viernes, noviembre 25, 2016
Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: St. Germain, November 25, 2016
Wake up Call: St. Germain, November 25, 2016
I am here today to let you in on a little secret, or not so little according to where you are and what you part is in it. I will first tell you that there is coming a definite clearing of many bundles of merit that have been elevated to the truth energy that is needed, and is being expelled around the world. I am involved in a true feeling of being a part of the fixtures that are being replaced with the truth of what has been taking place around the globe. It is now being exposed for what is the drudgery that has been being felt by so many people. What is now taking place is that the truth of so many delays in the system being activated that you all, through your intentions and acknowledgments of what the truth really is about the universal solar systems and all that is involved with your history, is being brought forth to co-operate as was originally intended when this planet began it’s ascent to what is being seen as the ascension from the duality that has been in place for so long.
We are now finding that so many people are able now to recommend to others what is to take place and why, in order for the truth to come out to the people, and they will believe it. They will begin to question what they have been being told is the truth about this planet, and they will then be able to recognize that what they have been feeling of late is not something to just push to the back of their minds and disregard what it seems to feel like. They are now seeking the reasons for so many truths to be coming to the front, and finding most of their answers within. It is a matter of them then seeking clarity to the answers they have been receiving. That as well allows more of the truth from within to come forth and serve itself as the eye-opener for all that is to come and is already in action.
I am so pleased to be able to share this with you, and I am seeing that as you read these words, so many of you are already seeing the respect that what I am saying is tying in with what you have been hearing within your own beingness. It is time now for you all to recognize that you are more than just a body that is measurable in a small degree with what you are capable of. You are seeing how you can insure yourself that you are more than what you have believed you are. You are a part of this system of change and in your way of preparing for the changes that are in motion, you are experiencing that which you came here to be a part of. I am so impressed with your beauty and the expression of your power to go beyond what you have been taught is the precipice for what you are capable of. You are about to find that you are able to go infinity further than you had imagined. Now you are at the beginning of that journey to the wonder and incredibility that you will see in the days, weeks, months, etc that are to come.
I will end this piece now with the knowledge extended to you that you are my brothers and sisters. I so look forward to being able to see your expression as you see me walking toward you to receive and give you back a huge hug of recognition as we meet once again on this planet and beyond. Yes, many of you are going to be visiting some other planets, some motherships, etc in the process of completely opening up to the trueness of who you are. It is such a wondrous journey that you have gifted to yourselves and all of life in this universe and more. You have been through a journey that has not been experienced before, and this gift that you have created is beyond our wildest dreams. We are ready for our reunion as you are. It is a matter of complete and utter Love being in place even when it may not have been felt. Love is all there is. It is the root of all other creations, and you are the founders of the expressions of so much. Enjoy the coming times, and know that you are in the epitome of joy and peace for the rest of your Love expression with me and all other life.
Thank you so much Dear St. Germain,
Much Love, Nancy Tate
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Nancy Tate,
St. Germain