miércoles, noviembre 30, 2016
Marilyn Rafaelle - El Grupo Arcturiano - Octubre 23, 2016
Queridos, aun vemos muchas personas confusas, respeto a las condiciones del mundo. Sepan que lo que están viendo en estos tiempos turbulentos es la presentación de energías viejas, reprimidas y ocultas hace mucho tiempo, siendo expuestas para que sean bien observadas, evaluadas y transformadas.
No tengan miedo de mirar profundamente cualquier apariencia, no se oculten ni hagan de cuenta que no reparan en ella. Al contrario, perciban cual es el sentido material de un Universo espiritual – imágenes formadas a partir de las creencias de dualidad y separación, impersonales y sin leyes espirituales que las mantienen firmes en su lugar.
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Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 30, 2016

So many of you wait to get clarity about what you would like to create until it is time to make new years resolutions. But if you are looking for some extra energetic support, it would be far wiser to make those intentions and changes before the winter solstice. You see, solstices serve as “save points” where the energy and progress gets locked in. Harnessing that energy to support the changes you wish to make will make it far easier to be successful in those desires.
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AA Gabriel,
Shelley Young
Hoy nos gustaría que se concentrasen en los niños/niñas que ahora están encarnando en vuestra realidad.
El progreso se hace con cada nueva generación; sin embargo, esos niños/niñas están más evolucionados que nunca. Ellos no solo están más avanzados en sus habilidades, pero también están, química e instintivamente, diferentes a nivel celular. Nuestra intención es darles, a ustedes, nuestra perspectiva sobre los cambios y potenciales que pueden esperar ver en estos niños(as) que entran en vuestras vidas.
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Guías Angélicos,
Taryn Crimi
Shelley Young - Arcángel Gabriel - Mensaje Diario ~ Lunes 28 de noviembre del 2016

Muchos de ustedes se perciben ser flojos si no están trabajando duro, pero la realidad es que el trabajo más importante que ustedes harán es el trabajo interno de crecimiento y expansión de su ser, y para hacer eso muchos crearán las circunstancias que les permitirán hacer justo eso. Esto podría aparecer como un periodo de desempleo, una enfermedad, o cualquier otro evento que cree el perfecto ambiente para la introspección y muchas menos demandas de su tiempo. Sepan por favor que la evolución de su ser es el objetivo principal, y que el tiempo pasado en ese crecimiento es el trabajo más sagrado e importante que ustedes harán jamás, pues el cambio del hacer al ser afectará toda área de sus vidas de las formas más maravillosas. ~Arcángel Gabriel
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AA Gabriel,
Shelley Young
Maryann Rada - Anica, Con Los Pleyadianos - Hablaremos De La Paz Hasta El Fin Del Tiempo -

Hoy estamos hablando con un viejo amigo, los Pleyadianos. Aunque nosotros, hablando por la Liga de la Luz, somos Pleyadianos también, casi todos provenimos del mundo del vecindario estelar de Taygeta llamado Temmer. En este mensaje vamos a estar en contacto con Pleyadianos de un grupo de mundos de la estrella Alcyone. Nosotros, como humanos Pleyadianos, hemos compartido una historia de muchas maneras, aunque cada mundo porta su propia historia única. En este comunicado deseamos enfocarnos en nuestra perspectiva de este grupo de circunstancias presente en juego ahora en su mundo, y cómo juntos podemos llegar al momento siguiente como aliados con un futuro común.
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Maryann Rada,
Ailia Mira - The Council of Radiant Light - A Mindset Shift to Liberate Your Innate Freedom - Nov 30, 2016
Message from the Council of Radiant Light
Channeled by Ailia Mira
Greetings, Divine Ones,
Today we want to play with words. We want to play with words in a way that we hope will give you a glimpse of a very useful insight. Today we want to offer an idea about what is happening and how it is going on in your world and your life. We think this might benefit you in more fully grasping the reins of your power and, therefore, your capacity.
There is the word we would like to use about what is happening, and it is one that is often used, but there's another word that's often used too, and we'd like to talk about our preferences here and explain why we have them. The word we would use to talk about what is happening in your life and your world is the word: shift. The word we would not use, and we'd like to point out why it might be problematic for some of you is: transformation.
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martes, noviembre 29, 2016
Natalie Glasson - Saint Germain - ¿Eres un Miembro del Equipo de la Transformación Encarnado? - 11 de noviembre del 2016
Yo soy la transformación que deseo ver en el mundo.
Yo, Saint Germain, te invito a repetir estas dos afirmaciones para contigo mismo/a, en voz alta o en silencio, hasta que puedas sentir o reconocer su energía activarse en el interior de tu ser, hasta que sientas que las estás personificando.
Te invito a que uses el proceso de repetir estas afirmaciones como un medio de contemplación y auto-observación, alentándote con gran amor y compasión para entender su significado para ti. Es fácil entender el significado de estas dos afirmaciones a nivel mental; sin embargo, conectándose con las palabras, significado y energía de las afirmaciones interiormente creará la revelación de un hermoso estado de iluminación, así como un despertar transformativo interior más allá de tu comprensión.
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Natalie Glasson,
St. Germain
Natalie Glasson - Los Delfines Arco Iris de Lemuria - La Siguiente Etapa de Ascensión: Una Nueva Percepción para Todos - 2 de septiembre del 2016
Sacred School of OmNa
Saludos seres de luz de la Tierra, los amamos profundamente, hemos estado trabajando con ustedes durante un gran número de vidas. Somos los Delfines Arco Iris de Lemuria, cuando vivíamos como delfines semi-físicos en los océanos cerca de Lemuria y nos comunicábamos a menudo con la civilización Lemuriana. Los Lemurianos recurrían a menudo a nuestra sabiduría y vibraciones sanadoras y ése era nuestro propósito de estar allí. Ahora existimos en los planos internos; originalmente provenimos de las Pléyades, aunque nuestro verdadero origen es la fuente del Creador.
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Natalie Glasson
Marlene Swetlishoff - Maestro Ascendido Kuthumi - 22-11-2016
Vengo en las alas del amor. Nosotros, los Maestros ascendidos hemos acordado que todos usaremos esta declaración al comienzo de nuestros mensajes. Hay mucho que está en marcha en su planeta. Muchos cambios están ocurriendo en todos los viejos sistemas de operación. Hay una gran necesidad de que esto ocurra, porque como todos ustedes saben, hay mucho que está anticuado y no está en sintonía con las frecuencias más altas en las que estamos ahora. Así que les pedimos que sigan siendo conscientes y estando vigilantes, que escuchen la voz de la razón y usen su discernimiento, porque hay mucho que no es de la más alta verdad y que se está extendiendo por todo el planeta.
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Mike Quinsey - de su Ser Superior - ...la Luz siempre saldrá victoriosa sobre los Oscuros...Noviembre 25, 2016
Los Oscuros y sus cohortes se proponen poner en acción un último intento importante de recuperar el terreno perdido simulando un ataque extraterrestre sobre vosotros. Sería muy realista y vosotros percibiríais Naves y Seres que parecerían exactamente iguales a los que os son familiares. Algunas naves sólo serían hologramas y paracerían completamente normales, por lo que estáis avisados de sus intenciones para que el miedo pueda reducirse o evitarse hasta donde sea posible. Crear miedo es el objetivo de tal acontecimiento y es como lo llamaríais “su última tirada de dados”, y podría engañar fácilmente a los que no están preparados o están mal informados. Si eso llega a hacerse realidad, vosotros que tenéis conocimientos podéis ser de incalculable valor para la Humanidad ayudando a evitar la histeria en masa.
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Mike Quinsey
Jamye Price - Sabiendo Que Soy Digno - Noviembre 17, 2016

Bendito Ser, estás infinitamente conectado con la Vida, y sin embargo esta conexión es a menudo invisible. Tu trabajo en este tiempo de Ascensión es estar más consciente de tu interacción con lo invisible—de los potenciales del futuro ofrecidos a tu conciencia para que tu elección ejerza una influencia sobre la forma. Es tu poder creativo. A medida que honras tu poder interior estás votando por tu conciencia mediante tu crear consciente, lo cual comienza en tu interior. Es tu poder de la fuerza pasiva del Amor que magnetiza la forma. Es un profundo Amor por la Vida que entiende el beneficio dual de la singularidad y la conexión/unidad. Tú eres único en todo el Tiempo y el Espacio. Eso es inmenso; en todo el Tiempo y el Espacio no hay nadie más como tú, con tus perspectivas únicas y tus elecciones únicas. Eres único con los potenciales infinitos que yacen en cantidad y cualidades infinitas.
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El Gran Cambio,
Jamye Price
Kryon - Brisbane Australia Channeling 2016-10-09
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Lee Carroll,
Sheldan Nidle - Actualización de la Federación Galáctica y Jerarquía Espiritual - 22 de Noviembre, 2016
2 Cib, 19 Xul 13 Caban
¡Selamat Jalwa! Actualmente hay una operación funcionando con el objetivo de aislar a los granujas de los Illuminati que aún quedan en puestos de poder en el gobierno corporativo americano. Este proceso ha llevado mucho más tiempo del que esperaban al principio los Ancianos chinos y europeos y las Realezas. De modo preliminar fue declarado el nuevo gobierno legal americano en la parte final de lo que conocéis como el mes de Octubre del calendario gregoriano. Lo que queda por hacer es una declaración más oficial que se va a hacer pronto. Mientras tanto hay en marcha un proceso de limpieza. Estamos supervisando todo esto y estableciendo los parámetros que van a hacer de esta operación un éxito. Esperamos que esto despeje el camino hacia la nueva República Americana y se pueda anunciar NESARA públicamente.
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Sandra Walter - Cosmic Trigger Amplification: Unity Meditations on Wednesday - Nov 29, 2016
Solaris is responding to the Influx ~ Anchor this!
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,
GRATITUDE to all who are participating in the Cosmic Trigger/Gateway underway right now through Thursday.
Our Cosmic Trigger delivered a Solar influx, and I AM sure many of you are feeling its effects. It opens the Gateway for the sacred passage of December – January, which are expected to continually deliver influxes of much higher frequencies as the accelerated timelines overwrite the lower experience. HUmanity is challenged into action by the external unfoldments, and activated on a spiritual level within by the ever-increasing photonic affects on our DNA.
Remember that these frequencies stimulate the dimensional-shifting capabilities of your DNA. Wherever your consciousness resonates, your DNA will attempt to follow. You, as the awakened consciousness, direct the body and DNA to respond to the intentions of photonic light demanding order, harmony, and evolution.
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Sandra Walter
Suzanne Lie - Arcángel Zadkiel - ABRIENDO SU ESPIRITU AL AMOR INCONDICIONAL - 27-11-16

Bendiciones, Yo Soy el Arcángel Zadkiel,
Vengo a ustedes hoy a través de su Tercer Ojo y su Corazón Superior para recordarles a todos que su Tercer Ojo y Corazón Superior pueden identificar y ver a través de TODAS las "falsas banderas" tridimensionales e "ilusiones proyectadas".
Como los oscuros están desesperados en forma creciente, pararán cualquier cosa para mantener el poder sobre los otros que han ganado a través del miedo y que han creado a través del poder de las ilusiones de miedo que han creado. No obstante, lo que los oscuros no pueden darse cuenta es que muchos de aquellos que una vez estuvieron dentro de las garras de las ilusiones atemorizantes han expandido sus conciencias lo suficiente para ser capaces de diferenciar entre una ilusión y una realidad.
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AA Zadkiel,
Suzanne Lie
Selacia - Find Your Tranquil Zone -Tips for Riding December's Energy Wave- November 29, 2016
by Selacia
After this year of relentless changes, intensity and turmoil, December will roll in with a continuation of these themes but also with the potential to find your center before 2017 begins. Set your intention now to do what you can to calm frayed nerves, get fresh perspectives, repair relationship discord, and find a new inspiration for your life path.
In this article I'll describe some of the energies we will be dealing with in December, and what they may mean for you on a personal level. First, as background, it's quite common that how a year ends sets the tone of how the next one starts. I'm speaking in general here, not so much about your personal life. As you continue reading though, invite your inner wisdom to show you what applies to you personally, and how you can put in action some simple remedies for challenging energies.
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Consejo de los 12,
Kryon "Wild Cards" 2016
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Lee Carroll,
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday November 29, 2016

Dear Ones, many of you are in what we call the pregnant pause. It is the space between leaving where you were and not yet knowing where you are going. It can feel disconcerting to say the least.
But your discomfort is a good sign! It is the building up of energy that will catapult you into your new vistas. Think of a baby bird growing in an egg. At some point the build up of energy and discomfort allows the bird to break through into its new reality. The fact that you are uncomfortable is a sure sign that change is coming.
During the pregnant pause it is good to practice self care. Do what brings you joy. Be introspective. Review. What have you learned? What do you wish to create and experience moving forward? Rest. Prepare. Be positive. Remember what you know. Honour the unfoldment. Practice gratitude. By staying surrendered and present you will be poised and ready to move as soon as the energies are supporting action, and you will flow with the greatest amount of ease possible, into your next grand adventure. ~Archangel Gabriel
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AA Gabriel,
Shelley Young
Sheldan Nidle Update - Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy - This Peaceful, Sacred Revolution rolls in...11-29-16
9 Akbal, 6 Yaxk'in, 13 Caban
Dratzo! Much is now happening around this globe. The various funds required to “cash out” all programs are being counted and to be distributed where they are needed. This set of operations is earmarked to lead eventually to the formal announcement of NESARA and then GESARA. This means that America is moving closer to the formal announcement of its new NESARA Republic. This new reality is ultimately to permit a new global banking system to manifest. All nations who have ratified the Paris Agreements are then to begin to carry out a concerted series of interlocking operations to reverse the massive pollution of the past two centuries. These events are also to begin a series of large humanitarian projects that are to bring water to the deserts and modern sanitation to all nations. Moreover, each nation is to implement electrical grids that can bring the Internet to all. This is just the start of a series of developments that are to upgrade global education and let the world’s people know what is being done to alter the way the old world operated. This new reality is to feature peace, prosperity, freedom and global cooperation. This is to be a new and glorious time for surface humanity!
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Greetings Beloved Ones,
WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst, along with a Host of the Angelic Realm of Light, and we welcome you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss your Divine Spark of Light.
You are a beautiful Being of Light. You are a reflection of Creator / Universal Light, and you are part of a vast network of Divine Sparks of Light. You hold a unique place in this network because you have a special set of qualities and attributes that you have developed over the aeons of time, and you have a unique mission in this incarnation. Therefore, remaining attuned to your Divine Spark is especially important in this time of increasing Light.
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AA Zadkiel,
Linda M. Robinson
Where we are today has been building for eons, but we really began to take notice this year. And here we are at the biggest jump off point that I think we have ever experienced in this life time! If you are not feeling quite ready for the current energies, join the club... and keep reading. We have hope and solutions.
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Aluna Joy Yaxkin,
Reporte de Energías
lunes, noviembre 28, 2016
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday November 28, 2016

Many of you will perceive yourselves as being lazy if you are not working hard. But the reality is the most important work you will do is the internal work of your own soul growth and expansion, and in order to do that, many of you will create the circumstances that will allow you the time to do just that. This may appear as a period of unemployment, an illness, or any other event that creates the perfect environment for introspection and much less demands on your time. Please know that your evolution is your soul’s main objective, and time spent on that growth is the most sacred work and important work you will ever do, for the shift from doing to BEing will affect all areas of your life in the most wondrous ways. ~Archangel Gabriel
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AA Gabriel,
Shelley Young
Lee Carroll - KRYON - Mensajito del lunes 28 de Noviembre de 2016
Querido Espíritu
De la canalización en vivo de Kryon: "Conectarse - Parte 2"
dada en Columbus, Ohio, en abril de 2016
Ahora hay cambios importantes para ti. La próxima vez que medites, di esto: "Querido Espíritu, estoy enamorado de la Fuente Creadora y soy parte de ella. No entiendo mucho de esto, pero al estar enamorado no necesito entender. Querido Espíritu, muéstrame lo que necesito saber. Dame la intuición que me guiará a lugares inesperados, y en ese proceso permite que tenga alegría en mi vida. Al caminar entrando en algo que parece ser la oscuridad, permite que entienda que realmente es una nueva clase de luz perfecta - una que nunca vi antes."
a través de Lee Carroll
Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro
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Lee Carroll
Lee Carroll - Kryon - Monday Messages - November 28, 2016
Dear Spirit
From Kryon Live Channelling, "Getting Connected - Part Two" April 2016 in Columbus, OH
Major changes are here for you now. The next time you meditate, say this: "Dear Spirit, I'm in love with the creative source and I'm part of it. I don't understand much of it, but being in love means I don't have to. Dear Spirit, show me what I need to know. Give me the intuition that will guide me to places that I don't expect, and in the process let me have joy in my life. As I walk into what appears to be the dark, let me understand that it is really a new kind of perfect light - one I never saw before now."
through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel
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Lee Carroll
Jennifer Hoffman - If You’re Bored You’re Ready for a New Vibe - Nov 28, 2016
Do you have a lot of things to do but don’t feel like doing any of them?
I used to think that being bored meant having nothing to do, so if I had things to do and I was bored, it meant that I was being irresponsible or lazy. But that is not what boredom means. It is a sign that there is an energetic misalignment between the life we are on and new paths, opportunities, and potentials that our soul is trying to open our awareness to.
Boredom is a tug of war between the mind and the spirit, an invitation to find another way to ‘be’, instead of finding something else to do.
Our needs change over time and we feel stuck and frustrated because the energy that is creating the path that we are on is not giving us the results we want. The energy we have used to create our current reality will only fuel that reality. If we want to create something else, we need to use different energy.
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El Gran Cambio,
Jennifer Hoffman
Lena Stevens - Pat Liles - New Moon Update 11-29-16 - November 28, 2016
Dear Friends,
New Moon is Tuesday, November 29 at 5:18AM Mountain Standard Time (MST).
This is an important moon for building community, sharing yourself with others and not holding back on your unique self-expression. It is a good day to anchor a commitment to learn something new or to pursue a new area of interest or a new relationship. Anything that you put into motion today gets some juice for gathering support.
It is not a day to be alone, secretive or asocial. Share yourself and enjoy the company of others even if it is just reaching out for a few moments.
The other theme for this new moon is making a commitment to follow your own truth and integrity. You cannot do much about how others believe or act but you can do something about how you live your own life and what you do to take care of what is important to you. The times are calling for us all to step up onto a road of higher consciousness. What does that mean for each of us? In the bigger picture, time will tell, but you can always start at home by taking care of your own spirit and body, stepping into a higher level of commitment to your personal integrity and eliminating fear and negativity whenever possible.
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Lena Stevens,
Pat Liles,
Suzanne Lie - Archangel Zadkiel - Opening your Spirit to Unconditional Love - 11-27-16
A Message from Archangel Zadkiel
Through Suzanne Lie
Opening your Spirit to Unconditional Love
I am Archangel Zadkiel,
come to you today through your Third Eye and High Heart to remind you all that your Third Eye and High Heart
can identify and see through EVERY third dimensional “false flag” and
“projected illusion.”
the Dark Ones become increasingly desperate, they will stop at nothing to
maintain the Power Over Others that they have gained through the fear that they
have created through the power of fearful illusions that they have created.
what the Dark Ones cannot realize is that many of those who were once within
the clutches of their fearful illusions have expanded their consciousness
enough to be able to differentiate between an illusion from an actual reality.
Zadkiel, will NOW share how your expanded consciousness allows you to differentiate
between that which is a holographic projection and that which is third or
fourth and/or fifth dimensional reality that has been created by the unified, collective
consciousness of the members of each of the frequencies of reality.
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AA Zadkiel,
Suzanne Lie
Brenda Hoffman - Who Will You Choose? - November 28, 2016
Dear Ones,
Today is a special day the likes of which you have never experienced before. Not because exceptional energies are pummeling earth, but that you are changing so rapidly that which was interesting yesterday will likely not be by tomorrow. And promises made yesterday may hold no credence today making your life topsy-turvy.
So it is many of you are turning aside in anger only to discover that you no longer feel comfortable in 3D environments, nor are you feeling love and joy or experiencing the rewards you hoped for.
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Brenda Hoffman,
domingo, noviembre 27, 2016
Lisa Transcendence Brown - Transcending Separation/Human'ness to Avatar Consciousness - 11/27/2016
Your mentality creates your reality. Your energy creates. You are the SOURCE of all realities, for they originate, emanate and radiate from deep inside of you. "That out there" is your own hologram that has become solid so that you have something tangible to show you what you hold inside of you.
Human holds duality & conflicting beliefs. I am love but I hate/blame you. I am light but I have darkness. I am abundant but I don't have enough. I respect you but none of us are worthy. I am responsible but it's their fault. I am powerful but I'm waiting for someone to save me. They are sovereign but I pity them. I am happy but I don't have/am not enough. I don't judge, but look at them. I am enough but I need something else to be happy....
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El Gran Cambio,
Lisa Transcendence Brown
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday November 27, 2016
Dear Ones, when you see others making choices that you do not agree with, instead of judging them, you could choose to feel gratitude for them, for they are serving you by giving you the beautiful opportunity to feel that clarity without the need to have the experience yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel
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AA Gabriel,
Shelley Young
Solara - Pequeño Fragmento del Informe del Oleaje - LA CÚSPIDE DE LA PUNTA - Noviembre 2016

Durante todo el año, los velos entre los mundos se han estado haciendo cada vez más tenues. Ahora son casi transparentes. Esta disolución de los velos tiene un fuerte efecto sobre nosotros. Sentimos como que la piel que cubre nuestros cuerpos se está haciendo más delgada. Ya no existe la sensación de que nuestro ser termina en los límites de nuestra piel. Ya no nos sentimos separados de la humanidad ni de Pachamama, nuestra Madre Tierra.
Podría sentirse algo abrumador conforme nos damos cuenta de la medida en que nuestras vidas en el planeta Tierra han sido usurpadas, manipuladas y controladas por fuerzas siniestras e invisibles. Pero, curiosamente, al mismo tiempo que empezamos a ver el alcance de nuestro cautiverio, paradójicamente, ¡empezamos a sentirnos libres! Esto se debe a que para poder verlo, tenemos que estar en un nivel más allá de eso. Finalmente recordamos Quiénes Somos y Por Qué Estamos Aquí. Hemos recuperado nuestro Verdadero y Auténtico Yo. Y este retorno a nuestra Verdadera Autenticidad es un verdadero regreso al hogar a nosotros mismos y es profundamente reconfortante.
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Reporte de Energías,

All year long, the veils between the worlds have been becoming increasingly thinner. Now they are almost transparent. This dissolving of the veils has a strong effect upon us. We feel like the skins covering our bodies are becoming thinner. There is no longer the sense that our beings end at the boundaries of our skin. We no longer feel separate from humanity or from Pachamama, our Mother Earth.
It may feel somewhat overwhelming as we become aware of the extent that our lives on planet Earth have been usurped, manipulated and controlled by sinister, unseen forces. But strangely enough, at the same time when we begin to see the scope of our imprisonment; paradoxically, we start feeling free! This is because in order to see this, we have to be on a level beyond it. We finally remember Who We Are and Why We Are Here. We have regained our True Authentic Selves. And this return to our True Authenticity is a true coming home to ourselves that is deeply comforting.
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Reporte de Energías,
Suzanne Lie - Mother Gaia - Grounding The Higher Light - 11-26-16
Grounding the Higher Light
Part Two of Creating A Reality of
Mother Gaia-Through Suzanne Lie
Beloved Humans, I am your Earth Mother Gaia,
I will continue from where I left off in my last
message to humanity. I will begin by reminding you that as you more deeply
understand, commune and assist with creating a physical foundation within my
planetary body, you better understand why you took a physical incarnation
during this NOW.
Your “physical foundation” assists you to remember
that you are here “on assignment.” It is then that you remember that you are already ascended beings who
chose to take an earth vessel to assist me, Gaia, with my planetary ascension.
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Suzanne Lie
Blossom Goodchild - Nov 22nd 2016
Here we are again then! Many questions bursting forth from folk since your last conversation. Queries being … You had said there were no more cards to play, so how can they deal out the false flag scenario? Is a fake invasion definitely going to take place? One lady felt quite strongly the last channelling was not you but a mind infiltration from the dark side? Your comments please?
Firstly, warmest greetings to you Dearest Blossom and to all who participate in our conversations. We understand one’s confusion on many levels.
We again must reiterate … we do not come with messages to bring fear into one’s Being and yet, we are aware also, that in these days ahead , it is generously offered in order to prepare one for all scenarios, in order for recognition to arise and allow one to keep their head above water.
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Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion – November 27-December 3, 2016
Beloved Ones,
I come on the wings of love. Many of you are weary of experiencing the strong energies of polarity that have been rampant during these times. It has not been an easy task to stay detached so that you can continue to hold steady the Light that you have brought to this world for the purpose of maintaining stability within the planet. Your every effort is very much appreciated by the higher dimensional realms of Light. You are the ones we are relying upon at this time to hold that Light steady.
Many Lightworkers have become distracted from that which they set out to do. It is incumbent upon everyone to remember the higher perspective of the reason for which they came. Many of you are turning away from the Ascended Master realms seeking to find answers through other avenues and this is, of course, a decision made through free will choice. As always, we stand ready to work with each one of you. Some of you have forgotten this and so we gently remind you that you are never alone, that we are always with you.
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Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Your job is to have no attachment to the appearance of disharmony but to hold to the Love within all things - November 27, 2016
Dear One,
Deep within you and all around you is Divine Love. When you are free from distracting thoughts about the surface appearance of the world, it is easier to remember this truth. Even if you are in a situation that appears to be upsetting, know deeply in your heart that God's Love exists within all things. When you remember this higher wisdom, the outer world of appearances has no choice but to fall in line with your focus of attention.
It has become a scientific truth in the study of quantum physics that the particles of atomic fields arrange themselves into form when the focus of the scientist's attention is there. Before this focus of attention, the particles were waves of energy with unlimited potential. Many books have been written which describe this process in detail. This field of unlimited potential, waiting for your focus of attention, is why your thoughts are so powerful. This is why you can create your new reality by holding a vision of what you want to see happen.
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AA Gabriel,
Shanta Gabriel
sábado, noviembre 26, 2016
Humans Are Free - Rene’ Descartes - We Are Aliens Because Our Souls Are Extra-Terrestrial
We are in this physical world, but we are not from this world.
It is important to understand that there is an evolution of Souls going on through the earthly experience, but also a development for every individual Soul. This is how the passage into higher and higher dimensions can be explained in simple terms.
There are many immature Souls on planet Earth, and also many misguided Souls. Other Souls do not possess the best intentions, or are simply controlled by beings without a body, whose intentions and evolutionary process are not commendable.
Many dope addicts and alcoholics have this unfavorable trait as do many selfish and greedy people.
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Almas Viejas,
Jamye Price - December Ascension Energies - 2016 - November 26, 2016
November Review
What a rollercoaster! Here in the states we had the shocking election of President-elect Donald Trump. There were protests after the election, mostly peaceful—but tension was high for quite a few days. The Standing Rock protests have continued as well. Certainly, the US is not the only area of chaos by any means, but the tension was palpable for many an empath!
How do you maintain your peace within that? It isn’t as easy to maintain your peace in times of increased chaos. You may find it inaccessible for a time. You may find that you go back and forth. This isn’t a bad thing, it is indicating that you are capable of regaining your power in challenging times, or that you are clearing to a place of more strength. You may find that you are unaffected by certain energies. This is the way of it, that there are certain things that your energy is drawn into or not. You have some sort of resonance to clear, or a resonance to hold that assists, Lightworker.
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Jamye Price,
Reporte de Energías
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message - Saturday November 26, 2016

If you truly saw each and every person, as well as yourselves, as completely masterful and capable in the creation and navigation of your own life expressions, how much more peace would you experience? How much judgment would be replaced with acceptance? How much more freedom would everyone feel to pursue their true callings? How much better would everyone feel about themselves? ~Archangel Gabriel
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AA Gabriel,
Shelley Young
The Royal Code and Inception Points
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Magenta Pixie,
Portales Estelares,
Lisa Transcendence Brown - Diamond Crystalline Light Activations Daily: Your Divine Soul Essence is Growing With Every Breath... - 11/26/2016
Aloha magical love family!
Radiating out beams of soft divine powerful amazing exquisite happy joy light to you! ♥
You've not seen me as much, as myself and the team have been slamming it out this whole month with the launch of new programs and courses, the new Mastery School site and more. They have taken the weekend off, beyond much deserved, to have a bit of relax time and hopefully tons of fun too! I'll be doing the same once we complete these launches soon and this weekends live events too!
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Asara - Adama of Telos - You'll Begin To Create Your Reality From Within - November 26, 2016

Adama of Telos:
"Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.
As you are going about your daily lives, from moment to moment, you can choose what kind of person you wish to be.
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Reporte de Energías,
viernes, noviembre 25, 2016
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Friday November 25, 2016

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AA Gabriel,
Shelley Young
Natalie Glasson - Mother Earth - Harnessing the Power and Essence Within You - 25th November 2016
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 25th November 2016 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Beloved soul incarnate upon my body, I send my energy, love and truth to you, I am Mother Earth. It is a great honour to connect with your heart chakra from the space of my profound love for you. We are one, we are reflections of each other, I am you, and you are me. When you were born into the earthly reality, and onto my body, you merged an aspect of yourself/ your essence with me, our energy became united. I supported you in grounding into the earthly reality, supported you in embodying a physical body and connecting your consciousness with mine and those already present. In return you shared with me your light, you allowed yourself to hold the essence of my truth and to exist on the Earth as an example of my essence. You hold within you the essence of my soul, Mother Earth, as well as the essence of the Creator, we both merge with your soul essence to create who you are in this ve ry moment as well as whom you can become when you allow yourself to awaken further remembering your truth. I deeply honour you for the light and essence of pure truth that you hold within your being; it is a power and wisdom which is unique to the earthly reality. A synthesis accepted by only those who are born onto the Earth.
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Madre Tierra,
Natalie Glasson
Mahala - Planet Alert December 2016 - November 25, 2016
The world is experiencing major changes right now. This year of 2016 is ruled by the number 20, the Tarot Card of Judgment, and the number 16, which is The Tower struck with lightning. This card is ruled by Uranus, and Uranus rules sudden change, revolutions, light, electronics and protests. It is also considered the great awakener. The world is in the process of massive changes and we are going through a great awakening.
On Election Day the sun was on 16 degrees Scorpio, and we are in a number 16 year. Election Day was a double 16, which is of course The Tower struck with lightning. A few months before Election Day I had looked at Hillary’s chart and saw that the sun was exactly on top of her Venus on 16 degrees Scorpio on November 8th. At that time I thought “oh, this is a nice aspect, she might win the election.” I neglected to notice that this aspect was on 16 degrees Scorpio and gives the energy of the Tower struck with lightning. Needless to say this destructive energy was probably one of the reasons she lost the election.
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Alerta Planetaria,
Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: St. Germain, November 25, 2016
Wake up Call: St. Germain, November 25, 2016
I am here today to let you in on a little secret, or not so little according to where you are and what you part is in it. I will first tell you that there is coming a definite clearing of many bundles of merit that have been elevated to the truth energy that is needed, and is being expelled around the world. I am involved in a true feeling of being a part of the fixtures that are being replaced with the truth of what has been taking place around the globe. It is now being exposed for what is the drudgery that has been being felt by so many people. What is now taking place is that the truth of so many delays in the system being activated that you all, through your intentions and acknowledgments of what the truth really is about the universal solar systems and all that is involved with your history, is being brought forth to co-operate as was originally intended when this planet began it’s ascent to what is being seen as the ascension from the duality that has been in place for so long.
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Nancy Tate,
St. Germain
Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – 25th November 2016
The dark Ones and their cohorts are proposing to put into action one last major attempt to regain lost ground, by faking an extraterrestrial attack upon you. It would be very realistic and you would perceive Spacecraft and Beings that looked exactly like those you are familiar with. Some craft would only be holograms and look quite normal, you are therefore warned of their intentions so that fear can be lessened or prevented as far as possible. Creating fear is the objective of such an event and it is as you would term it, “their last throw of the dice” and could easily fool those who are unready or ill-informed. If it ever comes to be a reality those of you in the know can be invaluable to Humanity by helping prevent mass hysteria.
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Mike Quinsey
jueves, noviembre 24, 2016
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday November 24, 2016

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AA Gabriel,
Shelley Young
John Smallman - Saul - Love is melting away the last bastions of bitterness and hate that have been enveloping humanity - 11/24/2016
Humanity’s awakening is accelerating. Do not be distracted by the worldly news of conflict, betrayal, and intense suffering. Yes, it is ongoing, but it is now clearly perceived for what it is, a massive release of an enormous and long held collective state of bitterness and resentment that has supplied the corrupting energy for the eons of suffering that the illusion has brought into your lives. Love is melting away the last bastions of bitterness and hate that have been enveloping humanity, and, as that occurs, the weights that have dragged you down into the bitter and painful distractions of the illusion and seemingly anchored you there are being untied.
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Saúl-John Smallman
Sandra Walter - Cosmic Trigger: Assisting the Acceleration - Nov 24, 2016
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
A Cosmic Trigger passage is upon us, with the energies beginning today (Thanksgiving here in the US), and peaking on November 27 (SUNday). This provides additional support for the accelerated timelines. Alignment in thought, word and deed with the higher experience of Divinity, Purity, LoveLight and Ascension is key. There are deep shifts occurring in our consciousness and lifestreams; be sure to honor the new direction as it presents.
Currently I AM in Mount Shasta after three months of travels and gridwork. It feels surreal to be back here, like visiting the past. Obviously I have gone through several transformations in my travels, and it feels like the travel has not ended yet. I AM still being very present with myself and my journey; simplicity is key as these passages unfold.
A Cosmic Trigger passage is upon us, with the energies beginning today (Thanksgiving here in the US), and peaking on November 27 (SUNday). This provides additional support for the accelerated timelines. Alignment in thought, word and deed with the higher experience of Divinity, Purity, LoveLight and Ascension is key. There are deep shifts occurring in our consciousness and lifestreams; be sure to honor the new direction as it presents.
Currently I AM in Mount Shasta after three months of travels and gridwork. It feels surreal to be back here, like visiting the past. Obviously I have gone through several transformations in my travels, and it feels like the travel has not ended yet. I AM still being very present with myself and my journey; simplicity is key as these passages unfold.
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El Gran Cambio,
Sandra Walter
miércoles, noviembre 23, 2016
Suzanne Lie and Gaia - Creating a Reality of light-Part ONE - 11-23-16
Creating a Reality of Light
by Suzanne Lie and Gaia
Part ONE
I found something that I wrote in was my journal. It
was a way I was given many years ago to release guilt. This process was one in
which I used a small square, not round, table on which I placed a symbol for
each of the four elements.
For example,
Earth was represented as a pottery cup,
Air was represented as a smoking incense stick,
Fire was represented as a burning candle,
Water was represented as a glass of water,
Each of the elements represented would be in the
North, East, South, and West corners
I lit the candle, used the lit candle to start the
incense, put water in the glass, and arrange the clay pot in one of the four
I then, sat in front of the table and wrote a short
sentence about what I wanted to release. In my case, I wanted to release guilt.
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Suzanne Lie
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