The Arcturians Through Suzanne Lie
Dear Arcturians,
Do you have a message for me today?
Yes, we have a message for all who wish to receive it. It is not a new message, but instead a reminder message. What we wish to remind you all of is that there is always more to learn and more to remember.
We say, “learn and remember” with the intention that “learning” is something new that you have not yet experienced during your many incarnations in which you wore an earth vessel.
On the other hand, by “remember” we mean that many of you cannot remember the lives in which you did not wear a third dimensional earth body, and instead, you wore your innate fifth dimensional lightbody. The difference between your earth body and your light body is the frequency of light within the form you are wearing.
When you are wearing your innate Lightbody, you no longer need to manipulate portions of your body and breath to create words for the purpose of communication. With light body, the neural networks in your brain and articulators, which would create words which are replaced with the variations of frequency, intention and projection that your thoughts are emitted into your aura, and then into your environment.
When you are wearing your Lightbody, there are no third or fourth dimensional components of your form that would lower your frequency into a state of individuality. When you are wearing your fifth dimensional Lightbody you are “individualized” by frequency and flow of your thoughts, intentions and emotions.
These thoughts, intentions and emotions are based on the HERE and NOW, as well as the Unity consciousness of a fifth dimensional reality. There are no time markers such later, before, or when you get around to it. Once a concept enters your awareness, literally within a flash of light, it becomes a reality.
You can see why only ascended and ascending beings who have gained full control of their thoughts and emotions could embrace Light Language because any random thought or emotion would instantly become a component of the reality in which you are choosing to experience.
Yes, in a frequency of reality in which one could speak and understand Light Language everyone has complete mastery of his or her thoughts, emotions, communications, and actions. What does “Mastery” mean?
In the terms in which we are speaking, Mastery meant that they are aware that they are creating the HERE-environment and NOW-the frequency of reality that resonates to the “no time” of the fifth dimension and beyond.
“How does it work to not have a “time-bound” reality?” we hear you ask. The answer is that it has a lot to do with perspective. In a third dimensional reality, everyone believes that what he or she sees outside of his or her own bodies is NO them.
Therefore, their concept of Self only extends to the confines of their physical form. Some of the more evolved third dimensionals (as we often call those who believe they are only third dimensional) believe that they have and Aura, which extends beyond their physical form, but in an unseen manner.
Hence, their body is limited to the third dimension, but they have a fourth dimensional aura. Their aura is largely unseen to them, but with meditation, they can begin to realize that their aura can be greatly influenced by their thoughts and emotions.
If their thoughts and emotions are guided by love and light they have a clear aura, but they will have a foggy, or even dark, aura if they are mean and full of selfish and/or negative intensions. Also, the intentions that feel ones’ aura influence the frequency of thoughts and emotions that they emanate from their bodies and out into their reality.
Humanity’s fourth dimensional body, known as their astral body, glows from their body and out into their world. Only humans who have expanded their perceptual fields into the higher fourth dimensions can perceive auras. When one has a large aura, they have expanded their consciousness beyond their physical limitations and are able to consciously, or unconsciously, interact with the fourth dimensional worlds.
The fourth dimensional realities beyond the Middle to Higher Astral Plane can maintain more light than the Lower Astral Plane. Humans often experience the Middle to Higher Astral plane (fourth dimensional realities) as a “dream world,” or their “imagination.”
On the other hand, the Lower Astral plane is often known as “Hell” in that the extremely low frequency thoughts and actions of the physical world get “stuck” in the “backwaters” of the lowest frequencies of the Lower Astral Plane.
Inner Light in the physical plane is usually restricted to the “light” of the many synaptic activations of the physical body. How much power one has over their thoughts and actions has a great deal to do with how much inner light they carry within their body and aura.
If one is happy, giving, healthy, and lives via Power Within, their body will be refined enough to be able to hold more light in their aura. On the other hand, one who holds fear and anger and lives via Power Over Others, their consciousness will fall into a lower frequency of resonance, and will not be able to accept the higher frequency emanations of light.
Those who are able to hold higher frequencies within their bodies and heir auras love to be around others with that same emanation, but they seldom enjoy those who have a “dark aura.” Again, they most likely will not “see” a dark aura, but they will like “feel” like they do not want to be with that person.
In fact, Light Auras attract others with light fill auras, and Dark Aura attracts others with dark aura. The differentiation between light-filled, and light-less aura as Gaia becomes more and more fifth dimensional, which will bring more light into Her planetary aura.
More light in Gaia’s planetary aura will make a huge difference for those living on Earth, as well as the Illuminati ones who live on the 3D Matrix, which above the “common people” who not as rich as them.
However, as Gaia begins to heal more and more, Her planetary aura will become brighter, which will make all the light filled auras of humans, animals, plants, and all living creatures on Earth.
As the over light on planet Earth increases, so will all the auras of those who reflect their own inner light out into their outer aura. As the outer auras of the awakening and ascending ones, expands more and more, the increased light will flow out to penetrate Gaia’s aura, staring wit Her Lower Astral Plane.
As Gaia’s Lower Astral Plane becomes filled with higher frequencies and densities of light, the mantle of the fearful Lower Astral energies will become less dense. Then the Lower Astral Plane will be able to allow the flow of higher light from the higher dimensions to more easily integrate into fear and anger of the Lower Astral Plane.
The added light flow into the Lower Astral Plane will allow more and more light to flow up from beloved offerings of the awaked humans, and ever evolving plant, animal and insect kingdom.
The Lower Astral Plane serves much like a windshield on your automobile. If the windshield is dirty, it is more difficult to see the world around you, as well as where you are going. Once the “windshield” I clear and easy to see through, you can better navigate in your world without having an accident in which you, or someone else could get wounded.
With a clearer perspective on your reality, the Higher Light, which can more easily flow from the Higher Realities, through the clear “windshield,” so that you can have a clearer vision of what is really happening, and into the higher consciousness of those humans who have been able to perceive and accept the Higher Light.
We would like to say that the Higher Light can more easily heal the lost ones, but they are so brainwashed by their handlers that they can only perceive what they have been told is real. You see, without a clear view of their reality, the Lost Ones had to believe what their “handlers” told them.
Furthermore, their life was spent a being “soldiers for the darkness” who were “ordered” to believe what they were told. Therefore, these lost ones, did not “open up their own windows, and allow the Light to give them the Truth.” Instead, they blindly followed the orders they were given.
All of the “following of orders,” diminished their free will to such an extent that they could no longer believe that what they received from within themselves could be true. However, more and more of these lost ones have been feeling something that almost felt light.
Just one short experience of feeling the warm light of Truth shine into their Hearts made something inside of them begin to change. Of course, they are not all changing, but more and more of them are changing every day. This changing of their workers is very much bothering the Dark Ones.
What if their workers begin to think for themselves and share their opinions with others? That would never do! The Dark Ones were even realizing that only one or two brave Light Ones could influence a room filled with those who had lived in the dark so long, they could not find their own inner light.
Inner Light is very important. The term, “Let There Be Light!” had been a phase long associated with the beginnings of some new and much, much better. But, if something new, and better, such as light and new visions, were come into “vogue,” people may start to look for, and find, their OWN INNER LIGHT.
A group of people who have found and claimed their Own Inner Light are very had to control and even more difficult to lie to. Once someone has found their own Inner Light, they begin to use that which is INSIDE as their leader.
People who have found their own Inner Leaders are terrifying to those who wish to have “power over others.” Find ones Inner Leader, guides them into “power within them self!’ Finding ones Power Within instantly expands their consciousness.
Then, once their consciousness is expanded, the “windshield” of their perceptual filed and the knowledge that THEY are “in the driver’s seat” of their own life guides them to forget the dark promise of controlling reality via “power over others,” and upgrade to the new format of “power within.”
Power Within is the worst thing for those who wish to control, indoctrinate, and lie to best serve their own needs. Once one has found their own Power Within, they feel the Truth with their own High Hearts and see the way to live in this Truth via their own Third Eye.
Once the High Heart and the Third Eye is activated, the overall frequency of their entire earth vessel begins to transmute into higher and higher frequencies. Then,
· The physical eyes will unite with the fifth Dimensional Third Eye,
· The physical Heart will unites with the High Heart,
· The physical mind will unites with the Multidimensional Mind,
· The Lightbody begins to awaken with in the physical body
As the lightbody begins to stir within the core of the spine, humanity will begins to remember the forgotten and see the unseen. They will see of aura of each human as clearly as they once saw their face.
The stirring of the Kundalini, which is the harbinger of the Lightbody, brings forward a memory of life free of time, free of limitation, free of control, free of wars, and even free of what was known on Earth as death. All that they had known was the third dimensional reality which was limited to time, space, and limitations of a clay vessel.
Within third dimensional time, they began to flow into fourth dimensional imagination, which allowed them to expand their thinking to encompass a fifth dimensional reality in which there was no time and imagination was expanded to creation.
Once they found the courage to throw off the shackles of fear, they found that the shackles were only a third dimensional illusion, which quickly disappeared once the found the courage to stand tall and say:

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