jueves, julio 27, 2017
Selacia - Love Secrets in Your DNA Akashic Records - July 26, 2017
The power of love to bring people together and create a lasting bond is without question one of the most amazing magnetic forces at work in relationships. Have you ever wondered how you could have been attracted to someone, or stayed with someone, when he or she didn't fit your idea of the perfect match? Likewise, have you wondered why you are still single or why the person supposedly perfect for you left with no explanation? Continue reading to understand some of the "why" of such things, learning how specific answers can be found in your DNA akashic records.
Why Love Often Doesn't Make Sense
For starters, know that love quite often doesn't make sense when your reference point is the conventional world and society norms. Love can seem illogical and unmanageable from that reference point. Love can't be negotiated, after all. It can't be put in a box or manipulated.
Love is a living energy that one can only fully appreciate from a holistic big-picture point of view. This larger view includes subtle forces that bring two people together. These forces are quantum, vast, and interconnected on a soul level.
Personal Love-Life History in DNA
Did you know that your entire personal love-life history is actually recorded in your DNA akashic records? Yes, it's there in the field around your DNA, which can be read like a map by a trained DNA intuitive healer.
When you have a specific relationship issue, or simply a block to finding love, there is usually a very good reason. Investigating this in the DNA akashic records, the cause could have started with an early life experience, or it could go way beyond that.
Most often, there's a combination of factors at play. It could be an early life wound supplemented by ancestral patterns you house within your DNA. You may never have met the ancestors involved, but their experiences with love could impact you all the same. Likewise, your current issue could be rooted in your past lives - an experience that soured you, a vow you took, or a betrayal that destroyed your trust.
Sometimes your current issue involves the same person you were with before in another lifetime. There are countless other scenarios, too.
Secrets to Love Happiness
Difficulties with love rarely begin this life. Most come from the soul's numerous experiences in relationship with others. A person who was your father one lifetime could be your husband the next. Roles will sometimes change for the soul to have different experiences, each time learning more about how to love.
Sometimes people make a soul agreement to come together again at a specific time. Not all of these involve romantic partnership. It could be more of a friendship or business partnership. Either way, when the two meet again, there is a strong bond and perhaps instant recognition on an intuitive telepathic level.
When people are connected on these more subtle levels, it can feel mysterious. One or both people often feel that there's some larger bond at work in the background.
Quite often when people contact me for private sessions, there's some kind of relationship bond involved. It's normal to want to understand the connection and the soul-level roots of the relationship.
Demystifying these things can go a long way towards a happier relationship. Example: before getting married or going into business together, one or both partners often want a kind of advance check-in about potential harmony and problems. A lot can be seen about such things in the DNA akashic records. Foresight can make all the difference in creating a happy and lasting partnership.
2017 Relationship Challenges
Relationships of all kinds are having unique challenges during 2017. These are stressful and uncertain times. Tensions are amplified beyond the norm, and even relatively stable relationships can get shaky.
Planetary energies are contributing to the chaos people feel within as they attempt to adapt to the constantly-changing canvas of events. All kinds of very old issues can rise to the surface within people. This can make for quite volatile relationships.
Remember, though, that you and everyone you meet has love at their core. That love is your true nature. It is the energy that fuels you to go on when you get discouraged and nothing makes sense. It is the healing force that brings you back together with your loved one after a misunderstanding.
Walk gently with yourself and others. Allow for mistakes. Allow for the larger picture of interpersonal interactions and relationship bonds. Invite a knowing of hidden puzzle pieces that help explain issues as they arise.
Keep in mind that forces and life events outside your awareness - including from ancestors or past lives - could be impacting your present. Investigate those for DNA healing of root issues preventing harmony.
Each day as you walk your path as a divine changemaker, remember that you are here now on purpose. At a soul level, you chose to be alive now at this pivotal juncture of humanity. You are not a victim. You are at cause, alive to master living in a conscious heart-centered way.
You are here to remember the love that you are and how to express it in all types of situations. When that love is your fuel, your reason for doing and being, you cannot make a mistake or lose your way.
Copyright 2017 by Selacia
- a globally known writer, DNA intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and the creator of The Divine Changemakers * All Rights Reserved * http://selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text.
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