martes, noviembre 22, 2016
Kara Schallock - We are Light and Love - 22-Nov-2016
We are carrying more and more Light. When this happens, old deep core issues, patterns and beliefs surface to be let go of so that more Light and Love may take their place. Anything within that usurps your True Self and your Power is brought into the Light. This includes fear, anxiety and all that does not belong in you. Relationships that are of the old that have not yet been released show you the toxicity of those relationships. This has occurred with my relationship with my mother especially (although it has occurred with other relationships to a lesser degree). The most powerful relationship you have is where you are most attached to keeping it the same. My mother had mentioned that everything must have rules. That hit a deep chord in me, as I know that the New has no place for rules. Rules are based on old control patterns. It was another great aha! for me, as my relationships with all of my birth family has been slowly shifting. We evolve in gentle waves, so it can seem slow. I had noticed that no-one in my family resonates with me. Had they ever? This all was a celebration for me, as I have evolved so much that literally no-one who clings to the old matrix can stand to be around me and it is extremely difficult for me to be around them (although in a higher Truth, we are One). I know that many of you relate to this. Yet, Love remains. Even within the chasms of the old and New, Love is forever present.
Receiving more Light will bring up anything you have been avoiding. This can be your “inner critic” and all ways you do not love and accept yourself. It brings up where you judge yourself to be “less than.” This includes old unworthiness, lack, perceived failures and any way you do not completely love yourself. Now is the time to honor yourself in all ways by making choices that upgrade your self-love. You see, if you feel “less than,” how can you possibly share your gifts; for you would second-guess yourself and denigrate your own worth, which robs everyone of the gift of you. So amp up your Love and trust your guidance, for you are always guided to being more Love. Do not ever settle for being less than the Truth of you. You are not meant to settle for mediocrity for the sake of belonging in the old way of being. You are meant to shine brightly with no exceptions.
Notice the difference between who you used to be and who you are now. Are you diminishing yourself in order to keep the same friends or are you willing to be more? Do your friends support and love you or do they balk at the new you? Most who do not want to change will want to hold you back and yet, that is not your purpose. You need not please others to receive their approval and acceptance, for this does nothing for you or for them. By shining brightly and authentically, you touch others deeply in their place of knowing that they are more than what they allow themselves to be. Be willing to let go and be who you truly are. Trust that those who do resonate with your vibration and consciousness will knock on your door. Anything that is not Love will arise within you and you can look at it for as long as you choose; in the end, you will decide to be all that you are or choose to stay safely in the smaller version of you.
If things seem to fall apart, rejoice! Surely, all disintegration leads to an upgrade of who you are. It is exhausting to hold yourself back and freeing when you authentically expose your True Self; your Soul; the being you essentially are. What fear do you still cling to that keeps you small? Where do you feel stifled? Where do you feel free? Move toward Freedom and let go of the old rules, whether they are self-imposed our outer-imposed.
If it feels as though you can't move forward, perhaps you have not learned what you need to learn in your perceived stagnation. We do not move forward until we are ready and until we have transformed the little self. In your Stillness, keep asking “What more is there to let go of or what more is there to learn?” While you do this, also know that more and more Light/Love flows into you and when it is time (Divine Time) for you to take a step forward, you will automatically find yourself doing so. It doesn't take figuring something out or pushing yourself; it happens spontaneously; and when that step is taken, you may wonder, “How is it that I am here in this new space?” No need to try and figure it out; simply give thanks.
Do you wonder why you feel so whole when in Nature? Nature gives to us; we become One with it. Gaia and we are One. We are made of the same energy; the cells and DNA that are within Her are within us. When in Nature, we receive and we resonate as One. When in Nature, we give our Love and Appreciation to Gaia and She gives Love and Appreciation to us. This balances us and matches our vibration to Hers. All is uplifted. Gaia is uplifted as we are. She is the great Wholer and She shares Her gift with us so that we may share it with all others. She does not hold back; She shares all that She is with all of life. When in Nature, give thanks for all you give and all you receive.
Have you noticed that when you are dwelling in a lower energy, it doesn't overtake you? You can feel fear and at the same time, know of your Love and Light. It is not an “all this” or “all that,” for that is duality. We do not forget who we are just because one of our shadows emerges. We can use this Light to transcend and transform our shadows when they surface. We are powerful and this Balance continues till we are nothing but Light and Love. Being all Light does not negate our physicality, for our purpose is to share Light and Love through all our bodies (mental, emotional and physical) on Earth. Ascension is not leaving Earth; it is demonstrating Light and Love in all that we are. This is the Transformation of the separate ego to the ascending ego, which is its natural place.
While we transform, we experience different phenomena. These can be pains in different parts of our body, as well as feeling the grief of moving beyond expected patterns. There are many changes we experience, which includes careers and jobs leaving or blocking us from them in order to have more meaningful work. We may experience withdrawal from family, friends and things we once enjoyed, because they simply are not aligned with our new consciousness. We continue to calibrate higher, which can affect how we sleep and eat. We may feel dizzy at times and off-balance as our DNA and cells calibrate higher. This can lead to feeling very ungrounded, so be in Nature, for that truly helps. If you feel you want to leave Earth and go Home, realize your Home is right where you are. Everywhere you are is sacred ground. Observe, allow and trust that whatever you experience is for your unique evolution.
Remember that where you place your focus is what is empowered. Do not dwell on what you don't have; be thankful for what you do have. Do not dwell on what is not working or flowing; focus on where you do flow, for that guides you. Don't worry that you're missing something, for you aren't missing a thing. All is revealed to you in the Moment and then you may choose what to do with it. There are no rules, shoulds or shouldn'ts and all is ordained for you. Simply commit to being all that you are. As you do, you are guided based on how something feels. Go with those things that uplift and inspire you; let go of those things that close your Heart and feel restrictive.
Life is so different now as you see the illusions clearly and move beyond them. It can be fun to watch the dramas unfold as things continue to transform. If these dramas frighten you, remind yourself of the higher Truth and release the fear of not knowing what's next. Trust that all is in Divine Order, even when the separate ego and outer world try to intimidate and seduce you into going back to sleep. The Truth is that all is Love.
If you are interested, I post every few days on my Facebook page: Ascension: The New. Feel free to join us there, if it resonates with you.
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If so guided, your continued tithes are graciously and gratefully accepted. And thank you to those of you who consistently tithe to support this body of work. Tithing is giving from the Heart; creating a consciousness of Prosperity. I am blessed and grateful for each of you!
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Kara Schallock