jueves, julio 20, 2017
Laura Pleiadian - New Moon in Leo, July 23rd, 2017 ~ Sudden Intense Energy - July 20, 2017
New Moon in Leo, July 23rd, 2017 ~ Sudden Intense Energy
This New Moon in Leo is on July 23rd, 2017 at 6:45am ADT.
The impact of this New Moon will last till the August 21st New Moon and Solar Eclipse. More soon on THAT!
Sun Conjunct Moon ~ The New Moon aspect, This is the energy of New Starts! New Beginnings, New Relationships… or beginning again! The ideal time, so to speak, to start something new is during the first 2 weeks of the New Moon, in the waxing phase, till August 7th.
Set your intentions!
Breathe and feel!
I Now enter a phase of my existence ~ where I powerfully TRANSFORM all that was once fear ~ into Gold. Into Bliss! Into the Life of my Wildest Dreams and Beyond.
I NOW SEE Clearly How all is falling PERFECTLY in place for me.
I SEE the changes within, I feel the changes within.
I NOW see things shift and reorganize in my surrounding, before my eyes.
I Am in total Harmony ~ NOW! Living the Life that is Passionately mine, eternally.
All People and places Align themselves with the Perfection within me.
All relationships, shifts, changes and New Beginnings are MINE NOW.
I Am A Divine Ascended Being ~ Now! Transformed Completely and Transforming ALL!
I EMBRACE my Divinity as the Portal of LOVE TO the Highest Most Beatific LIFE WITH my Beloved Twin Flame ~ NOW!
FEEL, this ACTIVATION for YOU. Feel deeply.
Now ~ this New Moon in Leo, impacted by Mars most powerfully AND Uranus ~ is Intense with sudden bursts and releases.
The areas impacted and the way this unfolds will be unique to YOU ~ Your Blueprint. Some of the areas may be, sex, relationships, energy, passion, anger. With a tension aspect of Uranus. Electrical, Powerful, to say the least. This is a new start, remember, impacting till August 21.
All Possibilities EXIST ~ as far as how you experience this. This may be the COMPLETE Change and New Beginning, YOUR specific energy has been, so-called, waiting for.
Mars Square Uranus, in a transit or in the Natal Chart, is a dynamic, powerful and inventive aspect. Strong passion! Intense Love. A Rebel and non conformist. Sudden shifts in energy and ways of Being.
Find ways to SAFELY explore your Passions. Your love of sex, your hidden desires. Your radical views. Your UNIQUENESS!
An outlet for this energy expression AND AWARENESS AND understanding if this comes up within you in a non Harmonious way.
After ALL this is YOUR Transformation.
It IS YOU that is up for whatever is NEXT.
Be ready for these intense Energy Vibrations! They will feel sudden.
If you are not new to the Power of your UNIQUENESS AND Uranus ~ Then creative Genius and inventions may BE what is up for YOU.
I hold you and Activate YOU in this!
Your Most Magical Life ~ EVEN Beyond your Wildest Dreams.
I love YOU!
copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2017.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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5ta. Dimensión,
Laura Pleiadian