There are many rays of LIGHT Suns ~ that are the literal experience of consciousness that FINDS Itself, WITHIN its RAY of Experience.
The Initiation that FINDS you ~ that transfers you in THE moment to a SUN ~ NEW EARTH Experience ~ is the SACRED Sun ~ RAY ~ planned for you to experience.
The Ecstasy that UNFOLDS FOR YOU ~ as you GREET those that have eternally always been with you ~ is Yours.
A welcomed BELOVED part of YOU ~ Longing to return home to YOU ~ through this initiation, IS United and yours, once again.
Your Beloved Twin Flame. YOUR Wholeness.
Eternally never apart. So too ~ in the New Earth ~ Sun ~ experience.
Your expansion as LIGHT.
Eternally Expanding.
Knowing itself as this LIGHT Frequency, that is uniquely and Divinely YOURS. It is YOU.
AS you prepare for the Initiations and that moment of TRANSFER ~ Know within your Heart. It is YOURS.
You CANNOT miss this.
You will welcome this part home to you, that which you have LONGED FOR. DEEP WITHIN YOUR Heart.
Waiting only to be EXPRESSED ~ as the VERY Experience itself.
The Moment of your Transfer to the SUN ~ New Earth experience. In All its GLORY.
United again.
The Beloved Divine Council of Overseers ~ Celebrates all the Glorious ~ Moments, NOW. In Glory and LOVE, we are with YOU.

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2017.