miércoles, julio 19, 2017
Laura Pleiadian - Chambers of Light ~ The Halls of Amenti - July 19, 2017
The Creator Gods, The Divine Council of Overseers, initiate Light Frequency shifts WITHIN and regulate, the GRAND Consciousness shifts.
This is not random. YOU are Known through your Blueprint. Your Soul as its Unique Frequency. You and Your Twin Flame, as holding the same Soul Frequency.
The Chambers of Light, as DEEP within consciousness, deep within the Earth. Are initiation Chambers that exist as states and Levels of Light. Light as Divine Frequency and Vibration.
ALL is Light Now. Even that which appears solid.
When held deeply within this LIGHT through your Blueprint, you Initiated. Awakening to the more of YOU.
The LIGHT you as your Original Light.
As old memories clear, new levels of Light are Activated, allowing the expansion of consciousness to be filled with Memories of the Eternal Light YOU.
Memories serve as detachment processes; SHEDDING the old so that the NEW IS BORN.
Existing eternally as a Divine Eternal Light Body, in the Halls of Amenti ~ YOU Awaken. Awaken to your Divine YOU.
At the eternal level and in all dimensions, the process consists of the activation within your cellular consciousness with that of your Eternal Light Body.
Your Soul Star Matrix as the Beginning of your uniqueness of you, you as one with your Twin Flame.
On this journey together (you and your twin flame) through the dimensions, AT specific Frequency experiences, you Unite through form. This takes place at the eternal level. INTO form.
This Uniting is the YOU on all levels, Being the Divine Master in form. You have traversed the levels of Light and have come home. AS your Eternal Light. Hooking up, so to speak, all dimensions of Light.
The Blueprint within your consciousness carrying the Light Codes for this form, this aspect of YOU, is what is shifting and changing.
YOU ARE immersed in YOUR LIGHT, activating more Light Codes, of your Original Blueprint.
We hold you NOW in the Halls of Amenti. In a Chamber of LIGHT.
ACTIVATING ~ your Light Codes for your emerging in a GREATER awareness of THIS YOUR ETERNAL LIGHT.
We function in all dimensions and parallel worlds and in other Universes.
We consciously hold the LIGHT Space as the regulators of the Initiations in the HALLS of Amenti.
The Eternal Light Space Activating the Light Body with the form, that is NOW AWAKENING more to THIS.
This Divine Presence as the Eternal Original LIGHT MERGED with form. We are the Creators of the system of Form.
Form is Light Consciousness.
Breathe, feel and Receive, Beloved Ones.
We initiate you NOW.
copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2017.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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