domingo, noviembre 27, 2016
Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion – November 27-December 3, 2016
Beloved Ones,
I come on the wings of love. Many of you are weary of experiencing the strong energies of polarity that have been rampant during these times. It has not been an easy task to stay detached so that you can continue to hold steady the Light that you have brought to this world for the purpose of maintaining stability within the planet. Your every effort is very much appreciated by the higher dimensional realms of Light. You are the ones we are relying upon at this time to hold that Light steady.
Many Lightworkers have become distracted from that which they set out to do. It is incumbent upon everyone to remember the higher perspective of the reason for which they came. Many of you are turning away from the Ascended Master realms seeking to find answers through other avenues and this is, of course, a decision made through free will choice. As always, we stand ready to work with each one of you. Some of you have forgotten this and so we gently remind you that you are never alone, that we are always with you.
We work together – we have come this far together – please do not give up now! Continue in your Light work – continue to BE the Light, to hold the Light. This is very, very important. There are no easy answers to the questions that have come before you. There is only acceptance and the seeking of a better way, a way that has perhaps not been considered before. Be like the river that comes to a mountain or a cliff, just flow around the obstacle without resistance and soon you will find your way again.
There is much that will continue to unfold in the coming days. Many, many changes will take place within the consciousness of humanity and within the systems that have been in place for a very long time. All is in a process of transformation, all is transmuting. There will be many systems and procedures that will be removed from the need to be worked with as new ways come into being which will ultimately result in a better way for everyone upon the planet.
At this moment, all is in a state of flux and it is very hard to know the way forward and so there is a heightened sense of anxiety and fear as to what will transpire in the very near future. This anxiety and fear is making itself felt upon the higher planes of existence and it is of great concern to those of us who have worked with you. It is making things difficult in terms of working together as we have been. If this influence continues, we might be more or less forced to close off the higher realms, the veils that have been thinning, we might be forced to close them to the energies that are now rampant upon the planet.
This will be a temporary measure but it means that those upon the planet will not have the benefit of our counsel. This we may have to do if the energies of hatred, division, derision, cynicism, racism, the strident need for justice and feelings of anger continue. A mutual fellowship that we have developed in working together will have to be postponed because of the density this has created. Humanity is at a crossroads now and each person upon the planet must make choice – to fear or to love, that is the choice condensed to its simplest terms.
We counsel that each of you follow your own unique path, do what works for you in the manner that is best for you. You have laid the foundation and it just requires that you continue in all that you have learned works best for you. Follow your own path, follow your own rhythm. Be at peace within yourself and with others. Allow what is unfolding upon the world stage to take its natural course without becoming embedded in those energies.
We would hope that this message will awaken within you the need to stay centered, the need to continue on the path you have already created and been following. Yes, change is upon you, change is upon all humankind and the Earth. Everywhere you look there is change, but within you that which you have worked towards in your mastery of life to this point is still there, the core essence of your being is always there. It unfolds and expands, if you allow it.
Therefore, that is a part of you that never changes and this is a part of you when taken into collective consciousness helps to maintain the stability of the energies during these times. All is unfolding, changing and renewing. It does not necessarily mean that it is not the highest outcome. It means simply that it is time to ride with it, you have the tools, you have the experience, you have the knowing – just remember this.
We are ever with you, you are never alone. Do not forget this.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana
The Hilarion Connection©, Book One available here
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Ángeles de Crystal

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