado. Nos muestra lo bien que este avance va a funcionar probablemente, y esto es solo el principio de lo que pronto le seguirá. El punto clave es que los que están “al tanto” se dan cuenta de que actualmente se requiere algún tipo de acción positiva. En este sentido, ya podemos decir con seguridad que los Ancianos conocen lo que se necesita hacer para finalizar las diversas labores de reparto. Esperamos que los resultados se manifiesten claramente para todos los implicados.
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James Tyberonn - Archangel Metatron - Enigmas of Canyonlands & Arches - Understanding Multi-dimensional Fields - Part One of a Two Part Channel -July 22, 2017
Part One of a Two Part Channel
Enigmas of Canyonlands & Arches
Understanding Multi-dimensional Fields
All Copyrights Duly Reserved 2017
Greetings Masters, I am Metatron, Angelic of Light, and I am joined in this session by Tyberonn of Crystalline Service. We greet each of you sacredly, reverently and knowingly, in a vector of unconditional love.
Dear Ones, in the dimensional expansion that defines the New Earth previously nonvisible forms of life are now increasingly more visible to empaths. In this channel we will discuss the phenomena of photonic life forms, and of orbs. Photonic life includes what may be termed the angelic realm, that of the Deva, Angels and in certain scenarios, temporal manifestation of light forms.
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AA Metatrón,
James Tyberonn
Caroline Oceana Ryan - A Message to Lightworkers – July 24, 2017

Greetings, Universal Co-Creators!
We greet you in this day before the Mayan calendar’s “Day Out of Time” [July 25], in these days before the August 8 Lion’s Gate, and the Solar Eclipse of August 21.
In these powerful and rather challenging days, your minds and bodies are being prepared to receive downloads of the highest possible frequency of Light data that you are able to receive at present—Light particles that work more powerfully than what has reached your planet in millennia.
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VIDEO (recommended!)
My Dearest Ones!
It is suggested that none of the huge gathering of beings of light in the universe expected the liberation of earth and her humanity take so long.
But also the question arises why the Great and to Me True human spiritual masters did not especially emphasize the issue of ascension and the liberation of humanity.
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Ute Posegga-Rudel
Brenda Hoffman - Listen to You - July 23, 2017
Dear Ones,
We, of the ethers, have already informed you how far beyond expectations you have progressed, as well as we no longer fully understand what you will create or are capable of.
That last thought is not to frighten you, but for you to understand how much further you traveled than we or anyone thought possible. You are like a self-made millionaire rising from poverty faintly remembering that you once hungered for food and shelter.
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Brenda Hoffman,
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