Ascended Master Spiritual Channeling Message with Lord Saint Germain and Lady Master Lady Portia, Ray Chohan of the 7th Ray of Ceremonial Order & Discipline (the Violet Purple Flame), share their expertise of Learning How to Own Your Power in Order to Embrace Your Oneness using the Wisdom of the Soul, transmitted by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden – Integrative Channel of Walking Terra Christa.
Greetings and Love to you,
I Am Lord Saint Germain, Mahachohan of the Rays of God, to help each of you to understand that the process of allowing your Mental and Emotional bodies to work in unison to bring forth the acceptances of your Inner Power to be shown in your outer world, is one that is extremely complex. This is due to the fact that within your physical self you may not have the ability to truly take yourself into the depths of your psychological self, which is the gateway to truly being One within all of your selves, meaning your Physical, Etheric, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual bodies of light.
Understanding all aspects of your full body system is not something that is easily accessed within your physical consciousness. That is why it is imperative to take time to reflect through deep meditations to allow all of these bodies to work in unison.
This is the pathway of Mastery and it can only be achieved by accepting the fact that you, as the physical self, do not have all of the answers.
That is why as an Initiate, you must go through the steps of Self Realization by learning how to see not only with your physical eye and mind but to perceive through the actualization of your challenges to become the new reality that you want to embody.
Each lesson that you learn by walking through the initiations allows you to go through a series of checks and balances through each of your bodily systems. It is a process of remembering your soul’s essence, comprehending whether it is a positive or negative element that is held within your Subconscious (Mental Realm) while experiencing the awareness of that feeling level (Emotional Realm). This is how you decide in your present state of consciousness how you are going to react to the interaction of the energies occurring within you.
This happens for every moment you think and feel as the reactive energy within you will either be a positive or negative experience and it depends upon what you have already learned in your pathway.
You see that each time you realize a change needs to be made within your consciousness, you immediately interact with that level of exchange within your mental state, this determines how you experience pain or joy. So if you are very attuned to the ability to know when something does not align with what is inside of your consciousness, you will react to that situation.
Working through each of the initiations on a conscious level allows you to have the ability to know when something is in alignment with whom you are becoming. If it feels uncomfortable, then that is when it is important to take a step into a deeper part of your subconscious so it can reveal to you what may need to be changed. This is how the process of working through each of the seven steps of each initiation will work in your favor.
When you try to skip steps in order to push ahead, it will actually deter you from the desired goal.
It is like when you desire to speak with a certain individual and you are not truly prepared to show what is in your heart (not having the Mental and Emotional levels in balance), it causes you to feel insecure or uneasy about the conversation. Then you speak in a way that may seem clumsy or out of context. It can cause the other person to feel uneasy because you are projecting that energy out of your system.
What can happen through this process is that you may start to isolate and not show your true feelings.
It is only because you haven’t been taught that speaking coherently is about allowing the Masculine and Feminine selves to work in unison. What happens otherwise is it comes from the Emotion (Feminine) feeling level or the Mental (Masculine) thinking level. This is how a person becomes imbalance within themselves which results in the feeling of being powerless within yourself or with others.
The opposite way of experiencing your life would be not to feel about a given moment which results in acting out through the Lower Ego with control and aggressiveness. It still stems from the same element of feeling powerless within yourself but it is coming from the Masculine Energies and not any expression of emotion involved. This is how individuals mask who they truly are; they can feel the insecurities so deeply that a facade has to be developed within the personality.
As you learn to remove the mask of perfection within you, then you realize that the true you is a beauty and not a curse to have to prove to others who you are. You Become Who You Are within Your Soul’s Essence.
This then allows you to be fully empowered as you connect more deeply within your Spiritual Body, the Higher Self. This will take you into the step of Oneness so that you can fully embrace the higher part of yourself while allowing a deep healing to take place.
The only way to achieve Oneness Within is to allow your Higher Consciousness to be the ruling factor within your psychological self. It will take you on a journey of self discovery as you experience new things in your life that you previously did not allow yourself to feel or think about.
This process then takes your pathway into the initiations on a new level as you learn more about your spiritual self than you have allowed to be prevalent within your thoughts and emotions. A new doorway is opened that reveals a true diamond in the rough to be acknowledged within you.
This is the road that will help you understand the depth of your subconscious thoughts as when you open this gateway it is a grand opportunity for new things to be realized. The more discipline you have to continue the journey, even when it becomes challenging, the more opportunity you will have to allow your soul to show you what life can be like in this new state of awareness.
The key is to be very diligent in your practice of your Higher Mind to be the controlling energy within your consciousness.
If you don’t already have a program in place, create one. Decide which tools you would like to use every day, in the morning and the evening before your sleep. Rely on this time to help you get through the difficult moments that arise during your day.
Work through the issues within your emotional body by accessing your Inner Child, the psychological self within you that holds the pain, anger, frustration, and sadness. This phase is very important because without it you will not be able to move forward in your initiations and your pathway. There will always be something lingering within you that holds you back.
Understanding what is behind the mask will help you accept that the way you thought you were acting with others, was not the true self within you. So many initiates are not honest within themselves of who they truly are inside their deep consciousness. This is because they are afraid that others will not like them but it is truly the opposite experience.
Once you decide to be vulnerable with yourself, admitting that you need to feel your wounds and true feelings, that is when the doorway that has been closed is now completely open for you to step into a deeper part of your consciousness. It brings forth a sense of freedom to realize that you can heal from these past feelings you may have been experiencing. It is a powerful movement into your Higher Self.
It is at this stage that you realize how much you have been holding within your Emotional body from previous timelines that still affect you in your present consciousness. It brings forth a sense of relief to see that it can be changed.
This is not an immediate fix as you will go through periods throughout your pathway to realize that more needs to be revealed into your physical self. Your Higher Self assists you to combat these challenges by utilizing the higher energies, specifically the Rays of God, to truly heal both the Mental and Emotional bodies so they can be fully realized within the Masculine and Feminine Divine.
It is a step-by-step process acknowledging all parts of yourself that need to come into wholeness that will assist you to realize the potential you have to Create Oneness within your four-body system.
I now would like to call upon the energies of Lady Portia, my dearest beloved, who is the Ray Chohan for the Violet-Purple flame to explain how these energies can be transformed through the process of the Seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order and Discipline.
Greetings and Love to Each of You,
I am Lady Portia and I want to share with you some important elements that I feel will help you to realize how important it is to allow your defenses to be broken down. It will allow the healing you are looking for to be realized and accept in all parts of your Light Body.
As you learn to work with the Rays of God, you will see that you can actually start to be those flames of light. Being in a physical body is not an easy task and walking the Pathway of Mastery is even more challenged. You are asked by your Spiritual Self to change what you have been, rip away the old elements that you thought were part of your existence and then experience walking through new doorways that at times can be scary and uncertain.
But each of you are here in these moments just to do just that for yourself.
I hear many times initiates saying that it is too hard, that they cannot do it, and become very overwhelmed by all of the challenges and experiences of being on this pathway. Those thoughts only come from your lower ego which does not want to change. It is part of your existence upon the third dimensional world, but yet something inside of you says that you do need to change.
So many souls think that initiating the higher realms of light will truly change them so that no work has to be done. But in fact, you must realize that you chose to come to this earth, to do what you are experiencing. It doesn’t mean that you haven’t come to this earth as a pristine being of light. In fact, it is just the opposite.
Mastery is only for those souls that have traveled far and wide as there is great knowledge that needs to be revealed. But you as this soul cannot get to this knowledge until you fully realize that the many lifetimes you have experienced is also riddled with great challenges that sometimes ended up very badly.
You still hold all this energy within you and it needs to be transmuted and transformed as it exists in your physical body. It is part of your present experiences and is the reason why you hide your true self from others as you have been hurt in your past. It’s not easy to allow vulnerability to be your guide, but it is something you must do.
I bring to you the Flame of the Violet-Purple which not only ignited the Violet Flame but the Purple essence is the grounding force of the flame. You cannot transmute without transforming yourself. Otherwise, you will continually have to experience the same elements to arise within your subconscious. It is part of the metamorphosis that each of you must experience each time an issue arises within you.
This is when you allow your Divine Self to be the controlling agent within your Mental faculties.
I call this Sacredness of Life; bringing forth the capability to become your own personal alchemist. Changing elements right in front of you so that they become the solution that you have been searching for within your pathway.
I am here to assist you to go through the metamorphosis of your old self into the Divine Self. To realize the potential you have from all that you have ever been so that your knowledge then becomes your Wisdom.
I am deeply grateful to be able to walk with each of you in the alignment of the Violet-Purple Flame creating a Spiritual pathway that you may have never known was accessible to you.
I am Lady Portia at your service.
Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden
Original Material © Copyright 2017 by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael (Ara) Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS ARTICLE FREELY IN THE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS AND THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!