viernes, julio 28, 2017
Natalie Glasson - Lady Quan Yin - Understanding and Transforming Experiences of Lack - 28th July 2017
Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
It is with compassion and grace that I, Lady Quan Yin, come forth to greet you. I bring to you the energies of the Goddess, Ascended Masters and the loving healing of the Board of Karma, my energies are integrated within all of these aspects of the Creator. Today I come forth to guide you to recognise core issues, energies or perceptions within your being which require to be transformed in order to assist you in continuing your ascension process on the Earth. It is a time when the energies anchoring into the Earth are extremely potent and powerful. Therefore, it is easier for all to look deep within their being to create necessary healing and transformations. Gazing within your being to observe your truth and what requires to be realigned with the Creator is the most beautiful process that encourages accelerated spiritual growth.
All who are observing my words now are powerful light beings. Each of you have remembered your inner light, connection with the Creator and have also accessed your spiritual power. You are becoming more radiant as each day passes and your connection to the Creator within you is deepening. Many of you are feeling the presence of the Creator, your soul and guides within and around you. However, some people recognise that there are areas of lack within their reality especially which equal the strength of their inner spiritual light. Many feel that they try many practices to release and heal the lack and yet it still remains. Examples of the lack I, Lady Quan Yin, am speaking of are a lack of abundance and prosperity, lack of good health, lack of a romantic partner, lack of like-minded friendships or lack of a home. Some people are experiencing a lack of the manifestation of their goal or what they feel their mission is on the Earth. Others may be experiencing a lack of energy, drive, clarity, determination or action in their realities.
Many lightworkers believe that it is these areas of lack which are holding them back from experiencing fulfilment on the Earth as a spiritual and physical being. It is true that it is through these areas of lack that you are blocking yourself from unfolding into your truth and essence in the present moment. It is valuable to acknowledge that you have all you wish for and desire within your being. You are not broken, damaged or lacking in any way. All that is the Creator exists within you. Therefore, even the energies, experiences and actions you feel are lacking in your being and reality are already within your being simply waiting to unfold. The key is to recognise that each area or feeling of lack within your reality and being is a gateway, opening and portal that can guide you to accept the abundance and fulfilment of the Creator within your being. Each area of lack guides you as t o where to place your focus, how to remember your truth and how to manifest into the wholeness and totality of your being. Often it is easier to concentrate on the lack rather than the message it is bringing forth to you and the part of yourself it wishes you to acknowledge. When you allow yourself to see beyond the experience of lack that is at the surface, then you encourage yourself to recognise the truth of your being. Healing, transformation and remembrance will then flow with ease and perfection.
I, Lady Quan Yin, wish to offer some small as well as focused understandings about each area of lack to assist you in understanding why the lack is present in your life or the lives of others as well as how you can transform this to recognise the truth of your being.
Lack of Abundance and Prosperity
There is a need to acknowledge the fruitful, abundant nature of the Creator and your role within the ever-flowing fulfilment and plenty of the Creator. You are a valued part of the plenty of the Universe of the Creator, which means you have a divine right to receive, express and ground all that is the Creator, constantly co-creating with the Creator to manifest the reality you desire. Allow yourself to comprehend whether you trust in the Creator to provide for you, whether you believe yourself to be deserving, if you need to develop giving, receiving or grounding the plenty of the Creator.
Lack of Good Health
There can be many reasons for lack of good health as emotional pain and mental chaos can manifest in the physical body to attract your attention. However, if you experience lack of good health first comprehend your relationship with your body, do you love and honour your body? Recognise also that you may not be fully grounded into your body and therefore not fully accepting your body and existence on the Earth. There is a need to honour your body as a sacred temple, to accept all parts of your body and to ground yourself fully into your physical body and earthly reality. This can be achieved with intention or visualisations.
Lack of a Romantic Partner
The desire for a romantic partner with the lack of manifestation of a partner in your life symbolises that there is a need to work with your heart chakra. Greater self-love, self-support and self-healing is required. There is also a need to balance your masculine and feminine vibrations within you, to learn to trust yourself and the Creator as well as recognising that you are worthy of being loved. This is to recognise that you are worthy of not only being loved by another human being but also being loved by the Creator completely and absolutely. When you allow the Creator to love you then everything else will fall into place. Breathe in the love of the Creator, know that the Creator has more love for you than you could possibly receive.
Lack of Likeminded Friendships
When one feels alone in the world they have not fully accepted the presence of the Creator within them and the support the Creator naturally and eternally gives. There is also a need to realise that every human being is the Creator, life is for enjoying and having fun expressing and receiving the Creator. If you are not ready to give of yourself truthfully then it is unlikely that new friendships will enter into your reality. Focus upon connecting with the essence and truth within your being and expanding your energy beyond boundaries and limitations. Give your energy and truth to the world knowing that the Creator’s abundance flows through you.
Lack of a Home
Lack of a home or the home you desire to live in can often stem from not feeling at home in yourself. If your parents and previous generations also lacked a home or a home they felt comfortable in then the issues did not begin with you. However, you have chosen to accept the same patterning. To manifest a home or the home of your desires there is a need to focus upon grounding your energies into the Earth, into the positive, loving, blissful and divine energies of Mother Earth, allowing these to become your foundations. There is a need for you to acknowledge that you are worthy of being safe in the world, to have comfort and a sacred space of your own. It is beneficial to recognise whether you believe in the plenty of the Creator as described in Lack of Abundance and Prosperity.
Lack of the Manifestation of Goals or Mission on the Earth
When you focus and use your energy to create what you desire to experience on the Earth, and it does not manifest there is first a need to acknowledge that divine timing always plays a role. Maybe there is something that needs to be first acknowledged, experienced or achieved? If your goal still does not manifest, then there is a need to observe why do you wish to remain as you are now rather than achieving and experiencing your goal? If this is recognised and still there is no manifestation contemplate your trust in co-creating with the Creator, whether you believe you are worthy to receive and whether you have fully grounded the energy of your goal into your being and reality. Further exploration can be achieved by asking to align with the core, essence and truth within your being. Sit with this energy feeling that you are completely aligned with it and embodying your truth. Then sa y, ‘Please guide me to achieve my goal in the most appropriate way for me or reveal to me the goal that is most appropriate for me to achieve instead.’ Allow yourself to acknowledge any insights or understandings that dawn within you.
Lack of Energy, Drive, Clarity, Determination or Action
Grounding is essential in this matter, grounding yourself into the Earth while also asking to ground your divine essence and truth into your being and reality to heal and transform all that is hindering you in your reality. It is often when you experience lack of energy, drive, clarity, determination or action you are ignoring or rejecting the presence of the Creator within you. When you acknowledge the presence of the Creator within you and joyfully radiate the Creator’s light from your being so everything within your being is harmonised and balanced.
The summaries that I have shared with you are general while encouraging you to gaze deeper into your being, to question, comprehend and acknowledge the truth and the illusion within.
I am present as a loving companion always,
Lady Quan Yin
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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Lady Quan Yin,
Natalie Glasson