13 Imix, 4 Vayeb, 13 Caban
Selamat Jalwa! The basic tasks of preparing for delivery appear to be completed. We continue however to be baffled by the apparent lack of any coherent design for a mass delivery and this continues to amaze us. Yet despite the lack of a finished grand plan, we are confident that ultimately the sets of deliveries promised will be given to all. Hence, we remain amazed by the progress that is being accomplished without any apparent plan of action. In other words, despite this chaotic process things are progressing well. It is this unwieldiness that makes us believe that we are moving forward!
The Galactic "plan" continues to be in force. We therefore expect to see a massive degree of specially directed activity. All of the cabal's remaining ploys are systematically being defeated and signs of success are surely unfolding. These indications mean that soon these deliveries will be ready to go. Something wonderful is about to occur. Therefore be aware that many special circumstances are indeed in effect.
In this haphazard fashion, this project moves ever forward and the machinations of the cabal remain vastly undone. We reiterate that we continue to be convinced that the deliveries promised are indeed occurring. These facts bring us to a great unwinding prosperity. Thus, miracles combined with divine action are presently underway. Grace brings us the feeling that a number of grand acts are ready to unfold. Hence be ready to receive, and in good time to acquire what you have so long been waiting to manifest before you! Be ever ready for a great series of wonders. Miracles are indeed happening!
In this divine light, the required payouts can be concluded along with the remaining steps needed to allow the new NESARA Republic to quickly manifest. Be ready for the divine payout stages. These, as already noted, are swiftly to allow the new republic to replace the old illegal one! At that point in time, the procedures needed to finish the RV can occur. This can then bring in the NESARA Republic. These events can further spread the prosperity and fulfill many of the basic decrees of Heaven. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Today, we continued to note the numerous events taking place around this sacred blue-green orb. Just maintain your grand vision and watch for a few miracles to suddenly appear! Know, dear Ones, that the countless and never ending-supply of Heaven is indeed yours! Selamat Gejun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One and Be In Joy!)
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