domingo, julio 30, 2017
Kara Schallock - Evolving More - 30-Jul-2017
We are and have been in a powerful transition in the last month especially. (Of course, we have been transitioning from the old to the New for a very long time...lifetimes.) We have been preparing in the last month for the eclipses and the 8-8-8. Eight is symbolic for Power, so expect a leap up in your personal Power, which means that you take Responsibility for all in your life. There is no acting small or deciding something or someone else is to blame for any perceived shortcomings you might see yourself having (the Truth is that you have no shortcomings). What makes you happy? Nothing makes you anything. Your Joy is within; your Power is within; your Knowing is within. You need nothing outside of yourself to prove who you are. There is no need; therefore, you're not needy. You are a powerful, sovereign being of Love.
During this particular preparation, we have had an Opportunity to dive deep into ourselves, which has led to more uncovering of the Truth; if you took this Opportunity, that is. Leo symbolizes the Power of the Heart and wow; do we get to roar out who we are! We not only got to dive deep into the layers of us, to core issues; we also have been receiving powerful downloads of Light at the same time. The downloads of Light help shine a light onto that which we still need to let go of and to who we truly are.
Our physical bodies are adjusting; and this is nothing new. Do realize that nothing will go back to the way it was. This is not the new norm, for things continue to shift and you do as well. Nothing remains the same. We are continuously evolving; there is no stopping place. As we evolve, our consciousness shifts higher and therefore, life continues to reflect this high place to us and continues to shift. What helps is to let go of any desire to control your life, simplify and meditate. Being in Nature, even if it is just to step outside your home, greatly helps. We are purifying through elimination, becoming an empty chalice so that the chalice we are fills with nothing but Love.
As we become more and more Love, we recognize our Godness/Divinity. We are urged to let go of all identification, which means letting go of labels and words that separate. As Divine, we are One with all and we need not define anything, for definition limits evolution. It places things in a box with immovable walls. Everything flows according to resonance. All the surrendering we have been doing helps prepare us for our Godness. Be aware that unless you make room for the New and unless you trust the process, nothing changes. Trust and stay committed to the path you're on.
Do you wonder how shifting to being crystalline, your DNA being replaced with New DNA and activations to your Pineal Chakra affect you? Have you doubted these things, looking at life and not finding “proof” for your intellect to wrap itself around? These things are real. We are becoming New, as Earth is. They affect each one differently, based on their Soul's Wisdom and the choices they make. Generally speaking, you may feel very tired. You may find yourself bubbling over with anger or depression or sadness when there is no “reason” for it. Others may react to you differently; you may even seem invisible to others. You might feel lost and directionless. All of these things could be going on for a long time or not at all or for a short period of time. They all have to do with your ascensional shifting.
Of course, there are other things you could be feeling like feeling very amped up, even when you're tired. You could feel stress due to the release of old patterns, especially if you try to keep things the same as they always have been. If you feel depressed, often this is the grief that comes up when you release a lot of the old. You might experience panic. This occurs when the separate ego is unsure of the future. Therefore, Trust is essential, as is staying in the Moment so you can consciously choose your next step; one that is aligned with how you want to feel.
Do remind yourself that you are not powerless. Any vulnerability helps you keep your Heart open, so if you protect yourself from “hurt,” stop. No-one can hurt you. And besides, if you do feel hurt by someone, surely there is a message for you within that “hurt” and you most likely carry victim energy. It's an illusion that anyone can do anything to you or make you feel a certain way. Your eating patterns may shift too, so listen to your body. It may ask for things you have decided are not healthy. For instance, if you have rules about eating vegan or vegetarian only, make sure you are not doing it because someone said it's the right thing to do or you do it to feel better than meat-eaters. Make sure you are choosing freely. Your body will guide you. All food is Light and there are no rules in the New. You may have certain pains or vibrations in different parts of your physicality. These may be adjusting energies as well as a release of emotional or physical toxins. Don't judge it as good or bad; it simply is. Some of the pain can be in your spine. This makes sense, as most of your chakras are located along your spine and it is where your Kundalini is located and rises. You could also have skin eruptions, Heart phenomena, digestive issues, headaches...or not. It just depends on where you are in your Ascension/Transformation.
I could go on about how your body is shifting; only you know how you are experiencing the physical, emotional and mental shifts. You need not compare your process with others, for your path is uniquely your own. Suffice it to say that the electromagnetic fields are shifting higher, which affects us and the Earth. And they affect our consciousness, which affects all areas of life. Christ energy is infusing us and the Earth and this increases our vibration even more; it affects all our chakras and aura and some may feel a rising of their Kundalini, as it spirals upward through the chakras.
The high vibrational energies flow into the Pineal Chakra, then travel down the many Ka channels that flow through the aura. Then this Light flows into your cells and DNA, uplifting all of who you are into the higher realms of you. Do you see how everything is interrelated? Not only are we One with all of life; our bodies are One with the higher frequencies and dimensions.
As we receive more and more Light, the lower frequencies are transformed. However, this isn't automatic; we must do our part by taking Responsibility for all our choices. Through Light downloads, our current DNA is replaced by New DNA, so we don't just supplant the New with the old. The New DNA holds the crystalline consciousness. You know what crystalline consciousness is, don't you? Visualize a crystal; it is clear and it is multidimensional and holds its own vibration and consciousness. Do you see how we are becoming this? We are becoming clear channels of Source; with new perceptions, new ways of being and new potentials.
Do know without doubt that the New Earth Grid is anchored as is our New Body Grid. All that is required is for us to hold a high frequency and weave our own consciousness and Soul Essences into both grids. This requires each of us to keep our vibration high and clear without the drag of the old 3D duality. Light downloads not only infuse us, but Gaia as well, through the New grids. It helps to merge with Soul/Highest Self, as things become easier when you do; they flow. Each of us brings with us our original Home Dimension, which we deposit into the New Earth Grid. This is not all done in a second; it takes one step at a time, for when we are slow and do things with intention and purpose, we build a strong foundation to which the New is anchored. This gives us a sense of Balance and Stability.
Continue to be the observer as you evolve and trust that no matter how things look, all is evolving according to Soul Plan.
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If so guided, your continued tithes are graciously and gratefully accepted. And thank you to those of you who consistently tithe to support this body of work. Tithing is giving from the Heart; creating a consciousness of Prosperity. I am blessed and grateful for each of you!
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Kara Schallock