jueves, julio 27, 2017
John Smallman - Jesus - Your true nature will not remain concealed - July 27, 2017
As enormous changes continue to occur planet-wide, don’t become blasé about them, welcome them and hold the loving intent for them to continue bringing about the essential alterations in the way you all live and interact with one another across the world. They have been in progress for a number of decades now, as human rights and concern for the planet have become important issues that humanity has chosen to address, especially now as awareness has grown of the need to terminate conflicts and completely and finally resolve the related issues of poverty, starvation, enslavement, and homelessness that have been endemic for a very long time. Your relatively modern technologies made it physically possible to resolve these issues many decades ago, but only now have enough of you become sufficiently aware of how unconscionable it is not to resolve these issues that now you will ensure that the necessary steps are taken to make it happen.
You are all One, as you keep being reminded, and the truth and validity of that statement is finally being recognized. And therefore you are changing your attitude from “the impoverished and homeless should be helped,” to “we can and we will end poverty and homelessness on Planet Earth.” There is no excuse for poverty or for the abuse – psychological, emotional, or physical – that the less able amongst you undergo simply because the “system” demands that people be responsible for themselves. That is separation very clearly demonstrated.
Every human has issues of low self-esteem and unworthiness – it is part of the illusory environment in which you find yourselves as humans – and has chosen to learn the lessons with which those issues present them.
You all present masks or images to everyone else because of the intense sense of insecurity that separation levies or inflicts upon you. There is not one among you who is completely secure in the knowledge of God’s eternal and infinite Love for you. And, as you cannot be unaware, for most there is practically no understanding, no knowing, and no awareness that they are the prefect and beloved children of God.
You, who read channeled messages and spiritual books, or attend workshops and seminars are at the forefront of humanity’s awakening process. You are the Light bearers and Light workers who chose to be incarnate at this time to assist in humanity’s awakening process. The most effective way in which you can do this is by daily setting the intent to be loving in every situation, in every interaction with another, even if another confronts you violently or threateningly. Remember that You are Love, and that there is only One. Every human is an aspect of Oneness, and those who behave violently, threateningly, deceitfully and unlovingly are just feeling their sense of separation far more intensely than most.
Love is the cure, the balm, the comfort, the healing solution for all of humanity’s issues. Your task is to walk through your fear, which in truth is unreal, illusory, and be Love in action, offering only Love regardless of the situations in which you find yourselves. People have been doing this for many years in war zones, natural disaster areas, and in areas of endemic or catastrophic illness, as doctors, nurses, and general care-givers, attending to all who are sick or injured, regardless of whether they are of the military or are civilians, in a truly loving way. And even more are doing so today, offering healing and love to those who are wounded – whether psychologically, emotionally, physically, or in all these ways – and for many of those it is the first time they have experienced any form of true and unconditional loving attention.
You are, as you know, beings of Love, created in Love, and, as humans, you are experiencing the unreality of separation as though it were real! You built the illusion for this purpose and it has most successfully presented you with what you sought – an environment devoid of Love! You wanted to experience separation from Source, from Love, and so you took human form and separated yourselves from your true nature by placing a shield, a veil, a screen, a cloak, a curtain between you and Love. But it is totally insubstantial. Small children often hide from each other and from their parents by going behind curtains, doors, trees, bushes, whatever is available in the moment, knowing that their loved ones remain present for them even if they cannot see them. But sometimes those games become too intense – maybe the parents enter into the spirit of the game and hide from the children – then the children end up frightened and in tears, needing much soothing and comforting.
This is really not so different from humanity’s experience, except that God, Source, never joins in the game and hides! God is always with you because there is no separation, ever! Such a state is impossible. The illusion is a dream or nightmare from which you will inevitably awaken into the joy that is the eternal and ever-present Presence of God.
Even as humans you know that dreams and nightmares do not last, that they are ephemeral. However, some of those who have undergone great suffering and trauma experience recurring nightmares from which they awaken in a cold sweat, often shaking with terror. When you awaken from the illusion there will be no cold sweats, no shaking with terror, because you will truly awaken into Reality, Love, Oneness, where there is only eternal peace and joy, delight and contentment beyond your wildest dreams.
It can be very helpful to listen to those who have had NDEs talk about their Near Death Experiences, or read the books they have written about those experiences. Prior to their NDEs they were frequently practically or even completely unaware that there was anywhere else, apart from the illusion – the physical environment that humanity inhabits – which they believed was real, where life could be found. The NDE was a mind-blowing experience for them that permanently changed them and their beliefs about life. Afterwards they KNEW that life, their life, was forever, immortal, eternal, and with that knowing all their doubts and worries dissolved, as did, of course, any fear of death that they might previously have entertained.
All humans are immortal beings having an unreal experience of separation that seems completely real while they are undergoing it. Many, who have a religious faith of any kind, also believe that there is a hell to which they could be sent for all eternity when they die and lay down their human bodies, if they do not live good lives. I assure you that this is not so.
There is only God, Source, in Whom all life exists eternally in peace and joy. However, those who choose fear and act out of fear effectively hide Reality, Love, God, from themselves behind that veil or cloak of fear that they draw about themselves. You have free will because Love is free, It never imposes, orders, or commands, It offers Itself completely to all without any exceptions, and It never withdraws. It is always there for you awaiting your acceptance of It, and when you do accept it, as you inevitably will, It welcomes you Home with arms opened wide to embrace you most joyfully.
Truly, your destiny is set, it is eternal Love lived unendingly in the Presence of Mother/Father/God. Your true nature, as you have so often been told, is Love, which is LIFE forever in the Presence of God, and in that state there is only JOY! Love does not see suffering or pain because they are unreal, of the illusion, and can only be very temporarily experienced in that unreal state. In your eternal Home, which you have temporarily forgotten or lost sight of, there is endless infinite Joy.
Prepare to awaken by constantly intending to demonstrate Love in action by being Love in action. Your true nature will not remain concealed, concealment is of the illusion, it cannot remain concealed because only what is real exists, and Love is All That Exists. Permanent joy patiently awaits your awakening, so engage only with love and dispel the nightmare with all its trauma, pain, and suffering. Enough already!
Your loving brother, Jesus.
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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Jesús-John Smallman