sábado, julio 22, 2017
We are now entering the second half of this wild, wild year when the pins that hold duality in position are popping out all over the place. This is when The screws will either tighten further on humanity and we will lose more of our freedoms or we will choose to unscrew them and loosen the hold of duality. The outcome depends on us....
July brings accelerated change, challenging situations and yet more shocking events with lots of bumps and adjustments. It also gives us numerous opportunities to learn a lot ~ both what to do and what NOT to do.
July and August go together as a pair. Something big happens in July and something even bigger happens in August that will send shockwaves all over the planet. The final semester of the year will be quantum leaps Off the Map, as we choose in a real way the reality in which we want to live. Duality will continue to implode, while feeling increasingly distant and surreal.
July isn't a linear month in which things happen in a logical, linear progression. Instead, it is crammed full of swirling, spiraling circular energies which are laden with the unexpected. If I was to make a drawing of July, I would fill my paper with a multitude of messy circles in all sizes and colors. These circles wouldn't be in any order; they would be all over the place, overlapping each other in a chaotic profusion. Immediately we might wonder, "How in the heck am I going to navigate through THIS?"
If we try to move according to linear time, everything becomes chaotic and exhausting, but if we connect with the Green Lights and Fast Track of the New Reality, we surprisingly won't feel so much pressure and distress. If we do everything with Love and Trueness, it will align us with something much bigger.
July is full of massive changes with lots of ups and downs, pockets of chaos and rising fear. Because of this, it's vitally important that we enter the Timeless True Worlds and position ourselves in the center of the Expanded HERE and NOW which is BEYOND the turmoil. For this is where we will not only be safe, but where we can most effectively serve.
The merger of the Timeless True Worlds with the New Reality which began during the Activation of the Tower of Light of AN in May was completely unexpected, but vitally important. For the Timeless True Worlds are where we reside in our original true state of being. They are an essential component of the New Reality, for we have to return to our true natural state of being in order to fully reside in AN.
As we enter the Timeless True Worlds, Time expands into No-Time. Our body starts to move more slowly and consciously. We tune into the deep sacredness of all things. We become One with all that is around us. We listen. We watch attentively. We feel a deep sense of calm. We are filled with love and gratitude. Our thoughts naturally move to an expanded new level. We feel interwoven into the ONE. We may feel like a True King or True Queen surveying their realm with the focus of maintaining peace and well being for all who live there. A True King or True Queen who is working in alignment with the other True Kings and True Queens scattered throughout the world.
In July we are making and implementing major decisions that will greatly affect our future direction. We are no longer afraid to make these decisions because they are made from our Heart's True Knowingness. Because our true decisions are imbued with a strong sense of rightness, we have the needed courage to move forward ~ without the need of having a visible safety net. These true decisions will usher in breakthrough after breakthrough. They are propelling us deeper into our True Direction within the New Reality.
We are finally ready to assume total responsibility for creating the life we really want to live, as well as being clear as to the kind of life that we don't want. Then we are taking the needed steps to make it happen, putting our Love and Trueness into everything we do.
One of the aftereffects of May's Activation of the Tower of Light of AN is that it pushed many previously hidden elements to the surface. This enables us to start perceiving ourselves differently. We can let go of a lot of our old misconceptions of our self that we've been carrying with us for a long time. It's a good time to take another clear look to see Who We Are Now.
There's the feeling of growing into the New Reality together, as a unified field of resonance, a frequency of deep and honest Love. So many of us are waking up and moving forward; helping others to awaken; so many are in support. This new, ultra real version of Who We Really Are allows us to go beyond anything that tries to stop us or slow our progress. We know that together as One True Being, we can go through any challenge.
• • • • • • • • AN Mandala by Keenuane.
This is a small fragment of Solara's complete JULY 2017 SURF REPORT. The Full July Surf Report contains lengthy sections on: The June 2017 Review, The Timeless True Worlds, True Partners / One True Love, Into the HERE and NOW, Sitting Inside the Tower of Light of AN and the July 2017 Overview.
You can help provide much needed support for Solara’s work and the Heart of AN by subscribing to these Surf Reports. Plus, you will be able to read the entire 8 - 12 page Surf Report! Solara's Surf Report and Weekly Updates are available by subscription for $11 per month in English, German, Russian and Spanish at the Nvisible Mercado: NVISIBLE MERCADO. http://mercado.nvisible.com/surf-report-subscriptions/
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Ángeles de Crystal

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