There's going to be a time when all that has been in place on the planet and beyond will be let loose and taken and directed to the places and people that have been involved in what has been their duty and creation in the way that they are destined to be and to work forth in the beauty of what they have accomplished on the inner level. It will come to the surface and be worked through in so many ways that there will be an involving of the ones from off planet that are in the process of coming forth in ways that have been interpreted as the sovereign way of coming forth and working with those who have been in this sojourns in so many ways.
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Nancy Tate. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Nancy Tate. Mostrar todas las entradas
lunes, junio 01, 2020
Nancy Tate - Wake up Call, St. Germain - June 1, 2020
There's going to be a time when all that has been in place on the planet and beyond will be let loose and taken and directed to the places and people that have been involved in what has been their duty and creation in the way that they are destined to be and to work forth in the beauty of what they have accomplished on the inner level. It will come to the surface and be worked through in so many ways that there will be an involving of the ones from off planet that are in the process of coming forth in ways that have been interpreted as the sovereign way of coming forth and working with those who have been in this sojourns in so many ways.
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Nancy Tate,
Reporte de Energías,
St. Germain
martes, mayo 26, 2020
Nancy Tate - Wake up Call, St. Germain - May 26, 2020
Wake up Call, St. Germain, May 26, 2020
There is going to be an upcoming time when all of you will find that you have a purpose in life that has not as yet found it's way into your beingness. When it does make itself known then you will see why there has been the supposed delay and why it is now in purpose for what it is telling you is the time and opportunity for you to step forth in your personage and see the change in the life that you are about to make. It will be a change that will be of the only way that makes sense to you, and that will be the answer to why you have led your life in the way that you have been doing for the past several months, or years.
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Nancy Tate,
St. Germain
viernes, abril 03, 2020
Nancy Tate - St Germain - April 3, 2020
Dear Ones, I suddenly felt St. Germain's presence this afternoon, and tuned in to receive his message. Even though it is afternoon, I felt that I shouldn't wait till tomorrow morning to send this to you. So here it is!Love you all, Nancy
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Nancy Tate,
St. Germain
miércoles, enero 08, 2020
Nancy Tate - Horus - Jan 8, 2020
Message of the Moment
01-08-20: When the time comes for all of you to see what the difference has been and will continue to be on this planet, then you will begin to understand why there are so many beings from off planet here and in positions to accompany you in so many ways. It is a time for all of you to see the light in so many ways that will tell you that there is a wondrous change coming to this planet, and that it will be the infrastructure of a new way of living that has only
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Nancy Tate
domingo, diciembre 22, 2019
Nancy Tate - Wake up Call - December 22, 2019
There is going to be a continuance of things that have been going through in the background to some extent recently, and when it comes out into the open it will be obvious as to why it has been closed to the public and will be open to all of life around the world. It is going to be a first step in the new direction of how this world will be living in the times to come. It has been forewarned, and then promised in a different way as to how it will become the new way of being on this planet and beyond.
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El Despertar,
El Gran Cambio,
Nancy Tate
jueves, noviembre 28, 2019
Nancy Tate - Hoeus - Message of the Moment - Nov 28, 2019
Message of the Moment
Happy Thanksgiving!
I introduce today's Horus message with my gift to you all on this Thanksgiving Day of 2019. I Know that you all will have a wonderful day of celebration in whatever way you live it. I send to you my Love, Peace and Joy in having you with us all today and every moment of our lives.
Here now is today's Message of the Moment from Horus
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Nancy Tate
miércoles, noviembre 20, 2019
Nancy Tate - Message of the Moment - Horus: 11-20-19
Message of the Moment
First I wish to let you know what led to Horus's Message today. Here it is.
In Relation to the Calendar Pages on the Gift Shop Page
I have corrected the date for Thanksgiving Day on the November page from the third Thursday, Nov 21, to the fourth Thursday, Nov 28. Thanksgiving is always on the forth Thursday of November.
Please pardon my mistake; I apologize for it. I was looking at another Calendar Yesterday and Realized the Mistake I'd Made. I was very grateful for finding it, because we were in the process of planning the meal we would have this week for Thanksgiving. I Have put the pecan pie in the freezer and Bob will put off making the pumpkin pie till next week. We had a fun joke in realizing the difference.
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Nancy Tate
miércoles, octubre 02, 2019
Nancy Tate - Horus -Message of the Moment - Oct 2, 2019
Message of the Moment
10-02-19: If this were to be a new day in paradise how would you look at it? Would it be just what you wanted all your life, or the best it can be in the moment that will take you to a whole new way of looking at life? It can be the epitome of living your life in the moment, or of being the creator of what you bring in the life you have chosen. Yes, you have chosen this life, and it is working in a way that you realized it could be. It is the best you can do in the land of the plenty and the whole of the rest of the creators here and everywhere. Go now into the paradise that you create and feel the wonder of it all in the best you can do to create the moment of ecstasy. Love is the brightest energy that you can bring to your life, and others as well. I Love you all, Horus!
Thank you dear Horus! We love you too,
Much Love, Nancy Tate
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Nancy Tate
lunes, agosto 26, 2019
Nancy Tate - Horus - August 26, 2019
Message of the Moment
08-26-19: There is an oncoming new way for all of us to go through what we've been seeing as the way to be confounded and malnourished and not in a frame of mind that is good for what we want in life. I know that many of you have gotten past that way of seeing life. When the results come about it is a good thing to share the reality of one's own passion and creativity for what it is that we see as the ideal way to live life in the way that makes us not only happy but stronger in the energy that creates what we want, rather than what makes us feel less than capable of bringing about the best that we can bring into our lives. As we each see this and live it, we are being occupied in ways that are irresistable and have the power to bring us the truth in the open for what we want in our lives.
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Nancy Tate
lunes, agosto 12, 2019
Nancy Tate - Messages of the Moment From Horus - Aug 12, 2019
Messages of the Moment From Horus
08-12-19: When you are all in a state of wondering what is coming forth for yourselves and how you will be able to contact the ones who will be responsible for how it comes to you, then you will see why the waiting has taken place and what you are to be doing in the receivership of it.
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Nancy Tate
lunes, julio 29, 2019
Nancy Tate - Wake up Call - July 29, 2019
As we go through the coming days and find that what we once thought would be the way that our lives would become in the coming days, we will see how our thinking has such power that it is representing itself in how we are living and what we are finding comes to our lives. This can tell us in so many ways that we are already on the brink of rediscovering who we truly are and what this time in our lives is all about.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Nancy Tate
miércoles, julio 10, 2019
Nancy Tate - Horus - Message of the Moment - July 10, 2019
Message of the Moment
07-10-19: When you get to the place within yourself and you wonder why you had not reached that truth before, then you can realize that you are in the mode of truth that is always there for you to recognize and share with the world. When that realization comes, then you can know that you are one of the members of the
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Nancy Tate
lunes, julio 01, 2019
Nancy Tate - Message of the Moment - Horus - July 1, 2019
Message of the Moment
07-01-19: If there is anything that you want to know about what is taking place around this world, first go within and ask why you want to know, and why you are seeing what is outside of you and not seeing that it is not what you are creating within yourself. That is what will tell you that you already know why what is taking place around the world will be continuing to affect you and how you can change that if you desire to. Your world is how you create
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Nancy Tate
viernes, mayo 31, 2019
Nancy Tate - Wake up Call, St. Germain - May 31, 2019
There’s going to be a time in these coming months when all of the issues that are now in the residence of being finished will be not only finished but will be recreated in widespread use for the restoration of this land. It is a matter of being able to repair all of the hurdles that have been in place for so long, and now are being removed and given over to the consciousness of the ones off planet who know how to assist the ones who have been outside of the energy of Love.
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Nancy Tate,
St. Germain
martes, mayo 07, 2019
Nancy Tate - Message of the Moment - Horus - May 7, 2019
Message of the Moment
05-07-19: If you want to become an individual who gives of oneself in the harmony of the All, then know that as you do that then you are doing for yourself as well as for All others. You are part of the All, and as you step forward in that knowing, you are contributing not only to your life, but to All of life on earth and beyond. You are the one who gives to the All with every move you
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Nancy Tate
martes, abril 30, 2019
Nancy Tate - Horus - Message of the Moment - April 30, 2019
Message of the Moment
04-30-19: I am bringing you a reply to your inner questions of what is taking place around the world. It is a matter of all the old industrial stuff being cleared away and allowing the new off planet inspirations to come into place and be expressed by all of those who stay in tune with their own inner voices and follow what they
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Nancy Tate
sábado, abril 20, 2019
Nancy Tate - Horus - Message of the Moment - April 20, 2019
Message of the Moment
04-20-19: I would like to say that the old world is coming to a close and the new door is opening because of the thrill of the new entries into our lives. This is the upkeep of the newness that is upon us in the truth and wisdom of the fifth dimension of the coming reality on earth. It is the way that we are creating our home planet and where it will be taking us in the energy of our birthing it to the
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Nancy Tate
jueves, abril 04, 2019
Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: St. Germain, April 04, 2019
I am here this day to share with you what is coming for all of the planet. It is a matter of being able to go on with your lives and to see what is coming in the shadows out in the open that will help all of life on this planet to gain power and strength to carry on in the ways that are seen to be almost impossible today for some.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Nancy Tate,
St. Germain
lunes, febrero 18, 2019
Nancy Tate - Horus - Messages of the Moment - Feb 18, 2019
Messages of the Moment From Horus
02-18-19: If you were to go to sleep in the next second and awaken in the next year what would you think of the situation? Would it be that you have found the way home, or would it be that you are no longer in the development of your creation and will now lay down to rest forever? As far as what you are doing in this moment, it is the lasting truth of what you will be doing in the next moment. It is a matter of knowing that what you create in one moment is the duplicate of what you create in the next moment and the next and
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Nancy Tate
jueves, febrero 14, 2019
Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: St Germain - Feb 14, 2019
Wake up Call: St Germain, Feb 14, 2019
If we ever go to the place where we are showing our hearts in a wonderful kind of way, it will be as if we have always felt that way, and it is true, we have. We are originally from a place of Love, and when we show that love it is in a grin, a smile, a happy face, a side view of who we are. It is a tremendous way of being who we are being, and showing others that even though we may sometimes feel only to look at them with a stare, or in an upset way, or an unhappy feeling of emptiness, it is always based from Love, or we would not even look at each other. We would not even acknowledge that we are all in the same place and doing the same kind of thing that others have likely done at one time or another, in this lifetime and others.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Nancy Tate,
St. Germain
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