These quantum timeline collapses/jumps are huge lately loves. A collapse PUSHES you.... to step it up... these are bigger/huger than ever before, so the push is bigger.... you don't get to keep playing in the old, you don't get to slack and live from that safe place of unconsciousness anymore.
YOU will be challenged and you'll have to deal with anything not in-alignment with your higher consciousness existence.
Realities are collapsing in every way for those who are at the point of "getting the point".... Where do you let other's chaos become yours? Where do you go unconscious or do you become more conscious, aware and deal with appropriately?
We've had 2 days of Diamond Razor Frequencies (the day before yesterday and today). These cut through the chit. Literally. They put everything in your face, trigger anything that's not okay, got to be resolved, dealt with... yesterday we had super mega high solar winds, kicked our linear butts to where we could not hardly work/function and just had to get through it by shifting how we function.....
Today, super strong razors again. These go for the jugular, make that which was not visible before visible and they bring frenetic/chaotic/scattered energies.... panic for those who are now faced with dealing.
These are BEYOND POWERFUL frequencies loves. You are going to be challenged to HOLD THE NEW IN PLACE, check yourselves to see where you are coming from, as the higher we go, the deeper we go and these "cut to the core" and bring all human'ness/separation/lack to the forefront... make all visible. They also require YOU to hold your higher realities in place, as the human aspect will go ballistic in these.....
YOU have to see which aspect you are, for if you have any human'ness left, it's gonna get triggered.... it's the point. HOW you maneuver, how you deal, where you come from, what you still allow... this is key here. These are "stop the bullshit" frequencies... not "others out there".... you. When others bring their chaos, lack and disrespect to you, you will have to deal with it... as love and power... simultaneously. This is MASTERING the PHYSICAL...
Yesterday was PURE HEART OPENING... deeply profound, deeply beautiful, deeply sacred. These are the opposite. More love & more triggers, all in less than 24 hours.... These frequencies basically "will throw you about"... if you are not present, centered and functioning from the depth of your own inner power and purity.....
We are having to STOP OLD PROGRAMS in their tracks with these. No more playtime in the old human games.
Pay attention... check your own emotions and mindsets and see what is going on with you. Human is obnoxious, impositional, pushy, doesn't get it yet. Often, it will be up to you to RE-EDUCATE according to your own higher understandings through your inner wisdom heart-soul. Human aspects just waking up don't realize or understand... they also don't want to hear it or deal with it. Those times (vibrations) are over. This is WHY those physical realities are collapsing. They were built on separation consciousness (unconsciousness).
Here we go. More profound, more love, more magic, more awesome and more chit being triggered so it can be visible for you to choose.... This is how it is ....
Do you get sucked into other's collapses while they work their own stuff out? Do you take their own inner/outer battle and fight on as your own? Do you try to take their experience away from them or do you require that they come from love and respect too? Do you hold the new in place or do you go back to old earth realities to try to play again/still?
WE are always in "Choice Point" now loves..... Peace, bliss and magic are a result of holding higher consciousness realities in place. You can't have both. Or you are not done yet.

I love you. These powerful Diamond Light Activation are huge. Physical realities will be rocked when they are not built on the foundation of purity and love as a soul here.

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼