The other day as I was waking I saw very clearly in my mind a metal circular door, with lots of markings. I found myself standing in front of it and as I stood there waiting for it to open I heard clearly “put your hand on it”. Laughing to myself and feeling a little silly, I placed my hand in the smooth spot and the doors opened. I stood there surprised and a little in shock as I realized I was looking into an observation deck of a ship. I walked in and was happy to see my highest aspect looking out the vast windows. She beckoned me over and I looked out the window at the beautiful earth below and was just amazed at the sheer number of ships in the sky.
I asked her if the ships were there for a mass landing as I had seen a few posts saying that landings were imminent. She shook her head and told me no, that a mass landing would bring about fear, panic, and utter chaos. None of which is beneficial in helping people to break free of the control matrix. She did say however, that more and more contact is being made, but on an individual and group basis. This can come in dreams, meditations, and journeying. That people need to simply open up to receiving and put away their logical mind which can interfere with contact. The minute you say “I’m imagining this” or ”It’s not real.” the experience ends. I tell my clients who do this to tell their thinking mind that they are playing when they go into meditation, because giving yourself permission to play can help stop the logical mind from judging the experience.
As we were talking, Sananda and a few other Ascended Masters entered the room. They explained to me that we are in a critical time. Too many are getting lost in the “Savior” stories. That the belief that ships will descend to save us is no different than the belief in the Christian rapture. Both of those stories are designed to take the responsibility of fixing our lives out of our own hands. The deep truth is that only we can save ourselves. We must each do what it takes to save ourselves, whatever that means for us. Another part of the “savior” stories that we have been playing out is the belief that we can save another. Too many are martyring themselves trying to save another at great expense to themselves. It was explained that we cannot change another, but we can be the example. We can show a different way, but we must honor each person’s individual choice. Sananda also explained that each person is being tested during these times. Can we hold our light in the face of chaos and adversity? Can we come from a place of non-judgement and by doing so, truly be the example?
The most important thing they explained to me is that each person must walk in their own power, their own sovereignty. To become the walking master means to understand at the core that YOU are the one that affects your life the most. YOU are the creator of your own destiny. To think that another has control over your life is to give your power away. Can we in the face of reality crumbling maintain the focus on our own growth, our own mastery? They explained that it has never been more important to empower ourselves to be the highest version of self in every moment.
There was an urgency to this message. Things are going to continue to unfold, truths exposed that have the potential to trigger great outrage within us and the collective. It is up to each us to remain centered, balanced, and loving. It is up to each of us to continue on the path of remembering who we are as the world wakes from a long deep sleep.
At the end of the meeting, I was told that there were body upgrades coming that would require us to rest more and to use every tool that we have learned to move through the next phases. I returned from this incredible meeting to find myself knocked down for a few days with the upgrades so intense they reminded me of what I experienced in 2014. This time however, I knew that on the other side of the stomach pains (explosions), body aches and shivers would be a huge jump in frequency and greater clarity.
I hope that this message finds you well and walking in your mastery and remembering that no one is more powerful in your life than you. Thank you to all who read, share, and support these transmissions.