martes, noviembre 29, 2016
Selacia - Find Your Tranquil Zone -Tips for Riding December's Energy Wave- November 29, 2016
by Selacia
After this year of relentless changes, intensity and turmoil, December will roll in with a continuation of these themes but also with the potential to find your center before 2017 begins. Set your intention now to do what you can to calm frayed nerves, get fresh perspectives, repair relationship discord, and find a new inspiration for your life path.
In this article I'll describe some of the energies we will be dealing with in December, and what they may mean for you on a personal level. First, as background, it's quite common that how a year ends sets the tone of how the next one starts. I'm speaking in general here, not so much about your personal life. As you continue reading though, invite your inner wisdom to show you what applies to you personally, and how you can put in action some simple remedies for challenging energies.
Recent Energies
Regardless of where you live or your life circumstances, these past several weeks and months have involved challenging energies and stressful outer world circumstances. Most likely right now, you have more questions than answers - involving a host of things - due in part to the craziness that has unfolded globally. The US elections, as an example, involved such unusual happenings that they represent a marker moment that will only be fully understood months or years from now.
We have moved through key energy thresholds the past couple of months, another on its way in December. Each one of these thresholds is a reality check of sorts, all of us and humanity moving through a new crossroads and needing to consciously choose how we together move forward. It is essential that we stay awake and actively participate in these moments, even if sometimes we may prefer to take a long vacation or simply disconnect from what's going on.
What's in Store for December
Here are a few highlights of what's in store for December.
First, it's the holiday season, that time of year when time seems to evaporate and we tend to be in celebration mode and spend time with family and friends. If you typically find the holidays challenging, this year's intense energies could stir even more squabbles with people. These quarrels may be personal or they may relate to outer world events. Reduce tensions and enjoy your time more with active self-censoring of words you might later regret. Remember: you don't have to agree on everything to love people - give people space.
Second, the first week of December is an excellent time to connect with inspirations, self-confidence, and insights about your life and projects either under way or on your future wish list. Be sure to take some down time for reflection and pay attention to social connections that may bring nice surprises and tangible support for your next steps. Think big picture. Many people you meet may at first appear unconnected to your future life, yet they indeed are directly or indirectly helpful conduits for you. It goes both ways, too - you are helped by them and vice versa.
Third, note your calendar for the December 13 Supermoon. This will be a powerful Gemini Full Moon, with a focus on key endings and leaving behind outmoded approaches and situations. Themes or issues that come into your awareness at this Supermoon can be further explored and worked with during the rest of the month. Key times for inner work on these include the week of the December 21 Solstice and the final week of the year including at the December 28 New Moon. Consider these dates as cosmic opportunities along a pathway that leads to a brand-new destination where you can more fully embody the light that you are, and be successful in the process.
Tips for Riding December's Energy Wave
Answering Your Wake Up Call: Think of December as your wake up call about your status quo. Use these last days of the year to go deeper than normal with your self-reflection. You deserve the quiet time to do this, and in 2017 you will be grateful to yourself for claiming the time! No one will give the time to you unless you take it. Be greedy with this time. Consider this: the more resourced you are on all levels, the happier you will be. As you feel more tranquil, more fulfilled, and more confident about your place in the world, your ability to contribute to others increases by leaps and bounds.
Five Questions to Ask Daily: To accelerate your progress with letting go of the old and creating brand-new life templates, here are five questions to ask daily: (1) What inspires me to do the work I do or live as I am living? (2) What is motivating me to change direction or add something to my life? (3) What is the good involved with my current challenge or troublesome situation? (4) How am I sabotaging myself with self-talk? (5) What is the one thing most important to keep and the one thing most important to leave behind as I move forward?
Be honest with yourself about answers you receive to these questions. Allow for the possibility, as you ask these daily, that some answers either change or are expanded upon. Be open to the possibility that in your simple act of questioning, the universe opens a quantum treasure chest of helpful insights and validations about your path ahead. Know that no matter what, you are a divine changemaker, alive now for a unique purpose and part to play in the awakening of humanity.
Copyright 2016 by Selacia
- a globally known writer, DNA intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and the creator of The Divine Changemakers * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text.
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