martes, noviembre 22, 2016
Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Ohmnipure, November 22, 2016
Good Morning Dear Ones,
I awoke early this morning and starting blinking my eyes. Within at least 6-8 blinks I saw an image of a partly cloudy sky with a sun beaming throughout the sky. Each time I saw the image I heard, “A new day is dawning.” I have not had this sort of thing happen for me in a long time. It brought a feeling of something new coming for us all. Just a few minutes ago, I got the feeling that a message was here for us all. Here it is.
Wake up Call: Ohmnipure, November 22, 2016
This is the time to get through the encumbrances that are seemingly all around you. It is time to look at them in a different way and see them as messages of release. There is coming a new way to see things and that is taking it in a different place than before. As you do this you will begin to see what the inner cause for such encumbrances may be about. They may be the opportunity for you to go in a different direction. They may be for you to deliver a message to the ones who are involved in what it is that seems so out of harmony. This can bring to your world a new flavor, a new way to believe in the outcome of what may come from it. As you do this you may experience a new way of feeling about what gave you cramps, or uneasiness. It could be the very message that you’ve been missing due to the old way of looking at something.
I give you an example; it is about the way a person feels when someone tells you about how you look. That person may say that you seem to be out of place in what you are doing. It could mean not that you are wrong, but that you are expressing in a way that does not represent what you really feel, because you are confused as to what the outcome is all about. That is when you can ask the person, what do you mean that I am not doing this right? Then the person can say that you might consider doing it in a way that satisfies you for yourself, not for others. It might be that what you will like will be a surprise for others, due to the fact that they had not considered it that way. Or it could be the opposite; that they thought you were coming from a different place than they were. This is what is so important, right now especially. To be totally honest and see anything from the completeness of what it can mean. In this way, you will be open and ready to move forward with the clarity that is necessary in order to be in complete harmony with all of life.
As I say this I remember what it was that you have been feeling. You all are in such a feeling of confusion, and the feeling of things not coming to order in the way and time that they should. People keep saying this, and that, and none of it comes to pass. That could be because there are not enough words to make clear what is in the works, or there are too many that all say the same thing. It could be that as you deliver the messages from others you do not give your interpretation of how you feel in a way that is resounding throughout your beingness. Have you considered that you may be following others interpretations and not giving honor to yours?
I am here today to give you a bit of stuff to think about. You may be calling on others so much to bring you the news that you want, that you do not stop and consider that you have the answers to what can make you happy and at peace in this moment. You are maybe relying on others to give you the way to live, which is causing you to wait for something that is in the works, instead of creating what can give you peace, pleasure and a sense of creation in your lives. That does not mean that you should walk away from what others are doing. Perhaps giving yourself your own creations that can have an affect of all of life is the answer for all of what humanity desires to flow into action and bring about the desired results of living for the moment. It can help to find the peaceful and joyful way to live on the earth in a way that resonates harmony all around the world.
I go now with the Love and knowledge of your ability to create a beautiful world by being the Creator of what is in harmony with all of life. That is the way to give yourselves first to you, and at the same time to all of life. Love is the answer in clarity and peacefulness with the mind of harmony with all. Love is all there is.
Love and thanks to you dear Ohmnipure,
Much Love, Nancy Tate
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Ángeles de Crystal

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